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» Jeddah-SriLanka Relief Project. URGENT
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30-12-2004 @ 7:41 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ishaaq Nadeem Ahsan-Sh (Jeddah)
Posts: 45
Joined: Dec 2003
Salamalaykum all

I received an email from a trustworthy friend of mine in Jeddah (from Sri Lanka).
In it he mentions that old clothes are being sent as part of a relief effort in Pandura, Sri Lanka, where he knows some people ready to carry out the distribution inshallah.

Anyone who would like to send something can contact him on his mobile: 0504623797 (Ziard).
Here is a copy of the email he sent:
Dear all,

Assalammu Alaikum !
A trusted friend of mine from Panadura called me to seek some assistance for relief work to those affected in Panadura. I understand thier primary task is  to prepare meals and distribute to those in distress.. alhamdulillah, I did what I could.

Why am I writing this note to all ?
I am making arrangements to despatch a cargo of old clothes to a boy whom I know who is on vacation and is prepared to clear the cargo and and have it delivered to Panadura. I have checked with LAKSIRI,  I believe next shipment is scheduled on 4th Jan. Those interested to contribute some old clothing... please contact me. You may also pass this message to any others interested.

Rameez Ziard

Wassalamalykum wa rahmatullah
Abu Ishaaq Nadeem ibn Mohammad Ahsan-shah

((من كظم غيظاً و هو قادر أن ينفذه دعاه الله على رؤوس الخلائق حتى يخيره من الحور العين يزوجه منها ما يشاء))
[صحيح الجامع رقم 6522]

29-01-2005 @ 3:04 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu-Fadhlallah Reza ibn Alaudeen (Sri-Lanka)
Posts: 71
Joined: Sep 2002
Assalamu Alaikum!

There has been a lot of inquiries of muslims of Sri-lanka and particularly about salafis from a lot the bro's . Some Brs requested me to put up a small note in salafitalk abt us.
Before I type further Brs/Sis should note this is only my pesonal info which might be a fraction of the whole story.

Alhamdullillah We the salafis couild be able to witness The might of the sea when Allah orders it. The devastation of lifes and propeties it left behind as per Allahs will a lot of people are trying to give explantions how this happened and how this might have got destroyed HOW WHY etc etc but they are only wasting their time. As i live in colombo close to the beach. Subhanallah I personally witnessed The Might of AL Aziz. The sea to my amazement and shock started going back as it was on reverse gear. we could see the sea bed for some 100 or more yards then suddendly like a boiling kettle the water started rising and the balance  my bros /sis would have read and heard from the media.

Allah has promised that for the affair of a mumen  is always khair. Alhamdullillah after the tsunami a lot of people are thinking about who is the creator? Does some weird science thoeries  controls the sea/ Or a ALL Powerful being. Alhamdullilah now a lot of people are open to listen About the Creator Allah. From among the neamahs of Allah was Shaikh Aboo Uthman Mohammaed Al Anjaree from kuwait visited us and spend 2 full days with us. going and meeting the affected people etc. The knowledge, experience, the wisdoms, the learning we picked up from the Shaikh was only a neamah from Allah. He had arranged 2 telelinks with Shaikh Ubaid Al-Jabiree and Shaikh Abdul Muhsin Ubaykan but due to the feild work and technicalities it didnt work out QadrAllah. Alhamdullillah after his visit he has increased his dars from once a week to twice a week.Salafi Bros from Uk are also helping us in numerous ways. Alhamdullilah for example the jummah khutba tape from Br Bilal davis about earthquakes taken from the Book of Allamah Muqbil al Hadee a lot numbers are sponsored and didtributed free as a lot are searching the anwers for this "TSUNAMI".
If I have done some error in my info may ALLAH forgive me.

Abu-Fadhlallah Muhammad Reza as Saylanee

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