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30-09-2009 @ 9:15 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Fatimah al engleezi (sheffield; United Kingdom)
Posts: 172
Joined: Jun 2009
assalamu alaykum

Something that is desperately needed in my opinion is a salafi careers adviser.

We all want to make a halal living but ther is no support or advice available right now.

Leaving uk is not an option for me. I am currently studying accounting. I have three options to study after this year. 1 financial accounting 2 management accounting 3 air craft engineering

I need to know what accounting jobs are available in the uk which are halal. Are there islamic accounting firms here?

i really need help with this.

Id also like to raise it as a general issue affecting much of the salafi youth as we all to earn a reasonable but halal living inshallah to provide for a family.

Im also doing a web design course. Ill be fully qualified accountant inshallah but will be thinking of university so any suggestions are welcome.

Im getting married inshallah soon so really need some advice on how to best earn a halal living to provide for a family inshallah.

Jazak allahu khair

07-10-2009 @ 10:41 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sifr Daniel bin Adam (Al-Ahsa, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 53
Joined: Sep 2008
Walaykumus salaam,

The people of a country know it the best, akhee.  When it comes to finding halal work, you may want to turn to the imams of the Salafi masaajid.  The masaajid in the West often become community centers where brothers and sisters seek refuge from the fitnah outside.  Consequently, the imams of these masaajid often obtain numerous contacts within the Muslim community.

Accounting is a great career to pursue, ma sha Allah.  It opens many doors in the sense that you don't simply have to work at a Muslim financial firm; many businesses with large amounts of clientele or traffic will require an in-house accountant.  Muslim businesses are no different.  You also have the option of going public; if you get some work experience under your belt, you have the possibility of opening up your own accounting firm and only taking the jobs (halal ones) that you want.

Just remember that if you want to stick to halal work in the West, you are not going to be rich.  It is something you do for the sake of Allah and sometimes, the chips will be down.  Keep a tight-knit support group of family and friends around you to help you remember what your goals are and what you are working towards (the aakhirah).

16-10-2009 @ 8:16 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Daud ibn Tunnell (West Chester, PA)
Posts: 126
Joined: Apr 2003
As salaamu alaykum,

RE: "Just remember that if you want to stick to halal work in the West, you are not going to be rich."

Umar, this statement is not true.  There are plenty of ways gain halal wealth in the West.  I suggest you do more career research.

..."Know that the Religion is what came from Allaah, the Blessed and Most High.  It is not something left to the intellects and opinions of men.  Knowledge of it is what comes from Allaah and His Messenger (Salallaahu Alayhi wa Salam)"...Imam Barbahaaree

19-10-2009 @ 6:55 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sifr Daniel bin Adam (Al-Ahsa, Eastern Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 53
Joined: Sep 2008
Walaykumus salaam,

Indeed, there are many careers in the West where one may earn some wealth for himself and his family.  Accounting, which the brother mentioned here, is a good example.  However, I still know of no means of actually striking it rich in the West that do not, at some point, involve the usage of compounding interest or employment in industries involving impermissible things.  Perhaps you could post some of the opportunities you know of for the benefit of the brothers and sisters reading this.

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