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24-10-2006 @ 6:48 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Zakee 'Umar Ibn Ismaa'eel (Toronto, Canada)
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002

Summer '06 Seminar:
- The Sunnah: The Path to Paradise -

A Unique North American Seminar with the Mashaayikh of Yemen Lectures on the Correct Islaamic Methodology and Warnings against Innovation, Partisanhip and Misguidance.

Speakers: Shaykh Aboo 'Amr 'Abdul-Kareem al-Hajooree & Shaykh Aboo 'Abdullaah Zaayid al-Wassaabee

Shaykhs Zaayed al-Wasaabee and Abu ?Amr al-Hajooree, may Allaah preserve them, are from the students of Shaykh Muqbil al-Waadi?ee, may Allaah have mercy on him, and from the students of Shaykh Yahyaa al-Hajooree. Shaykh Zaayed is also from the students of shaykh Muhammad Ibn ?Abdul-Wahhaab al-Wasaabee, may Allaah preserve him. Shaykh Zaayed has been and continues to be a student of knowledge for the last fifteen years along with Shaykh Abu ?Amr al-Hajooree has been a student of knowledge for the past eleven years. They are both from the shaykhs of Daarul Hadeeth, Dammaaj, and also amongst the people who give khutbahs, go out for dawah, its teachers, and people of research. Shaykh Yahyaa had also sent them for the first time for dawah to India in the past year (2005). And they are also sent for other dawah affairs within Yemen. They continue to be students of knowledge in Daarul Hadeeth, Dammaaj to this present time.

Lecture List:

Shaykh Aboo 'Amr al-Hajooree
KH1 Prophet Muhammad - A Guiding light from the Darkness of Disbelief
KH7.1-7.2 The Tremendous Blessing of Islaam and The Evil Legacy of the Khawaarij (2 CDs)
KH8 Sins Occur Due to Ignorance so Be Deligent in Seeking Knowledge
KH9.1-9.2 Ihsaan - Perfect your Deeds According to the Authentic Sunnah (2 CDs)
KH10 Seek Knowledge... From the Cradle to the Grave
KH11 True Success Lies In Following the Shareeah of Islaam
KH2 Q&A on Living and Studying in Dammaj
KH3 Q&A on QSS Groups and Partisanship
KH4 Q&A on the Deceptive Tricks of the Hizbiyyeen - Bonus Khutbah - Its Time to Make Hijrah
KH5 Q&A on Salafee Masaajid, Levels of the Callers and Calling to the Sunnah
KH6 Q&A on Ikhtilaaf and Modern-Day Issues

Shaykh Aboo 'Abdullaah al-Wassaabee
ZW1 'O Muslims! Forgiveness is better than Pride
ZW2 Raise your Children According to the Quran and Sunnah and Reap the Rewards in the Hereafter
ZW3 Wealth Does Not Decrease with Charity
ZW7 Common Issues Related to Ramadaan and Fasting
ZW8.1-8.2 The Rights of the Spouses and Family Affairs (2 CDs)
ZW9 The Severe Evils of Zinaa (khutbah) with Q&A
ZW4 Q&A Concerning Marriage & Fiqh
ZW5 Q&A on Social Issues
ZW6 Q&A on Fiqh Issues with a Warning Against the Evils of Hizbullah and Hasan Nasrullah

Order @

From the '06 Seminar:

- Islaam's War on Terror -
The Khawaarij: A Legacy of Evil & The Hallmarks of Ahlus-Sunnah

"An Enlightening Exposé on the theology and callers of the khawaarij (renegade terrorists) in our time, in contrast to the hallmarks of the People of the Sunnah and the Correct & Pure Islamic Methodology" July 21, 22 & 23, 2006, Toronto, Canada"

Lecture List:

Shaykh Ahmad as-Subayee
AAS1.1-1.2 al Uboodiyyah and the Purpose of Existence (2 CDs)

Shaykh Muhammad al-Anjaree
MA1.1-1.2 Death is Guaranteed So Die Not Except as Believers (2 CDs)

Aboo Khadeejah Abdul-Waahid
AK15.1-15.2 The Orthodox Islamic Position on Terror (2 CDs)
AK16.16.2 True Salvations Lies in Sticking to the Sunnah (2 CDs)
AK17.1-17.2 Clarifying the Reality of the Salafee Dawah (2 CDs)
AK18.1-18.2 The Importance of Unity and the Destructiveness of Hizbiyyah (2 CDs)
AK19 Questions & Answers on Jihaad

