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» Ruling on the Response to Assalaamu Alaykum to none muslims as well as muslim
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30-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 6
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Can you please give me or refer me to where i can find a daleel for the answer to Assalaamu Alaykum, What is the correct way to answer assalaamu alaykum , insha Allah

Jazakum Allahu Khairan


30-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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The Ruling On Greeting the Kuffar First  
by Imaam Muhammad Nasser ud-Deen al-Albaanee (raheemahullaah)
Silsilatul Ahaadeethus Saheehah Volume 2, Hadeeth number 704, Pages 320-321
Translator is unknown

He (Imaam al-Albaanee - raheemahullaah) stated:

"Someone might ask: Is it permissible (for a Muslim) to greet a (Non-Muslim) first with something other than the salaam? For example: ??How is your morning or evening??? Or, ??How are you??? and things of that nature.

I say: What appears to me- and Allaah knows best- it is permissible because the prohibition that was mentioned in the hadeeth is only dealing with the salaam, and its intention is the Islaamic salaam that contains Allaah??s (aza wa jal) name, just as in his (sal Allaahu alayhe wa salaam) saying, ??The salaam in one of the Names of Allaah that He placed on the earth. So spread the salaam among you (Muslims).?? (Recorded by Al-Bukhaaree in ??Al-Adaab Al-Mufrad? No. 989, and it has been previously mentioned (No. 184) and it will be commented on under hadeeth No. 1894).

From among the things that support what I??ve quoted is the statement of Alqamah: ??Abd??Allaah (i.e. Ibn Mas??ood - radhiyallaahu anhu) used to greet Addahaaqeen (Non-Muslims) first (only) by waving.?? And its chain of narration is saheeh (authentic).

So Ibn Mas??ood??s -  radhiyallaahu anhu - action shows that it is permissible to greet a Non-Muslim first by waving, because it is not the special greeting (salaam) of the Muslims. Likewise, the terms or expressions that we??ve quoted could be said when greeting them.

As for what has been written in some of the Hanaabilah??s books-like ??Aaddaleel?-that it is also not permissible to greet them (Non-Muslims) first by saying greetings like, ??How is your morning or evening??? or, ??How is your condition??? That I do not know any daleel (evidence) for that in the Sunnah.


Aboo Hurairah (radhiyallaahu anhu) reported that the Prophet (sal Allaahu alayhe wa salaam) said, ??Do not offer the Jews and Christians the salaam first. And when you pass them push them to the narrowest part of the trail.?? Recorded by Muslim, Al-Bukhaaree, and Imaam Ahmaad.

That is different than greeting Non-Muslims first by saying things like, ??How is your morning??? or ??How are you doing??? etc.

Aboo Shaahir as-Salafee

30-10-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Responding to the Salaams of the Jews & Christians
Shaykh Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaanee
Source: Akhlaaqul-Islaam, Tape #1 of 9, translated by Abul-'Abbaas

[ In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, may His Salaah and Salaam be upon his final Messenger, to proceed... ]

In our last lesson we discussed the hadeeth of 'Aa'ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) who heard the Jews greeting the Messenger of Allaah saying, 'As-saamu 'alaykum' ('Death to you'). While the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) simply returned it saying, 'wa 'alaykum' (and to you also), 'Aa'ishah added to it, saying, "and to you also, and the Curse of Allaah and His Anger." [1]

There remains an important Sharee'ah ruling related to the hadeeth. After I mentioned that it is not permissible to deal harshly with a non-Muslim living under Islaamic rule, I mentioned that it is also not permissible to be overly leniently with them when they go against the Sharee'ah.

I also mentioned that the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) prohibited us from initiating the greeting with them. So if the affair is like this, then this shows us that the Muslim is required to interact with the non-Muslim under Islaamic rule within the constraints of the Sharee'ah and not out of one's emotions of love or anger.

So if a man from among the Jews and Christians greets us with the Islaamic greeting, saying, "As-salaamu 'alaykum," some people understand from this hadeeth that we return the greeting with 'wa 'alaykum' and nothing more. So is this correct or are there other details to consider?

If we look to another hadeeth of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) found in Saheeh Muslim:

"Verily if the Jews greet you, and one of them says,
'As-saamu 'alaykum,' then say, 'wa 'alaykum.'" [2]

Upon inspection of the hadeeth, we find that the ruling here is dependant on a certain action, that is their saying, 'As-saamu 'alaykum.' This proves that our response to them in this circumstance must be, 'wa 'alaykum,' and the proper time and place for this abridged reply is when they say, 'As-saamu 'alaykum.' Our response could be understood as the Islaamic greeting or a reply to the Jews' curse.

As for when their greeting is clear and explicit, as is the case with some of them who interact with the Muslims nicely, they clearly pronounce the greeting saying, 'As-salaamu 'alaykum,' should we say, 'wa 'alaykum' or 'wa 'alaykumus-salaam'? Let us look to the Qur'aanic text [3]:

( If you are greeted then return the greeting with a better phrase or (at least) return it (the same way) )

Combining this verse and the hadeeth of 'Aa'ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, we say that if their greeting was crystal clear, then we reply to it with the same clarity. But if it is not clear and we feel they may have said something else, then we only say, 'wa 'alaykum.'

[ And Allaah knows best. ]

This article was taken from BAKKAHnet (

FOOTNOTES (Abul-'Abbaas)

[1] Translator's note: The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) then rebuked 'Aa'ishah for her harshness and commanded her to be gentle, as found in Al-Bukhaaree (#6024, 10/542 of Fat-hul-Baaree) and Muslim (#5621, 7/371 of Sharh An-Nawawee).

[2] an authentic hadeeth collected by Imaam Muslim (#5619, 7/370 of Sharh An-Nawawee) on the authority of Ibn 'Umar.

[3] the meaning of Soorah An-Nisaa' (4):86


06-11-2002 @ 12:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 6
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Assalaamu Alaykum Warahamtulahi Wabarakatuhu

Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your help.  Ameen


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