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» Dr. Saleh Saleh passes away today after Asr 1/2/1429
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12-02-2008 @ 12:14 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ayyub Abdullah Ibn Abdurrahman (Helsinki,Finland)
Posts: 154
Joined: Dec 2002
As Salaamu 'Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi,

I noticed that some people who are associated with hizbiyyah or takfiris started making videos claiming that they are students of Dr.Saleh as Saleh rahimahullah and they attended his lecture etc...

All these are their tricks used in order to deceive and confuse common people and hide their own innovation.

Especially in paltalk they using this as a tool to call people to their da'wah. Allahummusta'an.

However I would like to mention that for the last 2-3 years I attended lessons of Dr.Saleh as Saleh in paltalk in his room and also heard his discussions in other rooms. Strange thing is that those who associated with takfiris sometimes used to make fun of Dr.Saleh rahimahullah when he refuted them in rooms , but now the same people claiming to be his student. In reality,  I hardly saw these people in his room during his lessons.

Shaykh Saleh rahimahullah was very much against takfiri ideology and used to warn against those who spread such teachings and used to spent hours and hours to advise those who are influenced with takfiris. He used to give them a chance to put forward their questions and he answered them one by one. Anyone who regularly attended his lessons can be witness to this.

In the year 2006 I dont remember it was Eid Al Fitr or Eid Al Adha , but it was eid day Dr Saleh opened his room during day time to congratulate brothers and sisters with eid and have some discussion. And that time one person asked "Who are scholars of today?", He rahimahullah replied briefly and said that scholars are , alhamulillah, many and he named 4 of major scholars: Shaykh AbdulAziz Aal Shaykh, Shaykh Saleh Al Fawzan, Shaykh AbdulMuhsin Al Abbad and Shaykh Rabee Ibn Hadee Al Madkhalee. He said that we should be very careful in what we say about these scholars without going into too extreme and without being lenient, because flesh of scholars is poison.

So in conclusion claims of these takfiri, hizbi oriented people are totally baseless ; their manhaj is no way the same as manhaj of Dr.Saleh as Saleh rahimahullah.

and Allaah knows best.

11-02-2008 @ 2:39 AM    Notify Admin about this post
abou hassan sulaiman ibn james johnso (KSA)
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In the name of Allaah Most Gracious Most Merciful.

It still pains me a bit to write this about Shaikh Salih rahimullah but I'll try my best to give those a picture of the Shaikh from what I experienced with him. I moved to Buraidah, Al-Qaseem,KSA from America last year around this same time. I remembered in the back of the Shaikh's book 'Fate in Islam' the address of buraidah,ksa so I decided to email before I came to town. And he welcomed me, gave his number and advised me with good and being careful to sit with those  upon the correct path and contact him first, alhamdulilah. I was very excited to connect with him.
           I arrived and after about a week or two the shaikh came to visit me. The shaikh lived in unayzah and I live in town over from him about a thirty minute drive. I first saw him pull up at the light in a gray mercedes station wagon as I flagged him down, I wasn't sure but I thought that was him and it was. MashaAllah the shaikh had a robust stature with broad shoulders. He stood pretty tall and his handshake was firm, he had big hands and a full salt n pepper beard . The shaikh wore silver rimmed glasses and always wore a white ghutra which receded back a bit off his kufi. He was mild manner and welcoming. He never got tired of me calling him with questions. This day I met him he was especially excited as we drove to makataba ArRushd (famous
bookstore here in KSA) because his family had just completed and published a book on the bigraphy of the prophet sallallhu alayhi was salam. He then drove me to meet someone I could benefit from in my studies. We arrived to meet the shaikh at the masjid and I'm looking and waiting, then he introduces me to the shaykh dr khaild mashayghah hafidthullah and I was invited to sit with him (sh khalid)daily after salatu thur. I was surprised because shaikh mashayghah is clearly a bit younger than Sh. salih but Shaykh salih even with his knowledge still realized he could learn more even from those less your senior. He told me he had completed many books with shaykh mashayghah, who like shaikh salih is of those students of shaikh muhammad al-uthaymeen. I thank shaykh salih for that for guided me to that which benifits by the leave of Allah ta ala.
           I later met with shaykh several times at his home. I met his well mannered boys and saw how he prayed in the masjid and I always had a dilema with where I should put my hands after rukoo and I saw that he put his right over left upon his upper chest and I take his example as he was really a talibul ilm that I trust knew the correct position. The only things I truly regret is not going to him more to benefit from his insight and not making hajj this year. You see shaikh salih called me a asked me if I would like to perform hajj on someones behalf, which in the end I didn't do because of the 1 hajj every 5 years law which I decided to reserve for next hajj season to take my wife, well later I found out that I could do it this year and then next year with my family. So I really feel bad about this, Allahu musta'an.
            The shaikh was very active in dawah, the kind of activity we all need to be upon. The shaikh was a professor of chemistry and microbiology here at qaseem university but you would have thought he was professor of islamic sciences because his being so active in dawah to Allah ta a'la. Not many people reach that apex of dawah where their whole life revolves around the spread of Islamic knowledge. I say from what I saw of the shaikh is that he reached it, wal hamdulilah walAllahu ta ala alim. The shaykh rahimullah may Allah give him jannah and the reward of the mujahid. I really miss the shaikh alot and feel this void like many of you benefitted from his paltalk duroos and books however I'm happy for him that Allah brought him close to the one he loved, our Prophet Muhammad sallahu alayhi was salam as the shaykh died in Al-madina and shaikh was not a resident of madina but of unayzah, al-qaseem which is a 4 hour drive away, which is good sign and testimonial. So the shaikh rahimullah was buried in al baqee' the cemetary that is full of our salafus salih and the mothers of the believers. May Allah guide us to strive more for His sake in learning and calling to His deen. We ask Allah to make things easy for the shaikh's family, students and loved ones.ameen.

