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23-10-2008 @ 10:35 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
Posts: 379
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Part One

Was It Flattery Or Genuine Praise

The one praised (Ash-ari Soofee Hamza Yusuf) says: 'This Concern With Aqeedah Is A Sickness In The Minds Of The Muslims''

The one who praised him [i.e. Shu'aib Hassan] says: 'My own translation of Imam at-Tahawi's brilliant text in the 1980's was perhaps the first attempt to introduce this creed to the English speaking Muslim world. It is extremely pleasing that two decades later several other translations have appeared culminating in this outstanding effort by the esteemed Shaikh Hamza Yusuf.'

An Imaam from the Salaf Fudayl Ibn Iyaad (d. 187, rahimahullaah) said:

'If Allaah (the Mighty and Majestic), knows that a man hates a person of innovation, He will forgive him even if his actions are few.  A person of Sunnah would not help an innovator except due to hypocrisy.  Whoever turns his face away from an innovator, Allaah will fill his heart with faith.  Whoever frightens an innovator away, Allaah will grant him safety on the Day of Great Terror and whoever debases an innovator, Allaah will raise him in Paradise by a hundred ranks, so, for Allaah, never shelter an innovator'

Concerning the statement of Imaam Fudayl Ibn Iyaad (rahimahullaah): 'If Allaah (the Mighty and Majestic), knows that a man hates a person of innovation, He will forgive him even if his actions are few.'

A major Scholar of our time (Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan) commented on the above statement of Imaam Fudayl Ibn Iyaad saying: because this (i.e. hatred for a person of innovation) is from loving and hating for the (sake of Allaah); love for the people of Imaan and hatred for the enemies of Allaah.  This is a fundamental principle from the fundamental principles of Aqeedah.

To be continued.....Inshaa-Allaah

[Source: (Ittihaaful Qaaree Bitta'liqaat Alaa Sharhis Sunnah Lil Imaam Barbahaaree (rahimahullaah). Vol 2: page:325-326]

24-10-2008 @ 1:57 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
Posts: 379
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[Suhaib Hasan said, 'This Outstanding Effort By The Esteemed Shaikh Hamza Yusuf']

Was This Above Statement Of Shu'aib Hasan Flattery Or Genuine Praise?

Imaam Fudayl Ibn Iyaad (rahimahullaah) said: 'A person of Sunnah would not help an innovator except due to hypocrisy.'  Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan commented saying:  If a person of Sunnah helps a person of innovation, then this is a type of hypocrisy.

Imaam Fudayl Ibn Iyaad said: 'Whoever turns his face away from an innovator, Allah will fill his heart with faith.'  Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan commented saying: because this (i.e. turning away from the innovator) is from hating for the sake of Allah.

Imaam Fudayl Ibn Iyaad said: 'Whoever frightens an innovator away, Allah will grant him safety on the Day of Great Terror.'  Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan commented saying: whoever frightens him (i.e. the innovator) by way of speech and (shows) him rejection, then Allah will reward him on the day of judgment.  (Allaah will reward him) with a good reward on the day of Great Terror; because he rejected an evil deed, but if he commends and praises him, then this is from hypocrisy, and it is from (having) loyalty to the enemies of Allah.

To be continued......Inshaa-Allaah

24-10-2008 @ 8:12 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
Posts: 379
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Was It Flattery Or Genuine Praise

Whoever Debases An Innovator, Allah Will Raise Him In Paradise By A Hundred Ranks

The One Praised Is An Open And Active Caller To The Ash-ari Soofee Aqeedah And Manhaj and His Name Is Hamza Yusuf

The One Who Praised Him Is Regarded To Be From The So-called Scholars Of The West By Jamiat Ahle Hadith Uk

According to Shu'aib Hasan, this Ash'ari Soofee (i.e. hamza yusuf) is an Esteemed Shaikh, however Imaam Fudayl Ibn Iyaad (rahimahullaah) said:

'And whoever debases an innovator, Allah will raise him in Paradise by a hundred ranks.'  

Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan commented saying: It is obligatory that the people of innovation are not shown hospitality either by way of a sitting, praise or other than that of different types of hospitality. It is obligatory to debase them because Allah has debased them, and this is also from (having) love and hate for the sake of Allah.

Imaam Fudayl Ibn Iyaad said: 'So for Allah, never shelter an innovator'

Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan commented saying:  So upon you is that you keep away from bidah and do not be lackadaisical in that ever, in order that you may be protected upon your Religion and the Sunnah of your Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam).

To be continued.....Inshaa-Allaah  

25-10-2008 @ 10:51 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
Posts: 379
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Was It Flattery Or Genuine Praise

This Is The Aqeedah And Manhaj Of Hamza Yusuf, The One Regarded An Esteemed Shaikh By A Figure Head At Jamiat Ahle Hadith Uk Called Shu'aib Hasan

It was noted elsewhere on this forum by one of the brothers that:

'Hamza Yusuf is amongst the aqlaaniyyah (rationalists), mu'attilah (deniers of Allaah's Attributes), and mutasawwifah  and his collections of video lectures, audio lectures, and his own website (still operative and available online) is ample testimony to this.

The courses taught at his institute use the book 'Jawharat ut-Tawheed'- the book that preaches and invites to the heresies of ta'teel and (false) ta'weel and tafweed, a book which is a base and pole for the Mu'attilah. His institute teaches al-Burdah of al-Busayree which is a poem that invites to Shirk with Allaah, invites to Istigaathah from other than Allaah, and which has been refuted by the Scholars of Tawheed and the Sunnah. End of quote

Imaam Barbahaaree (rahimahullaah) said:

'May Allah have mercy upon you!  Know that Speculative speech about the Lord, the Most High, is a newly invented matter and is an innovation and misguidance.  Nothing is to be said about the Lord except what He, the Mighty and Majestic, described Himself with in the Qur'aan and what the Messenger of Allah (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) explained to his Companions.  So, He, the Majestic, is One:

'There is nothing like Him and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing' [42:11] [1]

Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan (hafidha-hullaah) commented on the above saying:

Speculative speech about the Lord's Essence (subhaanahu-Wata-Aalaa), and about His Names and Attributes is an innovated affair, innovated by the people of misguidance who do not submit to the text (i.e. the text of the Qur'aan and the Sunnah).  They do not have fear of Allah (Jalla-Wa-Alaa), so they speak about the Lord's Essence, His Names and Attributes, and they renounce and negate that which Allah has affirmed for Himself or that which His Messenger has affirmed for Him.  They come with views from themselves saying, 'This is right' and they speak regarding the explanation of the text with other than what its explanation is......end of quote 2

However, according to the Figure Head at Jamiat Ahle Hadith Uk called Shu'aib Hasan, Hamza Yusuf is an esteemed sheikh wal-iyaadho-billaah.          

1Source: Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank (hafidha-hullaah)Explanation of the Creed, page:31

2Source: Ittihaaful Qaaree Bitta'liqaat Alaa Sharhis Sunnah Lil Imaam Barbahaaree (rahimahullaah) Vol 1, page:125

26-10-2008 @ 11:03 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
Posts: 379
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A Word Of Advise To Ourselves And Jamiat Ahle Hadith UK And Their Hidden And Open Supporters, And To Those Who Seek To Employ A Blameworthy Middle Path In This Affair

Imaam Barbahaaree (rahimahullaah) said:

'Know that leaving the correct path occurs in two ways.  Firstly: that a man strays from the correct path intending nothing but good, so his error is not to be followed since it leads to destruction.  Secondly, a man who deliberately opposes the truth and acts contrary to the Pious ones who came before him, he is astray, leading others astray, a rebellious devil within the Ummah.  It is a duty upon those who know of him to warn the people against him and to explain his condition to them so that no one falls into his innovation and is destroyed.'[1]

Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan (hafidha-hullaah) comments on the above statement of Imaam Barbahaaree (rahimahullaah) saying:

