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17-02-2009 @ 4:39 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Uzair Hunaini (Bandung, Indonesia)
Posts: 4
Joined: Feb 2009
Asmażul Husna  

Source: Qawa'id Al Mutsla by syaikh ibn Al 'Utsaimin
Syarah Asma' wa Shifat Allah 'Azza wa Jalla by Sa'ad bin Wahf Al Qahtani

Syamsuddin ibn Q.Al Jauziyyah in Asma'ul Husna

Shifatullah Waaridah Fi Kitab wa Sunnah by syaikh 'Alawi bin Abdul Qadir As Segaf

Islam said that we should make Du'a using Asma'ul Husnaa, for example: Yaa Razzaq, give me food for this day.
Yaa Hayiyyu Sittiir please cover my sins and bad characters.
Yaa Hayiyyu Kariim please regain my honour in Islam etc.  

Rasulullah said that whoever memorise (ahsahaa) 99 of these will enter Jannah. And when going to do Du'a, call Allah with these names.    

1.Rahmaan{The Most Compassionate} QS.(2):163.  

2.Rahiim{The Most Merciful}, QS.Al Baqarah(2):163.  

3.Rażufur Rahiim{The Full of pity and Most Merciful}, QS. Al Baqarah(2):143, At Taubah:117, An Nahl(16):7  

4. Ar Ra'uf {The Full of pity},QS.Al Imran(3):30  

5.Rahiimil waduud{The Most Merciful and Most Loving) lagi Maha Mencintai}, Al Huud:90  

6.Rahiimil Ghafuur{The Most Merciful and Oft Forgiving lagi}, from Al Qurżan  

7.Rahiimil żAffuw{The Most Merciful and Most Benign}, from Al Qurżan  

8.żAziiz{The exalted in Might}, {Al Hasyr(24):23}  

9.żAziizul Hakim {The All Mighty and All Wise},QS.Al Baqarah(2):209, Al Mażidah:118, Al Hasyr:24  

10.żAziizul Ghafur{The All Mighty and Most Forgiving lagi Maha Pengampun}, QS.Al Faathir(35):28  

11.żAziizil żAlim{The All Mighty and All Knowing}, QS.Al Ghaafir(40):1-2, An Naml(26):6, Al Anżaam(6):96  

12.żAziizir Rahim{The All Mighty and Most Merciful}, QS.Asy Syużaara(26):9 and 68  

13.Aziizul Hamid{The All Mighty and Most Praiseworthy}, QS.Sabaż (34):6  

14.Aziizul Muqtadir{The All Mighty and Able to do all things}, QS.AL Qamar (54):42  

15.Aziizul Wahhab{The Exalted in might and The Bestower}, QS.Shad (38):9, 66  

16.Al Muqtadir (The Omnipotent), Al Kahfi(18):45  

17.Qaadir{The Able}.  

18.Qadir{The Able}, Al Imran(3):26  

19. Wahhab{The Bestower},QS.Al Imran(3):8, Shaad:35  

20. Al Haliim {The Most Forbearing},QS.Al Baqarah(2):235  

21.Halimil Rahim{The Most Forbearing and Most Merciful}, from Al Qurżan  

22 Halimil Ghafur{The Most Forbearing and Most Forgiving},from Al Qurżan  

23. Al Waduud{The Loving}, from Al Qurżan, QS.Al Buruuj:14  

24.As Sayyid{The Lord},HR.Ahmad IV/24, Abu Daud (4806), Shahih Al Jamiż(3594) declared as Shahih by syaikh Nashir Al Albani.  

25. Al Ghafuur (The Oft Forgiving),QS.Al Hajj (22):60  

26.Al Ghaffar {Always Ghafuur},QS.Tha Haa:82  

27.Ghafuurur Rahiim{The Most Forgiving and Most Merciful}, QS.Ibrahim:36, Az Zumaar(33);53, HR.Bukhari (6236) Kitab Ad Dażawat bab 58, Muslim kitab  Dzikr (2705)  

28.Ghafuurun Wadud{The Most Forgiving and Most Loving}, QS.Al Buruuj:14  

29.Ghafuurur Halim{The Most Forgiving and Most Forbearing}, QS.Al Baqarah(2):225, 235  

30.Ghafuurun Syakur{The Most Forgiving and Most Responsive}, QS.Faathir:34  

31. Al Ghaniyyu {The one free of all needs} QS.Faathir:15  

32.Ghaniyyul Hamid{The one Free of all needs and worthy of all praise}, QS.Faathir:15, Al Baqarah(2):267  