Abou Hassan Sulayman Johnson Al-Amreekee  4th of safar 1429  Al-Qaseem

10-02-2008 @ 8:49 AM    Notify Admin about this post
abu Bakr unspecified (Burao, Somaliland)
Posts: 7
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akhii who is the other sheikh who died this week othern than  Dr. Saleh Saleh

09-02-2008 @ 7:24 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Abdir Rahman at-Turki Burcu bint Ali Kilinc ibn Mehmet (Turkey)
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Bismilahir Rahmanir Rahim.

As salaamu aleykum wa rahmetuhAllaahi wa barakaatuh.

I also attended his classes on pal talk. His classes were the most comprehensive and understandable for everyone. He knew each of his students coming there along with their conditions making it a very warm environment and encouraged all of us to learn about this deen. He set up different ways to make studying something fun and installed the aspect of zeal when it came to seeking knowledge. When ever there was a non Muslim or ignorant people that came into the room he would use such wisdom in his speech. Depending on that persons condition he would choose which way to enter into them to open their hearts with the permission of Allaah. He always had a wonderful way of teaching us. He would be serious in the times were we needed to crack down on the 'ilm and he would be soft and tell us small jokes to liven up the classes and bring all our hearts together. His sincerity shined from very word he uttered. No one would get left behind in his classes. Everyone had a part. He taught us so much about the manners of seeking knowledge by way of his actions and correcting our actions.

He was a wonderful teacher who knew that teaching is not just a career or a mere scheduled time on the agenda‎but he knew it was something for the sake of Allaah and strived to share all of the knowledge that encompassed him. In a way we might all feel a little like an orphan, loosing their teacher. It is a great loss from the Muslim body as a whole to loose such a man with good character, and zeal for giving dawah. It will be a reminder for all to value even more the scholars we still have today and rush towards them with the time we still have.

May Allaah protect us from ignorance and give us knowledge, its fruits, zeal to call toward it, and patience. Aameen.

- Umm Abdir Rahman at-Turkiyah

Subhaanak Allaahumma wa bihamdik.  Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illa ant, astaghfirooka wa atoobu ilayk.

09-02-2008 @ 3:27 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ismail unspecified (North Carolina)
Posts: 5
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Innalillaahi wa inna ilaihi raji'oon, Allah doesn't remove the knowledge but he removes the knowledgeable people.  He is the second sheikh who passed this week.

And with Allah lies all success.

Salahuddin Muhammad
Charlotte, NC

09-02-2008 @ 3:18 AM    Notify Admin about this post
‎‎‎ ‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎ Zaahir bin Hernandez (Newark,N.J.(Amreekaa))
Posts: 187
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Inna lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji'oon.

So true ahki .....May Allaah gather him with the Prophets and Messengers in Jennah! Ameen. He will be missed!

السلام عليكم ورحمةالله
ابوعبدالرحمن زاهر
سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك
08-02-2008 @ 5:31 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ayyub Abdullah Ibn Abdurrahman (Helsinki,Finland)
Posts: 154
Joined: Dec 2002
Inna lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji'uun

SubhanaAllaah, how death is near. He was in his paltalk room yesterday and said will be back in 5 days inshaAllaah and today he is dead.

may Allaah have mercy upon him and forgive his sins and reward him for his beneficial efforts. ameen!

08-02-2008 @ 3:47 PM    Notify Admin about this post
. Abdulilah Rabah Lahmami (Al Madeenah, S. Arabia)
Posts: 327
Joined: Sep 2002
I have just received news from our brother Eihab Philistinee that Dr. Saleh Saleh passed away today after praying Asr in the Haram in Madinah. Innalillaahi wa inna ilaihi raji'oon. May Allaah give his family patience and reward him for his efforts in spreading the deen.

May Allaah also reward him for his work in refuting the misguided Sufis and Asharees. As a trust he gave me his work on Allaah being above the Arsh and inshaallaah it will be published and all proceeds to charity as sadaqa jaariyyha for him rahimahullaah.

قال تعالى:{إنا نحن نزلنا الذكر وإنا له لحافظون}
قال الشيخ السعدي - رحمه الله - في تفسيره (3/31): " فلا يحرف محرف معنى من معانيه( القرآن ) إلا وقيض  الله له من يبين الحق المبين وهذا من أعظم آيات الله ونعمه على عباده المؤمنين".

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