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» Columbian brother appeals for Salafi Da'wah support
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Posted By Topic: Columbian brother appeals for Salafi Da'wah support

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29-05-2008 @ 5:50 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Hamza ibn Shaukat ibn Muhammad (London, UK)
Posts: 96
Joined: Nov 2003
Asalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu

I wish to draw the Salafis attention, especially those close to the country of Colombia, to a brother who gave his shahaadah a few years back here in the London. I know the brother personally and I have met his younger brother who also gave his shahaadah a while back.

This brother, whose name is David Gabriel Herrera (Dawood Abdul-Ghafur), travelled back to Colombia where he established a masjid as well as having recently set up a restaurant near the masjid as a means of funding it.
He has told me that he has achieved a lot of success walhumdulillaah in converting his mother, sister, other members of his family, and many other Colombians to Islaam.

The brother, although raw, was introduced to Salafiyyah a long while back alhamdulilaah, and through my liaisons with him over the past few years, it seems as though he is upon Salafiyyah insha'Allaah.

He is now looking for students of knowledge and/ or scholars to travel to his masjid and teach him and the brothers and sisters da'watus-Salafiyyah.
In an email to me in April this year, he said:
"please akhi and this i asked you as a personal favor try to be more in contact with me insha'allah as i really need of brothers like you as there are so many question camming every day and a lot of advice needed on this part of the world. as you know i have clear that w need to stick to dawah Salafiyah, but i need to reinforce my litle knowlege about it and prepare my self agains all the ignorance and evil atacks."

He also shared his worries with me by stating:
"what I have find in Colombia there isn't any knowledge at all, I have planted the seed with some information, articles etc but we really are going to need brothers who visit us here the work is virgin, and most of reverts are taking info from every one, so far tabliqs [Jama'aatut-Tableegh] are coming almost every 3 o 4 months and I been sure of traveling with them most of the time so I use the opportunity to show the new Muslims all around Colombia of their mistakes and bidah."

He has personally appealed to me on several occasions to request the prominent Salafi organisations here in the UK and in America/ Canada to contact him in order to arrange for extended teaching visit/s.
I am, therefore, requesting that the students of knowledge capable and willing to extend the daęwah to Colombia insha'Allaah touch base with him as soon as possible. He said to me personally:
"most of all this is a time when I'm going to need your help more tan ever I 'know I been on and off contacting you but things have change, this is growing and as you know I need to learn more, I know about shaik muqbil in Yemen and as a matter of fact I'm planning to go for 4 to 6 month and to send some brothers from here with the help of the brothers abroad."

He already has a number of brothers and sisters here in Britain and Canada helping him with fund raising, although I cannot say these brothers and sisters are Salafis since I don't know them (although one of them mentioned that AbdurRaheem Green and Yusuf Chambers have showed interest; thus, the incredibly important need to contact him as soon as possible). However, he is literally calling out for the Salafis to help him in regards to education.

His brother is here in London and I have his number for anyone interested in contacting him personally to derive some more info. Please message/ PM me insha'Allaah and I'll get back to you.

As for Dawood, here are his contact details in Colombia:

OFFICE: 00-57-63-343 30 21
MOBILE: 00 57  316 6948 6 74

Email:, (MSN)

Also, these are videos of his progress so far that he's put up on youtube:

If you would like any more information, please message/ PM me soon.

Wa salaam

Subhaanakallaah humma wa bi Hamdika Ashadu allaa ilaha illa ant, astaghfiruka wa atooba ilayk

01-02-2009 @ 11:32 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Hamza ibn Shaukat ibn Muhammad (London, UK)
Posts: 96
Joined: Nov 2003
Asalaamu 'alaikum,

