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30-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 265
Joined: Sep 2002
As we have already seen, that as a part of Aboo Muslimah's tactics, is to use the
minbar during Jumu'ah or the podium to denounce the people, thereby controlling them.

If he finds a formidable opponent from among the People of the Sunnah, or wants to discredit
them, he will use this method:

1-Explictly or implicitly mentioning their sins or implying that they have them without mentioning them.

The latter in a manner similar to the prosecuting attorney who knows that his statements of taint having nothing to do with the case but when
mentioned it leaves a permanent crease in the minds of the jurors, causing suspicion,and therefore mistrust of the individual who might be coming with the truth!

For example, so and so does not take care of his family, or he was guilty of stealing or
using drugs or even zinaa, may Allaah protect us from all of this and purify our souls!

2-Another one is to say that the person does not know the Arabic language. He has done this with a few individuals, like Aboo Uwais Abdullaah Ahmad Alee.

Don't forget Aboo Usaamah concerning this ruse!

In fact, on more than one occasion he has said ? and attaching the Wallaahe phrase to it - that
Aboo Uwais doesn?t know the letter alif from baa!

What could be further from the truth?

In fact, during his talk entitled "Who?s making Fitnah in East Orange" he

"...and we were here ourselves and we listened to one of the tapes when he (Aboo Uwais) said ?Layta sha?ree!? i.e. ?Woe to my hair!? Wallaahe, it was so
funny, I said to the brothers here who were Arab, tell me what was the mistake so I don?t have to seem like I?m twisting something up?"

A brother stood up and said: "He probably meant to say Layta shi'ree! (Aboo Muslimah continues)
"What does it mean?" i.e. "If I only knew!"

So the people supporting his tapes, who know him and know about him, then we feel sorry for those people as they all seem to be around this plot in order to keep us from getting to the truth..."

I [Aboo Tasneem now say]: It is true what the Arab brother said, "He probably meant to say 'Layta shi'ree'!

But the manner that Aboo Muslimah has brought this to the people?s attention is to demean him. Anyone and everyone ? and we don't glorify anyone after Allaah ? who knows Aboo Uwais, knows that possesses skills proficient enough to not only translate with precision for the Ulamaa and shuyookh in general, but that he also reads their books with ease!

Additionally, the mistake that he made is a common mistake having nothing or very little to do with Islaam. On the other hand, if we wanted to cite some
of Aboo Muslimah's mistakes regarding the Arabic language, we could bring many examples all of them dealing with the aayaat from the Qur?aan and the
hadeeths from the Sunnah either with slips of the tongue or translation errors!

We present a few just as example:

In many, if not most of his renditions of Khutbatul Haajah pertaining to the aayah:

"Yuslih lakum a?maalakum wa yaghfirlakum dhunoobakum?? the meaning of which is: "He will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive you your sins..."

He instead says ?Yus lah lakum a?maalakum?we also find him sometimes saying "Fa inna asdaqal hadeethi Kitaabullaah, wa kharul Hudaa instead of saying ?wa
kharal Hudaa..."

When the Mu?adhdhin called the Iqaamah one day for the salaah, we find him sometimes saying:
"...Fa inna taswiytus Saff min tamaamus Salaah..!"

"...For surely the straightening of the row is from the perfection of the prayer..." instead of the correct statement from the Prophet which is "...Fa inna taswiytas Saff min tamaamis Salaah..."

These mistakes or slips of the tongue made by our brother ? may Allaah guide him and us ? or much more serious and graver than those he cited
regarding Aboo Uwais. For those committed by Aboo Muslimah dealt with the Book of Allaah and to that we have the interpretation of the meaning: "And those who
recite it (the Qur?aan) with the proper reading then they are those who believe in

Sooratul Baqarah [2:121].

As for the hadeeth, then the great scholar of Islaam
and Arabic language, Al-Asma'ee said:

"That which is the most fearful to me (of the things that I fear most) for the student of knowledge is him not knowing grammar (well), so that he will (wind up) being included among the people of whom the Prophet said:

"Whoever lies upon me intentionally let him occupy his seat in the Hell-Fire!" because ? the Prophet ? wasn?t a barbarian i.e. obscure speaker of the Arabic
language nor one who had grammatical mistakes in his speech so when ever you relate from him and make grammatical mistakes, then you have lied on him!"

Again on the tape entitled "Statements from the Ulamaa concerning Hijrah" trying to quote Shaikh Al-Albaanee and the many beneficial things he learned from his father he said that the Shaikh said there were two things that he benefited the most and one
of them was "...utilizing his time well...".

In reality, the correct translation of Shaikh Al-
Albaanee's statement was "...learning how to repair watches...!"

What a gross error in translation of the original Arabic from our esteemed Shaikh for someone who brags that he is fluent in the language, while swearing by Allaah that others don?t know the letters alif from baa!

In fact in his so-called aqeedah that he plagiarized from Abool Hasan Al-Ma?ribee ? may Allaah guide him and us ? our brother Abdullaah Al-Bukhaaree said he had found so many grammatical errors he had to stop circling them with his red pen!

كن مستفيدا أو مفيدا
أو اسكت بحلم

This message was edited by AbooTasneem on 10-30-02 @ 3:13 PM

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