After the Sheikh [i.e. Imaam Barbahaaree (rahimahullaah)] described the correct path in his previous statement, [the correct path] obligatory upon the Muslim to traverse in his Aqeedah and Religion, he then mentioned that the one who leaves the correct path is one of two men:

The First Man: Is the one who leaves the (correct path) without the intention (to do so), rather he intended goodness but followed other than the path of goodness.  And striving (alone) is not sufficient, and even if the person has a righteous intention and a good aim, then that has to be upon the correct path.  Therefore, this (person) is considered to be mistaken, and whoever agrees with him upon that and proceeds with him upon error will be destroyed; because this is a path of destruction even though  the (person) did not intend leaving (the correct path), rather his quest was for goodness.

This is the state of many of those who initiate newly invented affairs from themselves in the knowledge of Aqeedah.  This affair is not permissible and they are not to adhere to it.  The person (upon this path) is not upon correctness.  Allah (Jalla-Wa-Alaa) said:

'And verily, this is my Straight Path, so follow it, and follow not (other) paths, for they will separate you away from His Path.'[6:153]

So we reject any path that exits us from the Siraatal Mustaqeem even if the one who (calls) to it aims for good and has a good intention.  We do not follow him upon that whilst he continues upon his error, eventually leading to destruction;because whoever abandons the correct path in his journey and takes a path of ruin will be destroyed.

As For The Second Person: It is the one who intends to leave (the correct path). He knows the truth and that what he embarks upon is falsehood, but he intends to leave the truth with the intention of misguiding the people.  

So the intention of the first (person) is to bring about benefit for the people, but he did not follow the correct path.  The second (person) intended to misguide the people and to turn them away from the correct path.  So this one (i.e.the one who intends misguidance for the people) is a devil, because the devils take the people away from the Siraatal Mustaqeem.  Iblees said to his Lord [Allaah (Azza-Wa-Jal)]:

'Surely I will sit in wait against them (human beings) on Your Straight Path.' [7:16]

So he intends to turn them away from it (i.e. the straight path) and (direct them) towards the deviated paths.  The Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) gave us an example when he drew a straight line and drew other lines on its sides, he then said about the straight line: 'This is the path of Allaah' and he said about the other lines, 'These are the other paths, and on each path is a devil calling to it.'

This is a clear example corresponding to that which the Shaikh [i.e. Imaam Barbahaaree (rahimahullaah)] has mentioned here.  So the one who takes the people away from the Siraatal Mustaqeem to the innovated paths of the innovators is not one who intends good for them; rather he intends destruction for them.  He is a devil, be it that he is a devil from amongst the Jinn or the People.  

It is binding upon us to be more cautious about this (person) than the first one (i.e. the person who intends good but was mistaken); because this one (i.e. the intentionally deviated one) intends to misguide the people.

And concerning the statement of Imaam Barbahaaree: 'He is astray, leading others astray, a rebellious devil'

Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan commented on the above statement of Imaam Barbahaaree saying: He is misguided and misguides others.  He is a rebellious devil, a rebel intending to turn the people from the Siraatal Mustaqeem.

And concerning the statement of Imaam Barbahaaree: ''It is a duty upon those who know of him to warn the people against him and to explain his condition to them so that no one falls into his innovation and is destroyed.'

Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan commented on the above statement of Imaam Barbahaaree saying:

It is not permissible to keep quiet about this one that leaves the truth intentionally; rather it is obligatory to unveil his affair and uncover his vileness until the people are warned about him.  And it is not to be said that the people are free to hold to views, freedom of speech and respecting the views of  others, as murmured at present with regards to (having) respect for the views of others.

The issue is not about views.  The issue is about Ittibaa (following).  Allah has outlined a clear path for us, and He told us to adhere to it, when He (subhaanah) stated:

'And verily, this is my Straight Path, so follow it' [6:153]

So whichever person comes to us and wants us to leave this straight path, then firstly we reject his statement.  Secondly, we clarify and warn the people against him and we do not keep quiet about him; because if we keep quiet about him, the people will be deceived by him, especially if he is an eloquent person, (with) good speech, (skillful) writing and is educated; for indeed the people will be deceived by him and will say:

'this one is competent, this one is from the thinkers,' as is taking place today.  