This is a follow on appeal on behalf of the aforementioned brother in Colombia.
I was in contact with the brother a few days ago and he gave me a dime tour of his masjid via webcam. He seems to have done a tremendous job mashAllaah, and to date, has said to have had 180 shahaadahs. However, what he requested of me is that I again make an appeal on his behalf for students of knowledge in Saudi to contact him directly to help facilitate potential classes via Paltalk or phone conferencing with the scholars.
He is hoping that this will lead to some students coming over for a conference and/ or teaching purposes.
The brother requires support from the global Salafi community in terms of sadaqah: book donations, financial assistance, etc.
This brother also complained of the number of Sufis in Colombia who apparently loath him and are working to undermine his efforts. Despite these hardships, the brother has persisted and all praise is due to Allaah.
I'm hoping someone will contact him very soon because from what I hear Colombia has great da'wah potential. Through this brother, it would be a great opportunity to acquire a Salafi foothold there, if one doesn't already exist.
This is the brother's appeal:



In the Name of Allah the most Merciful the most compassionate!


, came as an idea since the moment I embrace Islam and I was compelled to explain people around me,  my family and friends why I took the choice of Islam, from that very beginning I became very committed to bring people to the beautiful truth of this Way of live and to tell non Muslims what they were missing.
Alhamdulillah at the same time I funded in the Dawah my  vocation as it didnęt took  long time for me to became witness of many friends  and work mates to embrace Islam, even my own family.
So the Idea became eventually a reality and this strong desire brought me back from London to Colombia to start the Dawah fisabillillah
Since I arrive I begun by different means to work and step by step Allah Subhana wata'allah brought people to my door who took shahada, a bit more than a year has pass and I can say with 100% certainty that Colombian people are ready for Islam.
The Aim of this project is to create a proper Dawah centre in the City of Pereira, with all the resources and the facilities to spread Islam and teach new Muslims more than the fundamentals of Islam, as I believe we need to teach them how to became Da'ias themselves.
When I say to Create e a proper Dawah centre, I  must clarify that what we need to create is not only a Masjid but a complete facility, with a proper Library, Conference Room, Class rooms, hostage spaces and  the capacity of production of Dawah materials like: Books, Audios, videos etc.
We believe as I stated before Colombian people are potentially ready for Islam because if we take in account their Catholic background from which most are totally disappointed we can see they are very open to talk about God or their own believes and to question themselves with reason, Colombian people are humble, still have Family Values and fear of God. In contrast with European Countries were most values are lost and people are very arrogant or racist towards Islam, here people have a lot of curiosity about Islam and even a positive attitude.

We are working on the Da'wah of Allah so we can teach Islam as the perfect way of life to solve the human problems in society, Dawah as the only way to spread this reality base purely in Quran and Sunnah, accordingly as was understood and exemplify by prophet Muhammad asaw, his companions and the best of the generations.
We are working to bring the message of Allah to Colombian people by all means, with the sincere and the strong desired by love to the face of Allah to create a facility that will fulfill the necessities of the growing Islamic community, This include: a Dawah Centre with a Proper build Masjid that will became a Cultural Icon of  Pereira and Colombian people, a Conference room, a educational facility, hosting facility for future students, Audio and video recording facilities, printing facilities, future Muslims grave yard, halal farm etc.
And all matters related to the Dawah in Colombia and Latin America.
We are actively promoting national Muslim gatherings of leaders in Dawah in the city of Pereira and also other cities, as when I arrive most places were very inactive.
We have been visiting all the Communities all around Colombia to incentive the Muslims, and new Muslims in particular to learn the Deen, and to initiate Dawah activities, also to learn their experiences and their needs and looking for ways to fulfill them.
We have been appealing to Muslims around the world to donate Books to build the library of the Colombian communities with certain grade of succeed but we still need many more.
We have been creating awareness of the fact that there are groups who are teaching a Islam mix with other believes in which they teach Shirk. By teaching: basic Tawheed and Aqidah according to Quran and Sunnah.

To spread Islam in Colombia by all means like: conferences, lectures, Dawah tables, books, booklets, audio, video etc Insha'Allah, to create a self sufficient Muslim Community base on Quran and Sunnah, to educate ourselves and the new Muslims in Islam and how to became Da'ees of Islam. To help and support other growing communities in Colombia.
To generate all type of benefits to the Muslims and non Muslims in Pereira and Colombia, generating employment possibilities and enterprises.
To create a housing development project for the new Muslims and a grave yard
And to support the achievable future projects that will benefit the Community in general.
To create links of cooperation, tolerance and understanding with non Muslim communities, government establishments, educational institutes, media establishments etc.
To let Colombians and Latino-Americans Know what is Islam About and give them the choice Insha'allah of embracing Islam.

