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30-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 265
Joined: Sep 2002
On side (a) of the tape entitled 'Statements of the Scholars on Hijrah' recorded June 5th
1995 and after mentioning a lengthy number of noted scholars from the era of the
Sahaabah, the Taabi'oon, their students down to our contemporary times including
mentioning their statements concerning Hijrah, Aboo Muslimah - may Allaah guide him
and return him to the correct manhaj of which he was never upon, the Manhajus Salafee -
he says:

"Muhammad As-Saaboone*  and ...uh...he has a few books out mostly on tafseer. And
the People of Islaam [i.e. the People of Knowledge] have...uh...refutations on Muhammad As-Saaboonee because of his aqeedah at any rate he is a scholar of
Islaam and he is a scholar of tafseer and...uh...outside of his problems - Al-
Hamdulillaah, he has correct statements on Islaam and the Ulamaa.

And I've read - Al-Hamdulillaah - a few of the refutations against his books of tafseer
and this isn't one of the points that they [the People of Knowledge] refuted him on!"

Then Aboo Muslimah chuckled as though he knew he was doing something that was
contrary to the Salafee manhaj! Even though Aboo Muslimah was not criticizing as-Saaboonee there was no need to highlight his 'good points'.

This paragraph may be looked at from a few angles with regards to serious deviations from the Manhaj of the Salaf:

  • He has engaged himself in the issue of Al-Muwaazanah of which the evil of this bid'ah has been elucidated upon by a number of Ulamaa like the Imaam of Al- Madeenah, Shaikh Abdul Muhsin Al-Abbaad, Shaikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan, Shaikh Naasiruddeen Al-Albaanee, Shaikh Bin Baaz, Shaikh Al-Uthaymeen, Shaikh Ubayd Al-Jaabiree and others from the present day Imaams of the Salaf.

    As Shaikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan has stated when he was asked about mentioning the good points of someone of innovation - out of justice and fairness - and was this methodology in criticizing correct and was it necessary to mention the good points when criticizing?"

    So he said: "When the one who is being criticized is from Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa'ahand his mistakes are issues not related to aqeedah, then yes. his good points and exceptional [qualities] are mentioned. His mistakes and slips are overwhelmed by his aid
    of for the Sunnah. But when the one being criticized is from the People of Misguidance
    and the People of Deviation and from the People of Destruction and Adulterated
    Principles, then it is not permissible for us to mention their good points - when he has
    good points - because when we mention them, this deceives the people and makes them
    hold a good opinion about this strayer or about this innovator or deviant or hizbee"

    He went on to say:

    "So then they accept the ideas of this strayer or this innovator or this biased partisan.

    And Allaah, Jalla wa ?Alaa refuted the Disbelievers, the Criminals and the Hypocrites
    and did not mention any of their good points. And likewise the Scholars of the Salaf
    refute the Jahmiyyah and Mu'tazilah (of whom Muhammad Alee As-Saaboonee is from) and the People of Misguidance and they never mention any of their good points.

    This is because their good deeds are impaired by the misguidance, disbelief, deviation and hypocrisy. So it is not befitting that you refute a straying wanderer, innovator, deviant and then mention his good points and that you say he is a good man, he has
    this and that good point, but he made a mistake!

    We say to you your praise of him is stronger than his misguidance, because the people
    will hold on your praise of him. So when you promote this straying innovator and you
    praise him then you have deceived the people and this opens the door for accepting the
    ideas of those who go as tray!?

  • He included Muhammad As-Saaboonee among the Ulamaa without any clarification or distinction of what type of aalim from the Ulamaa he is!

    There is no doubt that Muhammad Alee As-Saaboonee - may Allaah have mercy on him, forgive him and pardon him - is one of the Ulamaa but let it also be known that he was one of the well known evil Ulamaa (like the Wicked Muftee, Howling Dog Yusuf Al-Qardaawee) proponents of the Ash'aree/Mu'tazilah creed and his 'problems' - as Aboo Muslimah plays them down - range from the distortion of Allaah's names and attributes to the ascription of beliefs and
    methodologies to Ahlus Sunnah that they are free from!

    As for the refutations on Muhammad As-Saaboonee, then there are to date about twenty (20) lengthy essays many containing extended comments warning every
    Muslim in general and student of knowledge in particular to stay away from taking
    from him and his books or even referring to them because of the mixture of truth
    with falsehood, fallacious transmissions with correct ones found therein!

    We find Muhammad As-Saaboonee in his writings violating scholastic responsibility, mixing the Aqeedah of Tawheed with that which negates or opposes it, and his clear ignorance of the Authentic Sunnah!

  • By citing As-Saaboonee, Aboo Muslimah changes the directional one way sign and steers the common, unaware Muslim towards the criminal as-Saaboonee. For the manhaj of the Salaf was to oppose those types of individuals and refute them.

    As we find the imaams of the Salaf saying it is included from among the punishments of the innovators that we don't mention any good about them.

    It is well known among the students of knowledge that indeed the abridged tafseer of [Muhammad Naseeb] Ar-Rifaa'ee is among the finest books of tafseer [Ibnu Katheer] in these latter centuries.

    And most definitely the abridged tafseer of As-Saaboonee is from among the worst books of tafseer and of those that are errant!

    Aboo Muslimah's statement: " any rate..."

  • implies that he knows better than those Ulamaa who have warned against the likes of As-Saaboonee or that he does not give any regard to what they have said!

    This makes sense, since he has already said: "they?re men, just like we?re men!"

    Keeping all of this in mind, this is the same person of whom Aboo Usaamaah adh-Dhahabee had the opinion that he was the most knowledgable student who graduated or did not graduate from Madeenah University!

    *This As-Saaboonee is not to be confused with the great imaam, Aboo Uthmaan Ismaa'eel Abdur
    Rahmaan As-Saaboonee who was born 373 A.H. and died 449 A.H. May Allaah have mercy on him.

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