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21-04-2005 @ 11:53 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Sabr Samirah bint Jackie Todd (Philadelphia, PA)
Posts: 18
Joined: Mar 2005
Bismillah Ir Rahman Ir Rahim

As Salaamu Alaikum
wa Rahmatullah

I hope that I am not asking too many questions. I know I have been posting alot!!!!!! But as an owner of an e-group I do not want to post anything that would misdirect any of my sisters in my group. So please forgive me if I am getting bothersome <smile>

To proceed:

I also bleong to a homeschooling group for Salafi Sisters and the moderatoer sent her group plus my group this post below which in turn prompted me to do 2 things:
1. See for my self the history of the kite
2. Ask someone of knowledge before warning someone against this

here  is the post:

Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

Insha Allah this is beneficial to you all. If you have
now. Insha Allah please forgive me for one of my
projects was to have the kids make kites, i didn't
know the history. But like a friend of mine said
"everything has a history". Well so does kites. Kites
were representations of false idols of polonesians,
new zealanders and some tribes of the people of the
soloman islands and south pacific islands. China
accepts being the birth place but people have a
tendency to claim things to make their culture of
group seem to have a greater status amongs the kuffar.
Although it is said that china used it as a military
stratagy, know one knows for sure where the first kite
came from. More than likely it started with the first
idol worshippers i mentioned. They crafted what is
called a kite to look like their false idol. Like the
south pacific islands idol named Tane.

Insha Allah i will do more research and insha Allah
you can read it in the next issue of muslimah e-zine
under "kids corner". Insha Allah and if the sister
allows me.

~~~~~NAME WITHHELD~~~~~~~

And below is my finding from a non-Islamic site about the history of Kites:

4/19/05, Samirah bint Todd wrote:
[ How does a Kite Fly? | Kite Flyers | The History of Kites | Make your own
kite | My Kite! | Kite Sites! | FAQ | This Site ]


     It is not certain as to where the first kites came from, but it is said
that they were first known to the people of the South Sea Islands. They used
to use it to fish, attaching bait to the tail of the kite and a web to catch
the fish. Even today, some natives of the Soloman Islands in the Pacific
Ocean use kites as s fishing aid. In the Polynesian Islands, kites were
associated with gods. A kite represented the god Tane, as well as the god
Rongo who was the patron saint of the arts, kites, and kite flying. Then
once again, the knowledge spread. The Maori are a people who lived in what
is now known as New Zealand. Their word for bird is 'manu' and it is the
shape of a bird that they made their kites. It was believed that birds could
carry messages between humans and gods. Sometimes, the kites represented the
gods themselves. The Maori god Rehua is depicted as a bird, and was thought
to be the ancestor of all kites. As kite flying was considered a sacred
ritual, it was often accompanied by a type of chant called the turu manu.
Here is a translation of a turu manu.
My bird, by power of charm ascending,
In the glance of an eye, like the sparrow hawk,
By this charm shall my bird arise,
My bird bestride the heavens.
Beyond the swirling waters,
Like the stars Atutahi and Rehua,
and there spread out thy wings,
To the very clouds. Truly so.

      The Maori also used kites for divination and for funerary purposes.

      China is another widely accepted place as the birth-place of kites. One
story is of a Chinese general, Huan Theng who, in the year 202 BCE, got the
idea for a particular military strategy watching the way his hat flew from
his head. Placing thin pieces of bamboo that hummed and shrieked in the
wind, the General flew a large number of them over an enemy encampment one
night, causing them to believe that they were plagued by evil spirits out to
destroy them, and so, the army ran away. Both the Chinese and the Japanese
learned to use kites for raising soldiers into the air as spies of snipers.
Some old Japanese and Chinese prints show warriors flying over their
enemies' territory. There is also a story from Japan about a famous robber
named Kakinoki Kinsuke, who was supposed to have used a person-lifting kite
to raise himself up to the roof of a castle where the were statues of
dolphins made of gold. He was able to steal some of the scales from the
dolphins and hid them. He did not escape the authorities, though, and came
to a rather fatal end by execution. As time went on, kites were incorporated
into local customs in Asia. In Korea, it is a tradition to write the names
and birth dates of male children on the kites and then to fly them. The line
is then cut to ensure a good year by taking all the bad spirits with it. In
Thailand, each monarch had his or her own kite which was flown continuously
during the winter months by imperial monks and priests. They were also flown
during the monsoon season by the people of Thailand to send their prayers to
the gods. In Japan, windsocks are used in the shape of a carp, a symbol of
strength of will and fortitude. These windsocks are flown on May 5th,
Children's Day, as an inspiration to the children.
Where do kites come from?
Pick a specific story!
Fat One and Rooster
The Shepherd Boy
Maui's Kite
This site is maintained by Jen  (c) 1

SO My questions are:

1.Since noone knows the exact origin of the kite since there are many claims to the origin of the kite and not all claims are related to shirk. The kite was even used for military stratagies. What is the position of the scholars about the owning of a kite?

2. Is keeping a kite in your home for purposes of recreation for your children haraam due to the history related to shirk attached to the kite?

BarakAllahu Feek
Jazakhullah Khairun

Samirah bint Jackie Dean Todd. Vineland, New Jersey, USA.

Subhanaka Allahumma wa Bi Hamdika
Ash hadu an la ilaha ill Allah
Astaghfiruka wa atuboo alaik

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wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

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