33.Ghaniyyul Karim{The one Free of all needs and Supreme in honour }, QS.An Naml(27):40  

34.Ghaniyyul Halim{The one Free of all needs and Most Forbearing} ,QS.Al Baqarah(2):263  

35. żAlim {The All Knowing},QS.Al Anfal(8):75, Al Mażidah:97, HR.Bukhari 6382  

36.Alimul Hakim{The one perfect in knowledge and Most Wise},QS.Al Yusuf(12):100  

37.Alimul Halim{The one perfect in knowledge and Most Forbearing},QS.Al Ahzab:51, An Nisaa(4):12  

38.Alimun Qadir{The one perfect in knowledge and Able to do all things},QS.Ar Rum(30):54  

39.żAlimul Khabir{The one Perfect in knowledge and well aware },QS.Luqman(31):34  

40. Al Hakam (The Arbiter),declared as Shahih by syaikh Nashir Al Albani in HR.Abu Daud(4955), An Nasażi VIII/226-227, Al Bukhari in Adabul Mufrad (811) and Tarikh Al Kabir VIII/227-228, Al Irważ(2615), and by syaikh Syuażib Al Arnauth in Syarhus Sunnah Al Baghawi (XII/344)  

41.Hakimil Hamid{The Most Wise and worthy of all praises}, QS.Al Fushilat(41):42  

42.Hakimul Khabir{The Most Wise and the well aware}, QS.Al Anżaam(6):18}  

43. Hakimil żAlim{The Most Wise and the perfect in knowledge},QS.Al Anżaam:18, AdzDzaariyat:30  

44. Al Hamiid {The Praiseworthy},QS.Huud:73  

45.Hamidum Majid{The Praiseworthy and glorious}, QS.Huud:73  

46. Al Majiid {The Glorious},QS.Huud:73  

47. Al Fattah {The Judge},QS.Sabaż:26  

48. Fattahul żAlim {The Judge and All Knowing},Sabaż:26  

49. Malik{The Sovereign},Al Mużminun: 116, HR.Muslim (2827)  

50. Malikul Mulk{The owner of sovereignty},HR.Shahih Jamiżush Shaghir  

51.Malikul Quddus{The Most Holy king}, in Alhadits  

52.Malikul Haq{The Most Righteous King },QS.Al Mużminun:116  

53.Malikul Muqtadir{The King who Able to do all things},QS.Al Qamar:55  

54.Quddus{The Holy },QS.Al Hasyr:23  

55. Salam{The Perfect}, QS.Al Hasyr:23  

56. Mużmin{The Preserver of savety}, QS.Al Hasyr:23  

57. Muhaimin{The guardian}, QS.Al Hasyr:23  

58.Jabbar{The Compeller}, QS.Al Hasyr:23  

59.Mutakabbir{The Proud}, QS.Al Hasyr:23  

60.Muqaddim{The Retarder}, HR.Muslim kitab Al Musafir bab Ad duża fish Shalat al Lail wa Qiyamuh (771) (201) from żAli radhiyallahu żanhu, Bukhari ( 1120) from ibn Abbas radhiyallahu żanhu and Abu Awanah.  

61.Mużakhkhir{The Advancer}, HR.Muslim and Abu Awanah  

62.żAwwal{The Beginning of all things}, QS.Al Hadid:3, HR.Muslim (2713)  

63.Akhir{The Last of all things}, QS.Al Hadid:3, HR.Muslim (2713)  

64. Thayyib{The Good},HR.Muslim kitab Zakat bab Qabulush Shadaqat Minal Kasbi Ath Thayyib wa Tarbiyatuha (1015) (65)  

65. Al A'laa {The Most High}QS.Al Ażlaa:1, HR.Bukhari (4351), Muslim (1064), Muslim (537), Ahmad (5/447)  

66. Mutażaali {The Most High in characteristics, might and place}.QS.Ar Rażd:9, HR.Bukhari (4351), Muslim (1064), Muslim (537), Ahmad (5/447)  

67.żAliyyul 'Azhim{The Most High and The Immense}, QS.2:255  

68.żAliyyul Kabir{The Most High and The Greatest},QS.Al Hajj(22):62  

69. Dzul Jalaal wal Ikram{Possessor of majesty, bounty and honour},QS.Ar Rahman (55):27 and 78, Shahih in HR.Abu Daud (1495), An Nasażi (III/52), Ahmad, Al Bukhari in Adabul Mufrad, Ibn Mandah in At Tauhid (44/2, 67/1, 70/1-2).  