To develop this project Insha'allah we will divide it by stages:

We are working  to find sponsors and to rise founds to cover  our monthly basic expenses  to sustain our first stage of the project:  This include:  the maintenance of the temporarily facilities we are using in the actuality, like bills of water, electricity, telephone and internet line, gas, taxes (for the ORG including a accountant  fiscal needed by law), Monthly salary for the Director, and one or two assistances (muedhin, cleaner),  printing material, travel expenses etc.
Total amount needed monthly:
To begin with 1700 US dollars basic up to 2500 US dollars.
We are working to rise founds Insha'Allah to buy a land with space enough for the future development of the project or at least with the possibility of expansion.

We will continue and reinforce our Da'wah work and continue our line of development.
We will work to rise founds Insha'Allah to build our very first Masjid in Pereira, centre of the Coffee area, strategically positioned in the middle of Colombia, and place near many important Cities, like: Cali, Buenaventura, Armenia, Manizales, Cartago,  Medellin and Bogota etc.
We want to build a Masjid with a traditional Colonial and mix design so Pereiran people will embrace it as a Cultural Icon that will help the Dawah and generate a good impact in the community.

After having the Masjid we will concentrate Insha'Allah in  use our facilities to the most, organizing regular, Islamic study Circles, Islamic Lectures, for Muslim and non Muslims, increase our Da'wah activities, develop a educational Centre were Muslims and non Muslims will learn, Arabic, Quran and Sunnah.
Besides this, we at this point Insha'allah  are going to be a bigger community so we will also concentrate In creating enterprises so we can generate benefits to the growing community, part of the project is also to start a housing system for the new Muslims, build a Halal farm that would supply the Community.
One of the Business we would like to generate is a Educational centre, for primary, secondary and technological studies, and languages.
Another we believe will work Insha'Allah is a Islamic and Oriental Craft Shop, were we will sell all the primary Islamic staff needed, and many more things for tourist and Pereira people. Like: books, perfumes, crafts, etc.
We will also create a found for future plausible projects insha'Allah.
Besides all this we need to build a hosting facility for Islamic students, and to but a land to create a graveyard
All of this things mention above are part of the a hole integrated and self sufficient system we want to create insha'allah so we wonęt have to end depending always for donations.
We want to promote, our new Muslims to live the project, to work for it, and have incentive for to contribute with the project growing.

Regarding the registering of the project as a ORG we are in the process of it we are waiting for a soon reply from the government, insha'allah we hope will happen with in the next two weeks, we still a bit delay for economic reasons as we are going to need to pay the registering, but as I have stated before in my last emails the project has already rise some debts about 3800 dollars.
Regarding the Government position to build or develop the project and permits, Alhamdulillah were I live isn't difficult to do it and my family and I have excellent relation with it.
Regarding the house we are using right now as Masjid, this we consider it temporary as is already small for us, and besides is borrowed.
Right now we are in the urgent need economic aid that canęt wait for long as I donęt have enough economic resources to support the Masjid and debts.
We are in risk right now of losing our facilities as the person that was helping me before has gone bank craft.
So for now this is a resume of the plan we have, insha'Allah I still working on it and numbers, also we are working on creating a website with basic information till we are able to create a proper one.
Please don't hesitate to Contact me by phone insha'Allah any time:
Tel 00-57-3166948674

As Salam walaikum warrahmatulahi wabarakatuhu.

Att: your brother in Islam Dawood Abdul-Ghafur Al-Colombi

If anyone has any questions regarding this brother, please don't hesitate to PM me insha'Allaah.
Jazakumullaah khair.

Wa salaam

Subhaanakallaah humma wa bi Hamdika Ashadu allaa ilaha illa ant, astaghfiruka wa atooba ilayk

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