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25-06-2004 @ 11:46 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Husaam Shaheed ibn George Williams (Wichita, KS USA)
Posts: 297
Joined: Sep 2002
i'm posting this at the request of a salafee brother in oklahoma concerning a man known as "shaykh" 'abdur-rahmaan baseer, or as he is more commonly known as "the shaykh".  the following are a few things to note about him:

1.  years ago when i was going on khurooj with the tableeghees and dawud adib was in kansas city, i told a man who was visiting wichita from there that i had listened to a few tapes of dawud and that i wanted to go and sit in on some of dawud's classes.  this man, muhammad hilali (who was affiliated with the islamic american university that is chaired by yusuf qardawee and vice-chaired by jamal badawi), told me to stay away from dawud because he was salafee and that would conflict with what "shaykh" 'abdur-rahmaan is upon.

2.  when dawud adib came to wichita on a visit, he also stressed that he and "shaykh" 'abdur-rahmaan are not on the same thing.

3.  when "shaykh" 'abdur-rahmaan came here to be the imaam of the tableeghee-run masjid, due to my misunderstanding about taking the good and leaving the bad, i would sit in his classes.  after hearing some strange statements, i emailed dawud adib about whether i should sit in these classes or not.  he replied that if what he had heard about the statements that "the shaykh" had made about the da'wah were true (these statements came from other than me), then i shouldn't sit with him at all.

4.  i asked him in a letter, "i would like to ask for you, may allaah have mercy on you, to clarify your position towards the salafees.  are you or are you not a salafi?  when i had asked you before, you never affirmed or denied this.  this clarification is need because there are brothers and sisters who say that you have made statements against the salafi da?wah and called it a cult".  to which he replied in public, "its none of your business whether i'm salafee, shafi'ee, malikee..."

5.  i asked him in the same letter, "i would ask that you, may allaah have mercy on you, refrain from using certain terms and phrases in your da?wah that could denote any sense of nationalism or afrocentrism.  This has become a danger, because some of the people hear this and begin to adopt it in their own giving of da?wah."  to which he replied publicly, "its none of your business whether i teach african american history, chinese history,..."

6.  i asked him in the same letter, "i would like to ask that you, may allaah have mercy on you, advise the jam?aat ut-tableegh, as many scholars have informed of their innovations and teachings of shirk in their book, fadaa?ili a?maal.  i would like to ask that you advise them or refrain from cooperating with them and calling the people to listen to them."  to which he replied publicly, "mahmood is the ameer (meaning of the tableeghee-run masjid that we were in)...if you don't agree with what the current administration is on, then go somewhere else..."

7.  i asked him in the same letter, "i would like to ask that you, may allaah have mercy on you, inform the people of who the scholars of the sunnah of the past and present are.  many people are confused in this matter and take from any source that?s out there.  there are those who also make taqleed of you and will not take evidence unless it agrees with what you have said.  i would also like to ask that you give the people the statements of the scholars regarding issues in which they have doubts, and make the issue clear for muslims and kuffaar alike."  to which he replied in public, "i sat and listened to some brothers debate about what qaari they liked...while there was a scholar in norman, oklahoma...2 1/2 hours away...who had memorized the qur'aan in 7 dialects...but you brothers never went down to take from him..."

note:  with the letter i included daleel from authentic sources for all the points i brought up.

8.  shortly after his public reply to the letter, he began to mention in the khutbah (one of his few english ones before he started to say that it is haraam to give it in english) that "the prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) only left behind 2 things...he didn't leave behind 3 or 4".  the intent by this was made clear when it was regurgitated by one of his staunch followers when a salafee brother tried to give him a cd on the obligation of ascribing to salafiyyah by sh. al-albaanee.

these are just a few things, but believe me there are alot more.

aboo husaam shaheed ibn george williams
wichita, ks  usa

This message was edited by shahid393 on 6-27-04 @ 10:54 AM

27-06-2004 @ 5:43 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Husaam Shaheed ibn George Williams (Wichita, KS USA)
Posts: 297
Joined: Sep 2002
i apologize to the brother who took offense to me mentioning his name in the above post.  i have now removed it.  please forgive me.  also, the brother that i mentioned was in no way involved with the above post.

aboo husaam shaheed ibn george williams
wichita, ks  usa

28-06-2004 @ 2:27 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Daud ibn Tunnell (West Chester, PA)
Posts: 126
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Salaamu Ailaykum

Akh Shahid, is this Abdur-Rahman you're talking about originally from Philly?  There's this tablighi dude (same name) from Philly who used to come amongst the Salafis occassionally.  I personally saw him at a picnic held by the noble brothers at Masjid As-Sunnah An-Nabawiyyah a couple of summers ago, and also a couple of times praying in Masjid Ahul Hadith (60th St.) and everybody knew of his affair.  He was also in Camden, NJ for a while.  I heard he supposedly gives a real beautiful and therefore deceptive khutba on issues concerning the heart, that masks his soofiyyah and wack aqeedah/manhaj.  This dude I'm talking about was also going around saying he's salafi, and unfortunately, he duped a couple of brothers who are now on something wack.  He travels around from place to place.  I was just wondering if this is the same person...Allaahu Aalim.

Barakallaahu Feekum,


..."Know that the Religion is what came from Allaah, the Blessed and Most High.  It is not something left to the intellects and opinions of men.  Knowledge of it is what comes from Allaah and His Messenger (Salallaahu Alayhi wa Salam)"...Imam Barbahaaree

28-06-2004 @ 7:51 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Husaam Shaheed ibn George Williams (Wichita, KS USA)
Posts: 297
Joined: Sep 2002
wa 'alaykum us-salaam

i don't know if that is the same person.

aboo husaam shaheed ibn george williams
wichita, ks  usa

12-07-2004 @ 6:13 PM    Notify Admin about this post
UmmIkhlas Aasiyah bint Linda G. Ivy (Oklahoma, USA)
Posts: 13
Joined: Jan 2003
Assalaamu' Alaikum Wa Rahmatuallahi Wa Barakaatahu

Yaa Akhii, are there some salafi in OKCity/Norman other than the 3 I know?

Fee Ameenillaah

Ummu-Ikhlas Aasiyah

?A person is upon the Deen of his khaleel - close friend, so look to whom you befriend.? [Abu Dawood and At-Tirmidhee]

13-07-2004 @ 4:44 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Husaam Shaheed ibn George Williams (Wichita, KS USA)
Posts: 297
Joined: Sep 2002
wa 'alaykum us-salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

i only know of 2 salafees there and you are one of them.  al-hamdulillaah there is another one.  i posted this at the request of a brother in tulsa, because someone associated with 'abdur-rahmaan had moved there.  the brother wanted me to post it, so that the members of his community could be informed and not be tricked.

aboo husaam shaheed ibn george williams
wichita, ks  usa

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