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Posted By Topic: What's the best islam introductory book for christians

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26-12-2005 @ 9:16 PM    Notify Admin about this post
unspecified Ahmed bin AbdulHameed (US)
Posts: 18
Joined: Apr 2003
assalam alikom,

I need info on good books that introduces islam to christians.
Some people have interest in reading about islam and they may become muslim with your help.

jazakom allahu khairan
27-12-2005 @ 7:04 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Ibraheem Abd al_Kareem ibn Fredric (chicago, il usa)
Posts: 115
Joined: Sep 2002
they should be well effected by Dr. Rabee's book on the "Status of Jesus in islam"

it is currently only available in E-book form but may someday be published as dawah material.

The Status of Jesus in Islam

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