70.żAliyyul Khabir{The Most High and The All Cognisant},  

71.żAffuwwun Qadir{The Most Benign and The Able},QS.An Nisaa(4):149  

72.Affuwwun Ghafur{The Most Benign and Most Forgiving}, QS.An Nisaa(4):43,99, Al Hajj(22):60, 58(Al Mujadalah):2  

73. Khaliq {The Creator},QS.Al Mukminun:14  

74.Khallaaqul żAlim{The Creator and All Knowing},QS.Al Hijr(15):86  

75. As Sami' {The All Hearing},QS.Al Baqarah(2):186  

76.Samiżun Qarib{The All Hearing and (ever) near},QS.Al Baqarah(2):186  

77.Samiżul żAlim{The All Hearing and All Knowing},QS.Al Imran(3):33-34, Al Ażraf(7):200  

78.Samiżul Bashir{The All Hearing and All Seeing},QS. An Nisa:134, Thaa Ha:46, Al Mujaadilah:1, Al Ghaafir(40):56,  

79. Tawwab {The Oft Returning}  

80.Tawwabur Rahim{The Oft Returning and Most Merciful},QS.Al Baqarah(2):128  

81.Tawwabun Hakim{The Oft Returning and Most Wise},  

82. Tawwabul Ghafur{The Oft Returning and Most Forgiving},  

83.Asy Syakiir {The Apreciative}  

84. Asy Syakuur {Mubalaghah of Asy Syakir}, QS.At Taghaabun:17  

85. Syakiirun Halim{The Apreciative and Most Forbearing},QS.At Taghaabun:17  

86. Syakiirul żAlim{The Apreciative and All Knowing},QS.Al Baqarah(2):158  

87.Qaabidh{The one who narrow the sustenance of Makhluq} from Anas bin Malik in HR.Abu Daud (3451), Tirmidzi (1314), Ibn Majah (2200), Ad Darimi II/249, Ahmad /156 &286, Thabarani in Al Kabir XXII/125 from Abu Juhaifah, Ghayatul Maram (323).  

88.Musażir{The one who control sustenance for His Makhluq}, from Anas bin Malik in HR.Abu Daud (3451), Tirmidzi (1314), Ibn Majah (2200), Ad Darimi II/249, Ahmad /156 &286, Thabarani in Al Kabir XXII/125 from Abu Juhaifah, Ghayatul Maram (323).  

89. Baasith{The one who expand the sustenance of Makhluq}, from Anas bin Malik in HR.Abu Daud (3451), Tirmidzi (1314), Ibn Majah (2200), Ad Darimi II/249, Ahmad /156 &286, Thabarani in Al Kabir XXII/125 from Abu Juhaifah, Ghayatul Maram (323).  

90.Syafii{The Healer of all Makhluq},HR.Bukhari kitab Ath Thibb, bab żRuqyah An Nabi(5732), Muslim kitab As Salaam, bab Istihbab Ruqyah Al Maridh (2191) (46)   89.Thabib{The docter of all Makhkluq},HR.Shahih Abu Daud (3544), Imam Ahmad (7109,7110)- Syakir, Ibn Hibban (5995), Silsilah Hadits Ash Shahihah 1537, Shahih Adabul Mufrad of Al Bukhari  

91.Jawwad{The Most Generous}, Silsilah Hadits Ash Shahihah (IV/170), Shahih Al Jamiż (1796)  91.Sayyid{The True Leader of all Makhluq},HR.Ahmad IV/24, Abu Daud (4806), Shahih Jamiż (3594).  

92.Sittiir{The One close the sins and mistakes of human and Jin},  

93.Rafiq{The Most Compassionate}, HR.Muslim in kitab Birr wa Shilah bab Fadhlu Ar Rifq (2593) (77)  

94.Muhsin{The Cherisher}, Muslim (1995), Silsilah Ash Shahihah (469), Shahih Al Jamiż (1819,1823, 1824).  

95.Dzal Jabaruut wal Malakuut wal Kibriya wal żAzhamat{The Supreme owner of sovereignty and greatest things and supreme glory}, HR.Shahih Abu Daud (776), An Nasażi and others.  

96.Al Hayyu {The Living}, Shahih in HR.Abu Daud (1495), An Nasażi (III/52), Ahmad, Al Bukhari in Adabul Mufrad, Ibn Mandah in At Tauhid (44/2, 67/1, 70/1-2).  

97. Al Qayyum {The Self subsisting and eternal sustainer}, Shahih in HR.Abu Daud (1495), An Nasażi (III/52), Ahmad, Al Bukhari in Adabul Mufrad, Ibn Mandah in At Tauhid (44/2, 67/1, 70/1-2).  

