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18-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 33
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Assalamu Alaikum:

I have a few questions that I hope will be answered by the students of knowledge on this forum, inshu'Allah.
Question: What are ALL the minimum requirements (including ALL actions of the heart, tongue and limbs , and ALL the statements of the heart and tongue) that a Muslim MUST fulfil in order to avoid residing in Hell-fire eternally. I am looking for a detailed answer to this question.
In the past I read a book that attempted to answer a similar question but it did a poor job and besides the book was written by someone whose knowledge is not to be taken from. I also read a good article on the salafipublication's forum about Imaan, Prayer, Inqiyaad and Takfir but it was lacking in length and it was not detailed which resulted in confusion.

Another similar question I have is that it is well-known that a Muslim must fulfil 7 or 8 conditions of the Shahadatayn in order to be considered a Muslim. So what are the bare minimum that a person must fulfil of these conditions to be considered a Muslim? For example, what is the bare minimum amount of knowledge, love, certainty, truthfulness, etc that a person must fulfil to be regarded as a Muslim. How does the conditions of the Shahadatayn relation to Imaan? Does these conditions fall under the category of the asl of Imaan.

NOTE: I do not intend to use this information to perform Takfeer on anyone, it's purely for seeking knowledge.

Jazakum Allah Khair. I appreciate the help in advance.

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22-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 33
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Assalamu Alaikum

On the salafibookstore website I found a series of cassettes entitled A Study of Kitaabul Eemaan (The Book of Faith) by Daee Abu Hakeem Bilaal. I was wondering if anyone had the opportunity to purchase and listen to these tapes. If so, does these tapes answer the questions I posted above, and would you recommend that I purchase these cassettes? Jazakum Allah Khair.

22-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 50
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Is this the article on SP?


I have a question regarding the forth condition of the Shahada which is submission/compliance (or al-inqiyad). In order for a person to be considered a Muslim and in order to fulfill this condition what is the minimum amount of submission required for that person.

How about those scholars who DO NOT consider the abandonment of prayers as unbelief, what do they consider as the minimum amount of submission that is required from a person?

Jazakum Allahu Khairan

?Jazak Allah Khair! I really appreciate the information that you provided me regarding the issue of abandonment of salah. However, I do not fully understand how a person who does not pray, nor give zakat, nor fasts, etc. can fulfill the condition of submission. All the information that I have read about the conditions of the Shahada mention submission as one of the requirements. What is meant by submission, if 'physical submission' is not intended?



Inqiyaad is the action of the heart, and it is the asl, (foundation) of all of the other actions of the heart, and it together with other matters, is one of the components that make up the root, or the foundation of the overall Imaan.

In the view of those who make takfir of the taarik us-salaat, the root of Imaan consists of the following:

a) tasdeeq of the heart (which is belief in the truthfulness of the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) and what he brought

b) inqiyaad, which is the foundation of the actions of the heart

c) iqraar (affirmation) with the tongue

d) the prayer

Thus, to these scholars, the absence of any one of these necessitates disbelief, as it entails the absence of the root, foundation of Imaan.

In the view of those who do not make takfir of the taarik us-salaat, the root of Imaan consists of the following:

a) tasdeeq of the heart (which is belief in the truthfulness of the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) and what he brought

b) inqiyaad, which is the foundation of the actions of the heart

c) iqraar (affirmation) with the tongue

However, it is agreed that whoever brings the root of Imaan, with its three components above (without the prayer), his entry into Islaam is valid, and correct. However, those who make takfir of the taarik us-salaat require that the affair of his prayer be looked at. If he abandons it he cannot have the root of Imaan that is in the heart (which consists of its speech and action, tasdeeq and inqiyaad). Thus they make takfir. Those who speak with takfir themselves differ on the amount of abandonment that needs to take place before takfir is made, i.e. a single prayer, 1 days of prayers, 3 days, total complete abandonment, partial abandonment.

As for the actions of the heart, then they too have a root (asl), and a branch (far?). The root is the pillar, such if it does not exist for an action of the heart, the root of Imaan cannot exist, and as for the branch, then it is divided into that which is obligatory (waajib) and that which is mustahabb (recommended).

