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» Abu Uwais Family Makes Hijrah
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09-07-2005 @ 5:31 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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The Messenger of Allaah(Salallaahu 'alaihi wa'sallam)said "Whoever has not
thanked the people then he has not thanked Allaah".[related by Abu Dawud &
Al-Hamdulilah,We would like to inform the people that Abu Uwais(rahima-
hullaah)family has made hijrah to egypt,with the intentions of moving onto
yemen,at a later time[insha allaah].
We,the community of Masjid Rahmah,would sincerely like to thank all of the Masaajid,Da'wah Centers,Organizations and the general people,who helped and
assisted in making this possible.  
May Allaah preserve and guide you all in Tawfeeq and Khair. (Ameen)

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