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» Ahamiyyatu Tawheed
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11-05-2005 @ 9:00 PM    Notify Admin about this post
. Akram Hoque ibn Muhammad (London/Birmingham , UK)
Posts: 27
Joined: Oct 2002
All Praise be to Allaaah, and may the peace and blessings be on the Last of the Messengers, Daarul-Athaar Publications is pleased to announce the translation of the lecture "Ahamiyyatu Tawheed" of Shaykh Saaleh ibn Fawzaan al-Fawzaan into the Bengali language.

"أهمية التوحيد"

"Tawheeder Gurrutto"

Excerpts from the lecture Tawheeder Gurrutto

Tawheeder Gurrutto

The full audio Tape/CD is available from:

2 Tape Set: £3.00  |  3 CD Set: £4.00

This message was edited by on 5-12-05 @ 9:07 AM

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