So for example, the one who does not have the root of love, meaning, he does not love islaam, or the Messenger, or Allaah, fundamentally, then he is a kaafir. However, it can also be the case that the root, foundation of love exists, but the obligatory aspects of this love are absent ? and this is when a person falls into the forbidden matters and leaves the obligatory matters ? like the man called donkey in the time of the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam), who had a habit of drinking, yet the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said, ?this man loves Allaah and His Messenger?, meaning he has the foundation, asl of love, although he does not have the obligatory aspects of it in his heart which would have made him leave the forbidden matters. Similarly, it can also be the case that a person has the root of love, and the waajib aspect of it in his heart, but not the mustahabb aspects of it.

Similarly for fear, if a person does not fear Allaah, in principle, and the last day, and the judgement and the Fire, then he is a kaafir. However, a person can have the root, basis of fear, but the fear of the heart that is obligatory is absent or deficient ? and thus he may fall into the prohibited and leave the commanded duties. And this applies to the various actions of the heart.

Similarly, with inqiyaad (compliance). It has a root, basis in the heart, which is explained by khudoo?, ikraam, I?zaaz (submission, honouring, venerating), i.e these actions of the heart are the components of inqiyaad ? and when they exist, the root of inqiyaad exists in the heart ? and this root of inqiyaad can still exist, in the absence of the outward fulfilment of the command, since what is missing, is the obligatory aspect of it, not necessarily the root of it.

Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said in as-Saarim al-Maslool (3/966): ?Second: that Imaan, even though it comprises tasdeeq (assent of the heart), then it is not mere tasdeeq alone. Rather it is iqraar (affirmation) and tum?aneenah (ease, tranquillity). This is because tasdeeq is only applied to information (khabar). As for command (amr), then, from the point of view that it is a command, there is no tasdeeq applied to it. And the speech of Allaah consists of information (khabr) and command (amr). Hence, the information (khabar) necessitates and requires tasdeeq (belief, assent) of that which has been informed of, and the command (amr) necessitates and requires inqiyaad (inward compliance) and istislaam (submission) to it. And this is an action of the heart and what brings this together is khudoo? (submission) and inqiyaad (inward compliance) to the command, even if that which has been commanded is not fulfilled (outwardly). Hence, when the khabar (information) is accepted with tasdeeq and the amr (command) is accepted with inqiyaad (inward compliance), then the asl, foundation of Imaan has been attained in the heart. And this is tum?aneenah (ease, tranquillity) and iqraar (affirmation), for its derivative is amn (security, safety), which is actually qaraar (establishment) and tum?aneenah (ease, tranquillity). And this is attained when tasdeeq and inqiyaad settle in the heart." End Quote.

Thus, when this is attained in the heart, i.e. tasdeeq, and the root of inqiyaad, and outward iqraar is added to that (the speech of the tongue), the root of Imaan is attained, by which a person enters Islaam (or Imaan in its restricted sense). Then, in accordance with the increase in a person?s inqiyaad (an action of the heart, from which other actions of the heart spring), his outward actions ought to increase by necessity.

Thus, in the view of those who do not make takfir of the taarik us-salaat, this abandonment does not negate the root, basis, of inqiyaad, rather it only negates the obligatory aspect of it, thus they do not remove the root of Imaan from this person, and say he is a sinful believer, deficient in faith, since he still has what is the root of Imaan as a whole with him.

And in the view of those who do make takfir, they say this abandonment negates the presence of the root, basis, of inqiyaad, let alone its obligatory aspect, and hence they remove the root of Imaan from this person and say he is a kaafir, as he has not brought the root of Imaan.

Thus, inqiyaad is an action of the heart, which entails the other actions of the heart, and it has a basis, root (asl) and a branch. The root, asl, is actually a rukn (pillar) which if it is not present, the whole of it is not present, and hence the Imaan is not present, and as for the branch of this inqiyaad, then it is either something that is waajib or something that is mustahabb.

And this is clear in the works of Shaykh ul-Islaam, amongst them Kitaab ul-Imaan and also as-Saarim al-Maslool.


23-09-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 33
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Assalamu Aliakum:

YES, that is the article that I mentioned in my first post. Don't get me wrong, it is perhaps the best article I have read on Imaan. However, I am looking for a more detailed article/book that deals with all the questions I have mentioned in my first post. Any suggestions?
Thanks for the post, sunnah!

13-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 78
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This message was edited by yusuf.adam on 12-28-02 @ 12:36 AM

14-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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This message was edited by ibn.khalid on 12-28-03 @ 4:09 AM

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