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» Fasting in Ramadan
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21-08-2009 @ 1:21 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Az-Zubayr Scott Harrison (Washington, USA)
Posts: 30
Joined: Mar 2005

Fasting in Ramadan

A simple collection of various texts on the virtues of fasting in general and fasting in Ramadan in particular.

To read the full 9-page article, click here or check out the attachment.

I apologize, but there were a couple of language mistakes in the attachment. Please click the link above for the corrected document until a new post with the updated attachment is posted here.

Abu Az-Zubayr Harrison

Attached FileFastingInRamadan.pdf (156 Kbytes)
21-08-2009 @ 7:46 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Az-Zubayr Scott Harrison (Washington, USA)
Posts: 30
Joined: Mar 2005
I apologize, but there were a couple of language mistakes in the attachment to the original post above.

Please see the corrected doc attached or click here.

Abu Az-Zubayr Harrison

Attached FileFastingInRamadan1.pdf (182 Kbytes)

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