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» Are there any Salafees in Qatr specifically in Doha?
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Posted By Topic: Are there any Salafees in Qatr specifically in Doha?

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15-07-2004 @ 6:29 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ukkaasha Shaakir Ibn Willard Gree (Hawthorne, California)
Posts: 142
Joined: Sep 2002
The title should read: Are there any Salafees in Qatr specifically in Doha?

Does anyone know if there are any salafees in Doha Qatr? Are there any shuyookh or students of knowledge there for one to take knowledge from? If anyone knows please post as soon as possible. Jazakumullaahu khayran.

قال فضيل بن عياض : أول العلم الاءنصات, ثم الاستماع, ثم الحفظ,ثم اعمل, ثم النشر . <جامع بيان العلم و فضل و ما ينبغي في روايته و حمله>

17-07-2004 @ 8:46 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Najiyyah Jamal ibn Abdul Majeed Mu (Laurel, Maryland)
Posts: 38
Joined: Jun 2003
Akhi, check your pm.

Abu Najiyyah Jamal Muhammad
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