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06-12-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 28
Joined: Nov 2002
After all the statements of kufr from this man Warith D. Muhammad(see salafi publications)What do the ulema say concerning him?
          Also there is a person here who acts as the Imam (he delivers the khutbahs,hold classes,and give naseehah to the muslims)however this person claims fellowship to Warith D. Muhammad movement,he goes to church on sundays to listen to the christian's sermon and to the" music of the gospel"(serious shrik)!
           Our question is ,should this person be allowed to act as the Imam(  lead  the prayers,be the khateeb,and hold classes)?And or should we go to Juma'ah and listen to his speech or to his classes or accept naseehah from him? What should our position be inregard to this individual?
                        From your salafi brothers at Graterford prison in Pa.

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