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» A Doubt Propagated By The Diseased Partisans: 'The Salafis Drop People At Random'
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09-10-2008 @ 12:44 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
Posts: 359
Joined: Dec 2003

A Reply To Those Who Accuse The Salafis With The Saying, 'They Used To Invite Such And Such An Individual To Their Centers, But Now They Have Dropped Him'

Imaam Barbahaaree (rahimahullaah): said:

'By Allah, beware of Allah concerning yourself and stick to the narrations, the people of narrations and Taqleed, for the Religion is to follow, meaning the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) and his companions, may Allah be pleased with them all.  Those before us have not left us in a confused state, so follow them and be at peace.  Do not exceed the narrations and the people of narrations.'

Concerning the statement of Imaam Barbahaaree (rahimahullaah):  'By Allah, beware of Allah concerning yourself and stick to the narrations, the people of narrations and Taqleed....'

Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan (hafidha-hullaah) commented on the above statement of Imaam Barbahaaree saying: What is intended by 'Taqleed' is 'To Follow', and not the (meaning) of Taqleed (according) to the late comers, rather what is intended is to follow and emulate the people of knowledge and the people of uprightness; such as the saying of Allah (Ta-aalaa):

'And also those who followed them exactly (in Faith).' [9:100]  

And His (subhaanah) saying:

'And I have followed the religion of my fathers, - Ibraheem (Abraham), Ishaaq (Isaac) and Ya'qoob (Jacob)'[12:38]

This is ittibaa (following)

To be continued....Inshaa-Allaah
So understand this well O Sunni Athari!  The affair is not about sticking to personalities and defending the adamant opposer of the haqq, rather the affair is about sticking to the narrations and the people of the narrations from amongst the Rabbaani Ulema. The Salafis have no other choice but to oppose those who oppose and are adamant upon opposition after being advised by the Ulema.  And worse is the affair of those who attack the ulema and invent lies against them.

Indeed, those who accuse the Salafis of dropping People at random wish to afflict the Salafi Centers with the disease of sticking to figure heads and personalities upon error.  Therefore, understand this well O Sunni Athari, we do not give any consideration to those who say, 'These Salafis at Maktabah Salafiyyah and their blind followers in the various maraakiz used to invite such and such an individual but now they have dropped him'.  This is a statement of the diseased partisans amongst the followers of Jamiat Ahle Hadith UK and their blind followers.    

Al-Hamdulil-laah, the Salafis neither gather upon error nor do they blindly defend figure heads out of Tahazzub, rather they make Taqleed of the narrations and the people of the narrations as mentioned by Imaam Barbahaaree (rahimahullaah).

10-10-2008 @ 10:11 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
Posts: 359
Joined: Dec 2003

Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan continued saying:

And Taqleed with the meaning 'Ittibaa Alal Haqq' --- (To follow upon the truth) is praiseworthy.  As for 'At-Taqleedul A'maa' (The Blind Following), which is (done) without evidence, this is rejected.  

So Taqleed is of two types:

[1] Taqleed with the meaning 'Ittibaa Alal Haqq' (To follow upon the truth), this is praiseworthy.    

[2]Taqleed without evidence, and without the blind follower knowing whether what he is upon is truth or falsehood, this is blameworthy.

And concerning the statement of  Imaam Barbahaaree: 'And follow the narrations', meaning: 'adhere to the Sunnah and the Ahaadith'

And concerning the statement of Imaam Barbahaaree: 'For the religion is to follow, meaning the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) and his Companions (may Allah be pleased with all of them)'.  

Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan commented on the above statement saying: This is Ittibaa (Following)

To be continued.....Inshaa-Allaah

We Are Not Bothered By Those Who Label The Salafis And Their Scholars With Khaarijiyyah And Irjaa

So understand this well O Sunni Athari! What is required of us is that we follow the narrations and the sunnah.  Indeed, it is the ulema who clarify the Sunnah and the correct understanding derived from the ahaadith.  So we follow them upon truth and leave those who seek to resemble them but are not from them.  

