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Posted By Topic: What is to be said in a Khoutbah?

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10-04-2009 @ 6:45 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 2031
Joined: Jul 2005
Jazaakumullaahu khayra for the post akhee Abdul Ilah.

Anyone knows who is Sheikh Muhammad Abdulwahhab al Madkhalee mentioned in the post of akhoona Abdul Ilah hafidhahullah wa fiqhullah?

23-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 37
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May Allaah bless you brother for these quotations and may Allaah reward you for your thibaat, and gheerah for the Salafee manhaj.

23-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 327
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What is to be said in a Khoutbah?

This is an amanah ?ilmiyyah (a knowledge based trust) regarding the 3 scholars that I contacted directly regarding what the content of the khoutbah should contain.

I gave a khoutbah and clarified some misguidance of some individuals at the end of it. As for the beginning of the khoutbah then it was general speech for the general folk such as returning to the truth, following the scholars, the elders in times of fitn. At the end of the khoutbah I mentioned the scholars warning of innovators such as Sayid Qutb and those that aided him such as Adnan Urur, Maghrawee and now Abul Hasan. I mentioned what the scholars have mentioned in warning against these. But some brothers said that the minbar is not a place to speak about this?

Sheikh Obayd al Jaabree said:

"It depends on the people's needs. If the people there require these aspects then one must clarify.

The khateeb should tend to the needs of the people. For example, there are things that no one comprehends except a specific people such as students of knowledge and callers. There is a specific way of dealing with them such as clarifying those fine aspects.  

And there are masaajid where most of its people are from the general folk, they can't  understand Abul Hasan, Adnan ?Urur, Sheikh Rabee' nor Obayd al Jaabree. They cannot understand this. So as for these, then you must teach them the sunnah, teach them Tawheed, the fundamentals of this deen and its branches. Do you understand?

I am giving you the general principle. For example, you have many students of knowledge and you fear for them, and all of them are students of knowledge being no general person amongst them and you fear for them so you make clear to them by calling them to the sunnah and how they can return to knowledge.

Another people, a masjid where most of them are general and they don't know neither Sayid Qutb nor Obayd al Jaabree nor Sheikh Rabee. They do not know these nor Adnan Urur nor Ali bin Hasan. These you must teach Tawheed, fundamentals of this religion, its branches, good conduct. You must warn them from innovations in general. You must warn them from bombings. Ali radiallaahu 'anhu said, 'Talk to the people with what they comprehend, would you like that Allaah and His messenger are rejected?'

I think it was Ibn Mas'ud who said 'You do not talk to a people with something they cannot comprehend except that in some of them you cause fitnah'

The khateeb should concern himself with rearing the situation of the people like here in Saudi, sometimes we do not speak about Jamaa'atu Tableegh, Ikhwaan. In some places, though, we do speak about this and in other places we don't. The person should look to the benefits and harms. For example, a book has been spread in such and such land and you see that this book will try to harm the sunnah and push out innovations then warn against it, this, if the book became widespread and the people comprehend (what is being said). There are some people who do not know this book nor do they know what it is and if you mention it you may cause them fitnah. Do you understand? Barakallaahu feek. The khateeb or da'ee is like a doctor tending to injuries.


What if the masjid has both general people and students of knowledge, is it upon the khateeb to split the khoutbah into two to suit the general people as well as the students of knowledge?

The general people are in need, he makes it in the sunnah, there are some topics that are not befitting for the khoutbah. There are things we understand between each other, do you understand? barakaallaahu feek The general people don't understand.

Take the principle, the branches will not be set straight unless the fundamental principles are set straight.

If most of the people in this masjid are general people then make your khoutbah for their benefit and there is no problem in making a note from the scholars. If all the people in this masjid were students of knowledge, all of them being upon the sunnah and you see in them some aspects of opposition (to the deen) then advise them of it. Do you understand? So you have 3 categories:

1.     A masjid with only general people. They will not understand Adnan Urur, Ahmed Sallam, Obayd al Jaabree, Sheikh Rabee, they don't know, then encourage them to be upon the sunnah and warn them from innovations. From the innovations of celebrating the Prophet's birthday, the innovations of singling out in worship the Israa wal Mi'raaj, the innovation of making congregational dhikr.
2.      A masjid with students of knowledge with 1 or 2 general people, the khoutbah should be knowledge based, it should contain an exhortation but it must be knowledge based.
3.     A masjid which is mixed, there are the general people as well as the student of knowledge then make something for these and something for those. Do you understand?" END OF SHEIKH OBAYD'S WORDS OF ADVICE

Sheikh Muhammad Abdulwahhab al Madkhalee said, "The foundation of the khoutbah should contain aspects of fard 'ayn not fard kifaayah and what you did was hasn (good) but it should have been done in a lecture/lesson rather than a khoutbah."

Sheikh Muhammad Abdulwahhab Marzooq al Banna said that if the mosque is salafi then mention names like we do in our mosque but if it is not salafi then do not mention names.

I have heard myself in the lessons of sheikh al Banna may Allaah preserve him that he refutes in his mosque Sayid Qutb, Safar al Hawali, Salman al Audah, Abul Hasan and others. I pray Allaah gives us thabat upon the haq and that we are sincere in our call to Allaah. That we are clear in our call for there will not cease to be a group from my Ummah clearly upholding the truth not being harmed by those who oppose them nor by those who differ with them until the command of Allaah comes.

These are the three scholars I contacted directly regarding this issue.  Wa barakallaahu feekum.

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