So, the affair is very dangerous.  And in this is a cause for refuting the one in opposition contrary to what those ones say:  (that) 'abandon the refutations, leave the people, everyone has his own views and have respect for him.'  By way of this (having) respect for the views and freedom of speech, the ummah will be destroyed.    

The Salaf did not keep quiet about the likes of these people, rather they exposed and refuted them due to their knowledge of their danger upon Ummah.   We do not keep quiet about their evil, rather that which Allaah has revealed must be clarified.  And unless (we do that), we will be from those who conceal the truth, from those whom Allah spoke of (saying):

'Verily, those who conceal the clear proofs, evidences and the guidance, which We have sent down, after We have made it clear for the people in the Book, they are the ones cursed by Allaah and cursed by the cursers.'[2:159]

And the affair is not limited to the innovator, rather it is extended to the one who keeps quiet about him, for indeed rebuke and punishment is extended to him; because it is obligatory to clarify and made clear for the people.....up until the Sheikh said:

So our intention is to clarify the truth.  Our intention is not to disparage the people or to speak about the people.  The intent is to clarify the truth and this is a trust entrusted upon the Scholars.  It is not permissible to keep quiet about these people.......end of quote

We ask Allaah for Tawfeeq upon this Blessed Manhajus Salafi

Abu Mu-aawiyyah Abdullaah Bin AbuBakr Al-Fulaani Al-Gambi

[1] [Source: Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank (hafidha-hullaah) explanation of the Creed]

[2] [Source: Ittihaaful Qaaree Bitta'liqaat Alaa Sharhis Sunnah Lil Imaam Barbahaaree, Vol 1, page:110-115]

29-10-2008 @ 6:11 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
Posts: 379
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Caution With Regards To Giving Recommendations

Imaam Barbahaaree (rahimahullaah) said: 'It is not permitted for a man to say, 'So and so is a person of the sunnah' until he knows that he combines the characteristics of the Sunnah, so it is not said of him, 'a person of the Sunnah' until he combines all the Sunnah.'[1]

Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan (hafidha-hullaah) commented on the above statement of Imaam Barbahaaree saying:

Do not give Taskiyah to a person and praise of him, except from knowledge; lest the people become deceived by your praise of him, whilst he is not what (you have stated about him).  So when his real affair and path is clear to you, his knowledge and steadfastness, then you can give him Taskiyah.  As for giving out praise and recommendation whilst not knowing of anything about him, then this is a dangerous Taskiyah through which the people will be deceived by this person.  

Had only those who give commendations to the people stopped at that (i.e. put it in its proper place), then they would not give recommendation, except for one who fulfills the conditions of giving Taskiyah; because Taskiyah is a 'Witness', so, if the Taskiyah is not correct it will be a false witness.

And concerning the statement of Imaam Barbahaaree: 'until he knows that he combines the characteristics of the Sunnah'

Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan commented on the above statement saying: The characteristics of the Sunnah are to be in Aqeedah, Knowledge and adherence to the salafus Saaleh.  But if there is not in him except a single characteristic of the (sunnah), then he is not judged to be from ahlus sunnah on the basis of a single characteristic or one thing, so what about the one who does not have anything from that?[end of Quote][2]
[1]Source:Translated by Daawood Burbank (hafidha-hullaah) Explanation of the Creed

[2]Ittihaaful Qaaree Bitta'liqaat Alaa Sharhis Sunnah Lil Imaam Barbahaaree, Vol: 2, page:275-276

30-10-2008 @ 7:34 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Mu-aawiyah Abdullah bin AbuBakr Al (UK)
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A Final Word Of Advice

Caution With Regards To Supporting The Actions Of A People

Imaam Barbahaaree (rahimahullaah) said: 'He who loves the deeds of a people, good or bad, is just like the one who commits them'[1]

Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan (hafidha-hullaah) commented saying:

He who loves the deeds of a people is just like one who commits them; so if those (deeds) are good he gets a reward similar to theirs, and if those (deeds) are bad he bears the burden and sin similar to theirs, wal-iyaadho-billaah.  