Aboo Hakeem Bilaal Davis
BD14 O Muslim Youth Don't Be Fooled by the Rhetoric of the Terrorists
BD15 A Comparison between the Methodology of Ahlus-Sunnah in Calling to Allaah to that of the Extremists

Aboo Abdullaah Hasan as-Sumaalee
HS8.1-8.2 Fundamental Beliefs of Ahlus-Sunnah from Shaykh Fawzaan
HS9 The Impeccable Character of the Prophet in Contrast to the Ignorance of the Extremists
HS10 The Correct Manner of Calling Non-Muslims to Islaam

Order @

CDs are also available seperately, see for more details.

26-10-2006 @ 11:50 AM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified Khalil Karoosi (London)
Posts: 40
Joined: Dec 2005

The Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said "None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself".


Alhamdulillaah, I have copies of the two CD sets by the students of knowledge from Kuwait, from the Islaam's War on Terror seminar :

Shaykh Ahmad as-Subayee
AAS1.1-1.2 al Uboodiyyah and the Purpose of Existence (2 CDs)

Shaykh Muhammad al-Anjaree
MA1.1-1.2 Death is Guaranteed So Die Not Except as Believers (2 CDs)

The lectures are jayyid.

I love that my Salafi brothers also get copies, insha'Allaah.

This message was edited by K.Karoosi on 10-27-06 @ 8:36 PM

20-11-2006 @ 10:39 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Zakee 'Umar Ibn Ismaa'eel (Toronto, Canada)
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002

Available today @

Summer '06 Seminar:
- The Religion is Sincere Advice -
Trinidad & Tobago

Following up from the N. American Summer Seminar with the Mashaayikh from Yemen, the Caribbean Seminar focused on core aspects of the Islamic Methodology, Islamic Morals and Character and an abundace of Q&A from the West Indian Community.

Lecture List:

Shaykh Aboo 'Amr al-Hajooree

KH12 Q&A on Modesty, Women?s Issues and Giving Da?wah in the Caribbean
KH13.1-13.2 Hold Fast to the Rope of Allaah, ?Altogether?! (2 CDs)
KH14 Whoever Resembles a People is One of Them Incl. Q&A on Times of Salaah, Madhaahib and knowing the Scholars
KH15 Seeking Knowledge is the Foundation of Giving Da?wah [An Advice to the People of Taqleed & Madhaahib]
KH16.1-16.2 The Sunnah is an Integral Part of Islaam (2 CDs)
KH17.1-17.2 A Call to the Sunnah and an Exposé of Modern Day Movements [incl. Q&A on Deviant Personalities of our time] (2 CDs)
KH18 Q&A with the Muslims of Trinidad & Tobago

Shaykh Aboo 'Abdullaah al-Wassaabee

ZW10.1-10.2 The Blessing of Islaam, The Religion of Rights and Justice with Q&A (2 CDs)
ZW11 We are Living in Times of Fitnah, So Hold Fast to the Rope of Allaah
ZW12.1-12.2 The Rights and Relationships of Husband & Wife (2 CDs)
ZW13 Ramadaan: A Month of Countless Blessing
ZW14.1-14.3 Q&A with the Muslims of Trinidad & Tobago (3 CDs)

06-02-2007 @ 6:31 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Zakee 'Umar Ibn Ismaa'eel (Toronto, Canada)
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002

An Explanation on Imaam al-Albaanee?s famous ?Sifah Salaatun-Nabee? (The Prophet?s Prayer Described).

A chapter by chapter explanation with extensive Q&A. Part of a unique 17 CD Set in the English language, recorded and translated live during a visit from the mashaayikh of Yemen to Toronto in ?06. This set is probably the most detailed explanation of sifaah salaatun-nabee? available in the English language, an example is the detail given to the rukooh and sujood which spans over 2 hrs alone.

