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» Where find the bigger Salafee community at London ?
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Posted By Topic: Where find the bigger Salafee community at London ?

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09-09-2008 @ 10:33 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Asya Salih salah ud dyn al britany (Paris, France)
Posts: 1
Joined: Sep 2008
Bismillah arRahmani ar Rahim

Salam alaykum wa Rahmatullah

Im French 23 and i project to go in England to work insha Allah cause in France it's difficult to find job with my beard, but i don't know if it exist some places where salafee are bigger and where it is easy to pray when they work. So if you can advice me Baraka Allahfikoum!

(i already heard about Birmingham and Manchester,but if you know this situation especially to London,it interest me)

(sorry for my english)

27-12-2008 @ 10:11 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Yahya bint Mahammed (London)
Posts: 54
Joined: Jun 2008
Masjid as-Sunnah (Heathrow Muslim Community Centre)
654 Bath Road

Also try contacting these brothers:

Umm yahya

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