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» Masjid Rahmah's Stop the Discord Lecture Series
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15-07-2004 @ 6:21 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ruqayyah Yasin ibn James Scott (Olaya, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 11
Joined: Oct 2002
al-Hamdu-Lillaahi Rabbil-'Aalameen was-Salaatu was-Salaamu 'alaa
Ashrafil-Anbiyaa?e wal-Mursaleen, wa ba'd:

as-Salaam 'alaykum wa-Rahmatullaahi wa-Barakaatuhu,

The "Stop the Discord" Lecture series is now available on CD from Insight Audio. The total collection is 13 titles. Ya ikwan, these talks are from the most benefical talks needed for the salafiyoon  Barakallahfeekum, as our Mashaykh and du'aat dealt with the affairs of splitting and dividing amongst the jamaa'ah, stopping the discord and issues dealing with the current events of our time.

As a special bonus to our listeners we have taken the title "They Cut Off His Head On Camera, Is This Islaam!?" and made a da'wah version of it because of its extreme importance. The da'wah version is without the technical Islaamic questions so that you can give it to your non Muslim family and friends. If you order the collection we will give you 2 of these CDs FREE with your order insha Allah. Listen to samples of the lectures on Purchase single CD's or the whole collection.

All orders for the whole collection will recieve a 25% discount for a limited time.

Abu Uwais
Stop The Discord
Q&A On 7-2-04

Abu Khadeejah
Hidden Intentions And Outward Actions
Ahlus Sunnah (They Do Not Divide Nor Separate!) 2 CD Set

Sheikh Ahmad Bazmool
Gathering Upon The Sunnah And Warning Against Any Separation
Sticking To The Rope Of Allah & Not Separating 2 CD Set

Sheikh Rabi'a al-Madkhalee
Words For The Salafis In The West On 7-4-2004 2CD Set

Hasan as-Sumaalee
From The Book "Advice" by: Sheikh Rabi'a al-Madkhalee

Taalib Abdullah
A Prescription For Happiness

AbulHasan Malik Adam
Differing And Dividing Lect 1
Differing And Dividing Lect 2

They Cut Off His Head On Camera! Is This al-Islaam? 2 CD Set
Abu uwais, Abul Hasan Malik Adam Hasan as Sumaalee

"Stop The Discord" Closing Panel
Abu uwais, Abul Hasan Malik Adam,Hasan as Sumaalee & Talib Abdullah

And we end with Al-humdulillah Rabil'alameen


This message was edited by y.washingtoni on 7-16-04 @ 12:29 AM

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