98.Hayyul Qayyum{The Living and self subsisting and eternal sustainer},QS.Al Baqarah(2):255, Shahih in HR.Abu Daud (1495), An Nasażi (III/52), Ahmad, Al Bukhari in Adabul Mufrad, Ibn Mandah in At Tauhid (44/2, 67/1, 70/1-2).  

99. Lathif {The Subtile},QS.Al Anżaam(6):103.  

100. Lathiful Khabir{The Subtile and All-Cognisant},QS. Al Luqman(31):16, Al Mulk(67):14  

101. Dayyan{the One who decide someone's fate}, from Hadits Shahih.  

102. Barr {The Most Benevolent}  

103. Barrur Rahim{The Most Benevolent and Most Merciful}  

104. Allah {The one and only God which we worship and to whom our love, fear and hope}  

105. Al Ilah {The only God which we worship and love}  

106. Al Bashiir {The All seeing}, QS.Al Faathir:45  

107. Al Haafizh {The Preserver },QS.Al Yusuf(12):64  

108.Al Hasiib {The Reckoner},QS.An Nisaa(4):6  

109.Al Hafiyy {The Most Friendly},QS.Maryam:47  

110.Al Mubiin {The One Explain Things Essentially},QS.An Nuur(24):25  

111. Al Haq (The Truth},QS.Al Hajj(22):62  

112. Hayiyy {The Most Shy} Shahih, in HR.Abu Daud (1488), At Tirmidzi (3551), Ibn Majah 3865,Ibn Hibban (2399 and 2400), Al Hakim I/497, Fathul Bari I/497, Syarhus Sunnah Al Baghawi V/186, Shahih Jamiż 1753.  

113. 'Azhimil Halim{The Immense and Most Forbearing},Musnad Imam Ahmad, Takhrij Kalimuth Thayyib by syaikh Nashir Al Albani  

114. Al Maula{The Best Patron},QS.Al Anfal(8):40  

115. Al Akram{The Supreme in honour}  

116.Kariim (The Supreme in honour),HR.Shahihul Jamiż (1796)  

117.Wahid (The One),QS:Al Baqarah(2):163  

118.Wahidul Qahhar{The One and the Irresistable},QS.Al Yusuf(12):39  

119. Witr{The Odd},HR.Bukhari kitab Ad Dażwat babżLillahi Min Ismin Ghairu Wahid (6410)ż, Muslim kitab Adz Dzikr wa Ad Duża, bab Fi Asmażillah Tażala wa Fadhlu Man Ahshaha (2677) (5) from żAli, Ibn Masżud and Ibn Umar radhiyallahu żanhu ajmażin.  

120. Ar Raqiib {The Ever watchful} ,QS.An Nisa(4):1  

121.Khabir {All Cognisant}  

122. Khabirum Bashir{All Cognisant and All Seeing},  

123. Qawiyyu (The All Powerful),QS.Al Hajj(22):73-74.  

124. Qawiyyul żAziz{The All Powerful and the Exalted in might},QS.Al Hajj(22):73-74.  

125 . Ar Razzaq{The Provider}, from Anas bin Malik in HR.Abu Daud (3451), Tirmidzi (1314), Ibn Majah (2200), Ad Darimi II/249, Ahmad /156 &286, Thabarani in Al Kabir XXII/125 from Abu Juhaifah, Ghayatul Maram (323).  

126.Ar Raaziq {Ar Razzaq is the mubalaghah of Ar Raaziq}  

127. Ash Shamad{The Eternally Besought of All},QS.Al Ikhlash(4):2, HR.Bukhari 4984 kitab Tafsir bab Surat Al Ikhlash, An Nasai 4:112 kitab Al Janażiz Abu Daud, An Nasai, Ahmad, Ibn Khuzaimah(1/87/1)  

128. Al Qahhar{The Irresistable},QS.Ar Rażd(13):16, Al Mużmin:16.  

129.Al Qaahiru {The Irresistable}  

130. Al Matiin (The Firm)  

131.Al Qariibun (Ever Near) ,  

132. Bari{The Originator},QS.Al Hasyr(22):24, Al Baqarah(2):54, HR.Bukhari 6903  

133. Mushawwir{The fashioner},QS.Al Hasyr(22):24  

134.Jamil{The Beautiful} HR.Muslim, kitab Al Iman Bab Tahrim Al Kibru wal Bayanuh (147) (91)  

