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» sallam al woossoul in written form
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Posted By Topic: sallam al woossoul in written form

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04-10-2004 @ 10:17 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Oummou Assia Amina bint Marie-annick (Al Qaahirah (Al Khaamis), Mysr.)
Posts: 93
Joined: Sep 2002
Assalam alaykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakaatouh

does anyone know where i could get on the net the WRITTEN manthoomah (not the audio) of Shaikh Hafidh al Hakami (rahimahou Llah):

لمنظومة سلم الوصول إلى علم الأصول

Barakallahou fikoum.
(unlike the title of this thread mentions, it is sullam not sallam al woossul)

(الحق من ربك"(آل عمران"
Oummou Assia Amina Le Joncour al-faranssiyyah as-salafiyyah.

This message was edited by oummou.assia on 10-6-04 @ 4:20 PM

05-10-2004 @ 11:38 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Musa Musa Ibn Wendell Ball (Baltimore, Maryland, USA)
Posts: 109
Joined: Nov 2003
Wa alaikum as salaam wa rahmahtullah wa barakatu wa maghfiratu

Here is a reply to your post on behalf of someone, InShaAllaah.  Barak Allaahu Feek.  

Shaikh Hafidh ul Hakamee's mandhoomah in different field.

هذه بعض منظومات للشيخ حافظ بن أحمد الحكمي رحمة الله تعالى عليه في شتى العلوم

متن سلم الوصول للحافظ حكمي لمن أراد حفظه
the text of silm-ul-wusool for Haafidh-ul-Hakamee (rahimahullah)

Abu Abdullah Abdussalaam ibn Aadam Al-Oromee As-Salafee

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