Indeed, we are not bothered by those who fabricate lies against the likes of Sheikh Rabee, Sheikh Ubaid and the rest of the Mashaa-yikh of Dawah Salafiyyah.  And who amongst the Rabbaani Scholars of our era agrees with them in their statements against the likes of Sheikh Rabee and Sheikh Ubaid?  Indeed, the likes of these people have become amazed by themselves and have transgressed the limits.        

As for those diseased partisans who say, 'These ones whom you now oppose for attacking sheikh Rabee and Sheikh Ubaid were amongst those you invited in your Salafi Centers and Masaajid.' We say to them, 'Yes', but when they deviated in speech with regards to some of the affairs of the Religion,  slandered and waged a hate campaign against the ulama, the  salafis abandoned them due to that which they are upon of falsehood and evil speech Walil-laahil Hamd.

Therefore, the Salafis of Maktabah Salafiyyah and their brothers in the various maraakiz seek the aid and assistance of Allah in freeing themselves from the likes of these people, but you diseased partisans at Jamiat Ahle Hadith UK and else where are still holding onto your figure heads upon error and Tahazzub.

So ponder, O Diseased Partisan! Is it you or the salafis that manifest the true love and hate upon correctness?  Indeed, it is the Salafis and not you.  So return to correctness, for this is much better than fishing in the murky waters.

12-10-2008 @ 2:43 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified unspecified (Manchester, UK)
Posts: 359
Joined: Dec 2003

And concerning the statement of Imaam Barbahaaree: 'Those before us have not left us in a confused state'

Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan commented saying:

Those before us from the (people of the generations of excellence) and the Imaams have not left us in a confused state (with regards) to our Religion.  They have clarified this Religion for us, and have established its foundations and have phrased it out accurately.  So (nothing) is required of us except to follow them and traverse their methodology; because they have not fallen short in clarifying and transmitting this Religion, and in negating the innovations and the blemishes added to it, and they revived and made it manifest.  May Allah bestow His mercy upon them.

And concerning the statement of Imaam Barbahaaree: 'So follow them (i.e. the people of the generations of excellence) and be at peace'

Sheikh Saaleh al Fawzaan commented saying: Do not burden yourself, for you have been sufficed.  Indeed, you are upon the truth if you follow them.  

And concerning the statement of Imaam Barbahaaree: 'Do not exceed the narrations and the people of narrations'

Sheikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan commented saying: Do not exceed the hadeeth and the people of hadeeth, for they are upon the truth and they are the saved sect.  When Imaam Ahmad was asked, 'who are the saved sect?'  He said, 'If they are not the people of hadeth, then I do not know who they are'

The End

[Source: Ittihaaful Qaaree Bitta'liqaat Alaa Sharhis Sunnah Lil Imaam Barbahaaree (Vol 2: page: 248-250)]


A Reminder To The Diseased Partisans

[Those before us have not left us in a confused state]

[Do not burden yourself, for you have been sufficed]

Indeed, the confusion is from those who transgress the limits with regards to the rights of the ulema and those people of Tahazzub who cling to those figure heads upon error.    

The Rabbaani scholars of our time such as the likes of Sheikh Rabee, Sheikh Ubaid, Sheikh Fawzaan and others are those known to be firmly grounded in knowledge.  This is what has been established by the trustworthy Imaams of this era such as the likes of Imaam Bin Baz, Imaam Muhammad Bin Saaleh Al-Uthaymeen, Imaam Naaseerud-deen Al-Albaanee and the Muhaddith of Yemen Sheikh Muqbil.  

And to this day the rest of the Major Scholars speak good of the likes of Sheikh Rabee and others.  So may Allah guide the slanderers and liars or silence them by whatever means He (subhaanah) wishes.

As for you diseased partisans, do you want us to ignore the errors of those who have transgressed the limits and have deviated in speech with regards to some of the affairs of the Religion, and have belittled and slandered the likes of Sheikh Rabee, who is from the ulama of hadeeth of this era?  Indeed, may Allah guide you to the correct walaa wal baraa, and remove the dark veil of Tahazzub that has made you set up a blind and blameworthy defense of your figure heads at Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth and else where.  You chose this path after the clarifications of the Ulama wal-iyaadho-billaah.

'O Turner of the hearts, keep our hearts firm upon your Religion'

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