assalamo 'alaikom, inshaallaah, those who know arabic can benefit from the excellent four tapes on this topic by Sheikh al Muhadith al 'Alamah al Mujadid Muhammad Nasr ud-Deen al Albaani rahimahullaah rahmatan wasi'ah. Where the sheikh destroys the arguments of two asharee students of the innovator Saqqaf. Also in it you will find Nuh Haa min Keller the asharee associated with this innovator Saqqaf. Saqqaf calls Sheikh al Islam ibn Taymiyyah a Kaafir and rejects the famous hadeeth of the Jaariyyah (the slave girl) in Saheeh Muslim. The tape is called "HAL LILLAAHI MAKAN?"
I hope we can complete translating it inshaallaah.
Sheikh Rabee', the Imaam of Jarh wa Ta'deel, Sadaqa Al Albaani rahimahullah
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