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» Explanation of the Qur'aan Part 2
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26-11-2006 @ 2:32 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Tasneem Mushaf ibn Haatim (Birmingham)
Posts: 10
Joined: Aug 2006
Explanation of the Qur'aan:

Tahwheed - The Mission of the Prophets.

Indeed calling to Allaah was the mission of all the Messengers and their followers, in order to bring the people out from darkness and into the light, from unbelief (kufr) to true Faith (Eemaan), from Shirk to Tawheed, and from the Fire to Paradise.

Article includes the Tafseer of Soorah an-Nahl (16): Aayah 36 and Sooratul-Mu`minoon Aayah 117 by Shaikh Abdur Rahmaan as-Sad'ee (May Allaah have mercy on him).

Translated by our noble brother Aboo Talha Dawood Burbank (May Allaah preserve him).

Its a PDF file.  

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