135.Al Mujiib{The Responder} QS.Al Mużmin:60, An Naml(27)62  

136.Zhahir{The Evident},QS.Al Hadid:3, HR.Muslim (2173)  

137.Bathin{The Immanent} QS.Al Hadid:3, HR.Muslim (2173)  

138.Asy Syahid {The Witness},QS.Al Mujaadalah:6,  

140.Al Kabiir (The Greatest in size), QS.Ar Rażd(13):9  

141. An Nashiir{The Best Helper}, QS.Al Anfal(8):40  

142.Al Haadi{The Guide},QS.Al Hajj(22):54  

143. Al Ahad {The one and Only God},QS.Al Ikhlash(112):1, HR.Abu Daud, An Nasai, Ahmad, Ibn Khuzaimah. Declared as Shahih by Al Hakim and agreed upon by Adz Dzahabi  

144.Nuurus Samaawaati wal Ardh {The Light of the sky and the earth},HR.Al Bukhari and Al Fath(XIII/464,XI/116) and Muslim (I/532)  

145.Ar Rabb {The Master}, Hasan Shahih, HR.Tirmidzi (3579), Al Hakim I/309, Takhrij Kalimuth Thayyib by syaikh Nashir Al Albani page 48  

146.Al Muhiith {The Encompasser},QS.Al Baqarah(2):19  

147.Al Muqiita{The Overseer},QS.An Nisaa(4):85  

148. Al Waliy{The Protector},QS.Asy Syuura(42):28, Al Jaatsiyah(45):19  

149. Al Mannan{The Most Benevolent}, Shahih in HR.Abu Daud (1495), An Nasażi (III/52), Ahmad, Al Bukhari in Adabul Mufrad, Ibn Mandah in At Tauhid (44/2, 67/1, 70/1-2).  

150.Al Wakiil{The Perfect Trustee},QS.An Nisaa (4):81  

151.Jamiżun Naasi {The Gatherer},QS.Al Imran (3):9  

152.Badiżus Samaawaati wal ardhi{The Creator of the skies and the earth}, Shahih in HR.Abu Daud (1495), An Nasai (III/52), Ahmad, Al Bukhari in Adabul Mufrad, Ibn Mandah in At Tauhid (44/2, 67/1, 70/1-2).  

153.Al Kaafi{The One Defend His worshipper},QS.Az Zumaar(39):36  

154. As Subbuh{The Most Holy from all weakness},HR.Muslim kitab Ash Shalah bab Maa yuqalu Fi ar Rukuż wa As Sujuud (487) (223)  

155.Ar Rafiiq{The Most Kind},HR.Muslim kitab Al Birr wa Shilah, bab żFadhlu Ar Rifqż (2593) (277)  

156. Ad Dahr{The Time},HR.Bukhari kitab At Tauhid bab Qauluhu Tażala yuriiduuna an yubdila Kalamallah (7491), Muslim Kitab Alfahz min Al Adab bab An Nahyu żAn Sabb Ad Dahri (2246)(2), from Abu Hurairah, Silsilah Hadits Ash Shahihah 3  

157.Al Mużthi{The Most Giving}HR.Bukhari kitab Fardhu Al Khumus bab qaalallahu Tażala żFainna lillahi Khumusuhu wa Rasuulihi (3116) and (7312), Muslim (1037) (100), Bukhari in kitab żIlm bab żMan Yuridillahu bihi Khairan,ż (71)  

158. Al żAffuw { Most Benign} An Nisaa(4):149  

159. Wasiż{The All Pervading},QS.Al Imran(3):73  

160. Waasiżul żAlim{The All pervading who is All Knowing},QS.Al Baqarah(2):261  

161. Waasiżul Hakim{The All Pervading wh is Most Wise},QS.An Nisaa(4):130  

162. Hayiyyul Kariim{The Most Shy and Supreme in honour}, Shahih, in HR.Abu Daud (1488), At Tirmidzi (3551), Ibn Majah 3865,Ibn Hibban (2399 and 2400), Al Hakim I/497, Fathul Bari I/497, Syarhus Sunnah Al Baghawi V/186, Shahih Jamiż 1753.  

163. Hayiyyul Sittir{The Most Shy and The One covers sin and shortcomings} Shahih in HR.Ahmad IV/224, Abu Daud (4012-4013), An Nasai I/200, Al Irważ 2793

Salafiyyah is the only save sect, many Imam such as:Imam Adz Dzahabi, Ash Shafadi,As Sakhawi,As Sam'ani, Ibn Abdil Hadi, Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani, had call many people using the word "As Salafi,&Al Atsari."

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