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» His opposition to the Manhaj of the Salaf with his belief that sin
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Posted By Topic: His opposition to the Manhaj of the Salaf with his belief that sin

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30-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 265
Joined: Sep 2002
NOTE: What is being presented here should not be understood that the issue of sins is a light issue, and we encourage all Muslims to stay far away from them; major and minor.

One of the clear indications of Aboo Muslimah's incorrectness of aqeedah and manhaj is his wavering back and forth between the Khawaarij and the Mu?tazilah regarding people who commit sins or have been accused of committing them (especially if they are
salafee) and his shunning, boycotting, defaming and more importantly not accepting them even after they have repented for their crimes.

This is done when it is benenificial to him and his group.

Additionally, we find him preferring those of hizbiyyah, deviations and innovation over those of salafiyyah and even admitted that this was the manhaj of the Salaf!

We find him not accepting the salafees narrations and encourages his followers not to accept their narrations if they (the salafees) have committed or are accused of committing sins!

In spite of this, we find one of the closest associates and friends to Aboo Muslimah and Haneef
Muhammad (who is the Business Manager and left hand man to Aboo Muslimah) obtaining approximately $32,000 USD worth of books from Dar-us-Salam Book
Publishers and Distributors located in Riyaadh, Saudi Arabia and not returning the money nor the books!

This incident was not brought in to the general public?s attention during a khutbah or Friday night lecture, in fact it was swept under the rug and to add insult to injury that person was still allowed to conduct business with the masjid and in fact was solicited to do so by Aboo Muslimah and Haneef Muhammad!

Abdul Maalik Mujaahid, the General Manager for Darus Salam has been trying to get this money for about three years now!

On another occasion, which was recorded on tape and sold at their bookstore, when talking about some of the salafees, Aboo Muslimah said Allaah would not accept their tawbah, then in the same breath He (Allaah) might, then he said:

"Allaah may have accepted their repentance and you all might accept it, but I don?t
have to!"

Compare the following statements of some of the Ulamaa of Ahlus Sunnah ? both past and present - with the statements of this scallywag, Aboo Muslimah.

Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadee says in Al-Kifaayah fee Ilm Ar-Riwaayah (pg. 132),

"Anyone who it is established that he committed anything from the above mentioned
major sins or what is along their lines like the drinking of intoxicants, acts of
homosexuality, or what is like them, then his trustworthiness is lost and his narrations
are rejected until he repents."

Al-Muhaddith Ahmad Shaakir says in Al-Baai?th Al-Hatheeth (1/306), "The narrator who is criticized because of Fisq (sin, transgression), if he repents from his sin and his trustworthiness becomes known [again] after his repentance, his narrations
are accepted again after that and this is with respect to every kind of Fisq except lying
in the narrating of Hadeeth..."

In our times, one of the two Imaams of Ahlus Sunnah, Shaikh Muhammad Naasirudeen Al-Albaanee had the opinion that even if a person lied on the Messenger of
Allaah his narration after his repentance could be accepted!

So when you look closely, you will see the many lies, deceptions, plots and outright deviations from the aqeedah and manhaj of the Salaf that has been committed by Aboo Muslimah and his crew and you will see that he is no longer a hidden hizbee but rather
he has been completely disrobed, naked standing in front of the world!

May Allaah the Most High cover our sins, give us security from our fears and protect us from the venom
of the Hizbiyyoon, Aameen!

Wa sallallaahu wa Sallam wa Baarik 'alan Nabiyyinaa Muhammad wa ?alaa Aaleehi wa Sahbihe wa Sallam!

كن مستفيدا أو مفيدا
أو اسكت بحلم

31-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 6
Joined: Sep 2002

barakallaahu feek Abu Tasneem for your beneficial and enlightening serious on the treacherous Abu Mufsidah - maybe you should consider writing it up in risaalah form for the community of East Orange???

May Allaah increase you and Us and safeguard us from the plots and snares of the misguided fools. ameen.

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