Class Contents:
CD-ZW15.1-15.2: Facing the Ka?bah (Qiblah), Praying in Transit, Night Prayer, Qunoot + Q&A
CD-ZW15.3-15.4: Prayer of the sick, standing, sitting, lying, unconscious, on a vessel, delaying combining salawaat, conditions of salah without wudhoo, in shoes, socks
CD-ZW15.5-15.6: Talking during Salaah, The Sutraah and its rulings, Movement during Salaah
CD-ZW15.7-15.8: Closing Eyes during Salah, Khushoo, the Opening Ada?oo, the ways to seek refuge from the Shaytaan, the Basmallah with Q&A
CD-ZW15.9: Reciting One Verse at a Time, The Rulings of Sooratul-Faatihah
CD-ZW15.10: The Obligation of al-Hajj - Benefits, Rights and Rulings
CD-ZW15.11-15.12: The Rulings of Rukooh, The Rulings of as-Sujood, al-Jalsatul-Istirahah
CD-ZW15.13: Raising up from Sajdah, the 1st Tashaahud
CD-ZW15.14: Q&A on the Tashaahud and Salaah in General
CD-ZW15.15: Iqaamah, the 2nd tashaahud (sending salam upon the Prophet), The Obligation of seeking refuge from four things after the Tashaahudul-Akheer
CD-ZW15.16: Reviewing Intricacies of Salaah, the 2nd Tashaahud, the Tasleem, Conclusion of book
CD-ZW15.17: Q&A on The Prophet?s Prayer Described

06-03-2007 @ 3:24 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Zakee 'Umar Ibn Ismaa'eel (Toronto, Canada)
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002
Bismillaah, wal-hamdulillaah, was-salaatu was-salaamu 'alaa rasoolillaah, wa ba'd,

Aqeedatul-Islaam as-Saheehah -The Correct Islaamic Creed [Toronto '06] (Entire 17CD set)  

Classes by Shaykh Aboo 'Amr al-Hajooree

Based on the book 'Al-Aqeedatul-Islaam as-Saheehah' (The Correct Islaamic Creed) authored by the Shaykh himself, an in-depth look at the Islamic creed, its correctness and the errors of the various groups of deviation . Part of a unique 17 CD Set in the English language, recorded and translated live during a visit from the mashaayikh of Yemen to Toronto in '06.

Order the set or individual titles today:

Class Contents:

KH19.1-19.2: Prelude: The Blessings and Importance of the Circles of Knowledge, Tawheedur-Ruboobiyyah with Q&A (2 CDs)

KH19.3: Tawheedul-Uloohiyyah (Worship) and An Introduction to Shirk

KH19.4: Tawheedul-Asmaa' was-Sifaat (Names & Attributes) An Introduction and a look at the Groups that Deviated with Regards to It

KH19.5-19.6: Tawheedul-Asmaa' was-Sifaat (Names & Attributes) - Examples of Allaah's Names & Attributes with Q&A (2 CDs)

KH19.7: To Have Eeeman in the Books (of Revelation) with Q&A

KH19.8: To Believe in al-Qadr (Devine Decree), The Good of it and the Bad of it (and the Deviations of al-Qadariyyah) (2 CDs)

KH19.9: al-Israa wal-Miraaj according to Ahlus-Sunnah

KH19.10: The Position of the Muslims concerning the Sahabah & Islam's Middle Path Between the other Religions, Ahlus-Sunnah's Middle Path Amongst the Other Sects

KH19.11: Dream Interpretation and the 4 Types of Dreams

KH19.12: The Nature of the Jinn and Shayateen with Q&A

KH19.13-19.14: The Events of the Hereafter [stage-by-stage] with Q&A (2 CDs)

KH19.15: ash-Shifa'ah (The Intercession), Paradise & Hell

KH19.16-KH19.17: Beware of Bid'ah (Innovation) and Its Various Deviated Sects and Societies (2 CDs)

15-03-2007 @ 11:06 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Zakee 'Umar Ibn Ismaa'eel (Toronto, Canada)
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002
Bismillaah, wal-hamdulillaah, was-salaatu was-salaamu 'alaa rasoolillaah, wa ba'd,

From Kitaabul-Ilm and Kitaabul-Adab

KH20 Kitaabul-Ilm: The Rights of Tawheed and the Levels of al-Adab
KH21 Kitaabul-Adab: The Rank of Al-Adab with Allaah and His Messenger
KH22 Kitaabul-Adab: Resolving the Fitan Between Husband and Wife

This brings to a conclusion the classes and lectures conducted by the two mashaayikh from Yemen (Shaykh Zaayid al-Wassaabee & Shaykh 'Abdul-Kareem al-Hajooree), may Allaah place their actions upon their scales of good deeds. They conducted over 74 sittings in 3 1/2 weeks in Canada and Trinidad. Their efforts are most inspiring, masha'Allah and exemplified the efforts of a true taalibul-ilm, may Allaah reward them immensely.

This message was edited by AbooZakee on 3-16-07 @ 9:18 PM

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