And due to this, it has been reported concerning the one who wishes to be like the scholar who teaches the people good, that he will get a reward similar to that of (that Scholar).  And the one who wishes to be like the rich person who spends his wealth in the path of Allah, (then) he will receive a reward similar to that of (that rich person) in accordance to his intention.  

Likewise, the opposite of this is (with regards) to the one who wishes to be like the criminal and the people of sin, (and) wishes to be their partners in sin or give support to their views and hold it to be true, (then) he is like them even if he did not commit an act similar to theirs, (but) solely (due to the fact that) he held the ir views to be correct and took their side.[end of quote][2]

We ask Allaah for Ikhlaas and Thabaat upon this blessed Manhajus Salafi
[1][Source: Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank (hafidha-hullaah), Explanation of the Creed]  

[2][Source: (Ittihaaful Qaaree Bitta'liqaat Alaa Sharhis Sunnah Lil Imaam Barbahaaree; Vol:2, page:113-114)]

20-04-2009 @ 6:00 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified ساجد (Mumbai (India))
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Honoring the people of Bid`ah

Fatwa no. 20235:

Praise be to Allah Alone and peace and blessings be upon the Last Prophet. To continue,

The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' read the letter sent to his Eminence, the General Mufty (Islamic scholar qualified to issue legal opinions) from Shaykh Khalid ibn `Aly Al Shamah, the court judge and manager of the Cooperative Office at Badr, which was referred to the Secretariat General of the Council of Senior Scholars no. 1139 on 3/2/1419, in which the questioner submitted the following question:

I would like to inform you that I work in the province of Badr in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah. There, we found many young men who were guided, by Allah's Grace, and others who tended to draw nearer to the Sufis there to earn some money or acquire subsidies. They thus tend to honor these Sufis, prepare banquets and celebrations for them on the plea that they make a lot of charitable acts in favor of the district.

Your Eminence; young men have become divided into two parties: one party is in favor of revering the Sufis to acquire the mentioned benefits; the other party denounces such acts even if the result will be the loss of such subsidies or donations provided for the district. Moreover, some people have started to warn against attending these gatherings claiming that they are prohibited. They have also started to desert those who revere the Sufis or draw nearer to them, even if they do not belong to them.

Your Eminence: Young men here have split between the two parties; they ask for your direction in this regard. Is it permissible to honor the Sufis and draw nearer to them for the benefits they offer to the district? It is permissible to attend these honoring sessions? What is the ruling on avoiding anyone who honors them and seeks their friendship? I hope that the answer will be prompt and detailed so as to be reassured. May Allah guide you and grant you success.

After the Committee had studied the inquiry, it answered that Sufism is a Bid`ah (innovation in religion) in Islam, and every Bid`ah is a means of going astray. This could also lead to Shirk (associating others in worship with Allah) and Kufr (disbelief) if it leads to holding exaggerated views about the Sufi shaykhs, believing that they, rather than Allah, can cause harm and bring benefit, seeking the support of the dead and slaughtering for them and believing that those who follow the Sufi orders acquire their religion directly from Allah and are in no need to follow the Messenger (peace be upon him). Moreover, they prescribe some acts of worship and Adkhar (invocations and Remembrances said at certain times on a regular basis) that have no proof in what Allah revealed. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, If anybody introduces a practice which is not authenticated by me, it is to be rejected.

Therefore, it is not permissible to associate with the Sufis or attend their gatherings. It is not permissible either to honor or encourage them; rather, they should be censured and prohibited from performing their Sufi practices and spreading them among people. They should be deserted and people should be warned against them.

May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!

Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta'
`Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah ibn Baz
`Abdul-`Aziz Al Al-Shaykh
`Abdullah ibn Ghudayyan
Salih Al-Fawzan
Bakr Abu Zayd

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