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» 5-a-side football tournament, Slough
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18-08-2005 @ 11:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Markaz Mu'adh Ibn Jabal & SalafiBooksto (Slough, UK)
Posts: 160
Joined: Apr 2003
Assalaamu aleikum wa rahmatullah

Mashallah, we have had a good response to the tournament and have so far had approximately 13 teams confirmed. If you would like to enter a team and still have not done so, then please do so soon, as the closing date is Friday 19th August.

Please email or call 07866 568642 for further information.

The first matches will kick off @ 11am inshallah, so please be there by 10.30, when the rules will be handed out.

The location is Powerleague on Ragstone Road, Slough, for directions please call 07866 568642.

Jazaakumullahu khair.

Wassalaamu aleikum wa rahmatullah


10-08-2005 @ 3:03 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Markaz Mu'adh Ibn Jabal & SalafiBooksto (Slough, UK)
Posts: 160
Joined: Apr 2003
Innal hamdalillah was salaatu was salaam 'alaa rasoolillah.

Assalaamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

It's that time of year again, and we hope that brothers from all over the UK will attend inshallah.

If the response is good enough, then inshallah the tournament will take place in Slough.

5-a-side football tournament on Sunday 21st August
2005 from 11am inshallah

Entrance per team will be £40 per team, with each team being guaranteed at least 5 matches inshallah.

A maximum of 8 players in each team, a full set of rules will be provided to the teams closer to the event inshallah.  

If you are interested in entering a team, please email your team name and contact details to

We hope that the brothers will make an effort to attend and take part in an enjoyable day inshallah.

Wassalaamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu


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