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Posted By Topic: question about opposing muslim leaders

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25-10-2006 @ 3:14 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Adam Hussain bin Abdul Qayum (London)
Posts: 13
Joined: Sep 2006
first of all assalaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah to everyone on this board. I am new here and just started learning about the ways of the salaffiya.

anyway, onto my question. I understand that we should not try to displace the muslim rulers, or to talk about about them in public but to give them guidance (if they need it) in private.

recently, i was asked a specific question by a brother and i was hoping someone would be able to answer this.

the brother asked, "if we dont disable muslim rulers, what do we do in the case of pakistan for example, where the president got into power by doing exactly that via a military coup, or if rulers came into power through some other type of force?"

ok, jazakallah khair for giving me this opportunity to ask these silly questions.

hold steadfast to the quran and sunnah

25-10-2006 @ 4:54 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abdullah Ekbal Hussain bin Siraj (London, UK)
Posts: 347
Joined: Dec 2002
Wa Alaikumus Salam wa rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

Welcome to the Board brother!


Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar said in �al-Fath�: "The Fuqahaa (Jurists) are in agreement concerning the obligation to give obedience to the Sultaan who took over them by force and also to perform Jihaad along with him. [And that] obeying him is better than rebelling against him due to what this would contain of the shedding of blood and subduing of the common masses." Related in Fathul Baaree (7/13).


Shaykh 'Abdul-Lateef Ibn �Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Hasan aalush-Shaykh said, "And the People of Knowledge� are unanimously agreed concerning giving obedience to the one who took over them by force in whatever constitutes goodness. They see it necessary to fulfill his orders and hold the correctness of his Imaamah, leadership. No two people [amongst them] differ concerning that. They also deem it impermissible to rebel against him with the sword and to divide the Ummah, even if the leaders are sinful, so long as they do not see clear open disbelief. The various texts [of these Jurists] from the four Imaams and other than them and their likes in this regard are [certainly] present."  Majmooâ??ur Rasaa`il wal-Masaaâ??ilun-Najdiyyah (3/128)


Shaykhul-Islaam Muhammad Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab said: "The Imaams from every Madhhab are agreed concerning the one the forcefully took over a region or regions that he has the ruling of "Imaam" in all matters. If this had not been so then the affairs of the world would never have been established. This is because for a very long time, before the era of Imaam Ahmad till this day of ours, the people have never gathered behind a single Imaam. And they do not know anyone from the Scholars who has mentioned that any of the Sharee�ah rulings cannot be correct [effected, implemented] except by the overall Imaam [the Khaleefah]." ad-Durarus-Sunniyyah fil-Ajwibatun-Najdiyyah (7/239)

11-12-2006 @ 12:35 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Haaroon Husayn Ahmad ibn Jamal (West Palm Beach, FL USA)
Posts: 141
Joined: Jul 2005
See the following ebook "The Islamic Condemnation of Terrorism"

PDF: The Islamic Condemnation of Terrorism

The whole book is a beneficial read insha-Allah, and your question is specifically addressed starting on page 22.

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