Aboo Muaadh Anwar ibn William Dupuis
(Jeddah, K.S.A)
Posts: 47
Joined: Nov 2002
as salam 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah,
Below is a link to our new article, "The Virtues of the Truthful" by Imaam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah. Ibn Qayyim mentions some of the numerous merits of Aboo Bakr as-Sideeq (Radiallaahu anhu') and in defiance of the Rawafidhaah (Shee'ah) writes:
"By Allaah, we have not loved him from our own personal desires, nor do we believe other than him to be humiliated and belittled. We have only taken the statement of ?Alee as it suffices us, ?Allaah?s Messenger was pleased with you in charge of our religion, and so should we not be pleased with you regarding our worldly affairs?? By Allaah, you have enraged the Rawaafidh.
By Allaah, the rights of the Truthful are incumbent upon us. We admit his praiseworthy characteristics and we accept what has come of him. So whoever may be a Raafidhee, let him never return to us and let him never claim he has any excuse!"