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» The Advice of Shaykh `Ubayd Concerning The Criticisms Between the Scholars
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Posted By Topic: The Advice of Shaykh `Ubayd Concerning The Criticisms Between the Scholars

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07-06-2004 @ 5:37 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
Joined: Sep 2002

Shaykh `Ubayd's advice concerning the Salafee Scholars refuting and criticising each other

Question: Some of our brothers think that Shaykh `Abdul-Muhsin al-`Abbaad, when he refutes one of his brothers (from the Mashaayikh) or sons (from the Mashaayikh and Students) that this decreases his rank (i.e. the one being refuted) or that it places him (the one being refuted) in a rank that is different to what Ahl us-Sunnah are upon, as has occurred now with the latest risaalah. So would you correct the understandings (of the people) and what is your view concerning the risaalah, do you advise the spreading of it, with the knowledge that some refutations that we would not have expected from Shaykh `Abdul-Muhsin are found within it?

Shaykh `Ubayd: In the name of Allaah, and all praise is due to Allaah, and salaat and salaam be upon the slave of Allaah and His messenger, Muhammad, and (also) upon his family and companions, and whoever allied with him, to proceed:

I remind my sons and brothers with this authentic hadeeth, "To whomsoever Allaah intends to show goodness, He grants him understanding, comprehension (fiqh) of the deen". This hadeeth is clear text (showing) that the cause of the general and complete goodness which combines the happiness of the dunyaa and the aakhirah, is understanding of the religion, and the understanding of this hadeeth is that the one to whom Allaah does not intend to show goodness, He does not grant him understanding of the religion. So built upon this, it is obligatory upon us to spend (in that which is) expensive and cheap, and that we spend all of the time in acquiring the Shar`iyy knowledge which is the understanding of the Book and the Sunnah, upon the understanding of the Righteous Salaf so that we acquire the understanding of the deen of Allaah in the manner that Allaah, the Sublime and Exalted is pleased with.

Secondly, much of that which occurs between Ahl us-Sunnah of refutations and criticisms against each other does not render them into ahzaab, and nor does it make them sects who show enmity to each other, and (make them) attacking one another. And the examples of that are very numerous, from them is that the Shaykh, the Imaam, Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah), affirmed issues in (the subjects of) hadeeth, fiqh for which other Mashaayikh criticised him, such as the esteemed Shaykh, the Imaam, `Abdul-`Azeez bin Baaz (rahimahullaah) - and the Shaykh Hamood at-Tuwayjuree (rahimahullaah), and the Shaykh Muhammad Ibraaheem (rahimahullaah). And none from Ahl us-Sunnah took sides, as far as I know with Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez bin Baaz or whoever was with him from amongst those who refuted al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah al-jamee`), just as no one took sides with al-Albaanee against those Mashaayikh. (This is because) the Sunnah is decisive over all of them, hence they did not become ahzaab and they did not become sects, attacking one another. And this itself is the very understanding (fiqh).  Another example, Shaykh Muhammad bin `Uthaymeen erred (rahimahullaah) in the issue of al-Ma`iyah, and he said some words that other scholars were not pleased with, and amongst those who refuted him was Hamood at-Tuwayjuree (rahimahullaah). So we did not see anyone take sides with Shaykh Muhammad bin `Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah), and nor did we see anyone take sides with Shaykh Hamood at-Tuwayjuree (rahimahullaah). So this taking of sides and partisanship was not found with Ahl us-Sunnah when a scholar refuted another scholar or a student of knowledge, because the Sunnah is what unites them together, so they did not split.

And thirdly, Shaykh `Abdul-Muhsin (hafidhahullaah) is our Shaykh and his status is preserved with us, so (the fact) that he refutes some of his brothers or some of his students, you (will have) known that is a natural thing, and that which we advise everyone with is that that they should not occupy themselves with the likes of these matters. A short while ago I already presented a rule, and I repeat it again, so I say that that which is between Ahl us-Sunnah of refutations and criticisms in some issues, then it is not permissible for anyone to have tahazzub (partisanship) towards a person against another, because all of them are upon the Sunnah. And this is from one angle. And (from the) second, the Shaykh `Abdul-Muhsin and his brothers and students whom he refuted, they are more worthy (of engaging in this) with respect to themselves (i.e. this mutual refutation and criticism) than those sighaar who dispute in every occurrence who do not have the ability that allows them to speak in the matter. They are more worthy than those people. If they refute him with a knowledge-based refutation, then I do not think that Shaykh `Abdul-Muhsin, as far as I have observed from him and known him for more than thirty years, that his chest will become constricted with a refutation that is based upon evidence. This is because the truth is what is sought by everybody. And if they, and his brothers, and his students were to leave it, then it would not harm him in anything. So I do not think that Shaykh `Abdul-Muhsin, by what he has written, intends harm upon his brothers and his students. However those who stir in the murky waters and who love to distort matters upon the people, (those) from amongst the people of falsehood, amongst the hizbiyyeen and deviants, they always kindle the fire of tribulation, and they lie in wait for Ahl us-Sunnah, encircling them. And then without even perceiving it, the asaaghir from Ahl us-Sunnah aid them, in that sentiment, excitation, and hastiness overtake them, and therefore they enter into the likes of these matters.

Be eager with every eagerness in spending time in the beneficial knowledge which is the path to the general and complete goodness, which is the fiqh of the deen of Allaah from the Book and the Sunnah upon the understanding of the Righteous Salaf. And let not sentiment overtake them when a Sunni scholar refutes his brothers or sons. And the Sunnah is what gathers all of them together, as he says, "There is none amongst us except one who refutes or who is refuted", and that which is obligatory upon us is that we devote time for the people of innovation, and that we lie in wait for them and strike them on their faces and their backs with the Sunnah. This is what is obligatory upon us.


08-06-2004 @ 7:51 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 1280
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May Allaah preserve our mashaayikh.

Jazaakum Allaahu khayran for relaying this much needed advice.

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك
08-06-2004 @ 10:23 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 846
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JazaakAllaahu khayran, na`am, this is excellent advice.

What is amazing though is that we received information that some of the Ma'ribiyyeen claim that this statement of Shaykh `Ubayd is a "praise" of Shaykh al-`Abbaad's book and that Shaykh `Ubayd has "fully endorsed" the book?!!!

And as you can see from the translation above, this is clear kadhib.

Rather what the Shaykh has said in the third point is essentially the following:

a) that Shaykh al-`Abbaad refutes or criticises others from Ahl us-Sunnah does not diminish their rank or make them opposers to what Ahl us-Sunnah are upon

b) that this issue is between Shaykh al-`Abbaad and the other Mashaayikh, and should be left between them

c) that if those other Mashaayikh reply to Shaykh al-`Abbaad with a refutation, then Shaykh al-`Abbaad will not reject knowledge based refutations, and if they leave the matter (of replying to him) then there is no harm either, because Shaykh al-`Abbaad did not intend harm by his risaalah in the first place.

d) that the fitnah-makers are the ones who use the likes of these issues to lie in wait for Salafiyyeen, to kindle fitnah, and to spread confusion amongst the people.

And this is precisely what has been done by the Ma'ribiyyeen, lying upon Shaykh `Ubayd and claiming something he did not even say!


This message was edited by on 6-8-04 @ 10:33 AM

08-06-2004 @ 3:15 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abdullah Ekbal Hussain bin Siraj (London, UK)
Posts: 347
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Jazzak Umullahu Khairan.

08-06-2004 @ 5:21 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Bakr As-Somali SBIIC (cardiff,UK)
Posts: 68
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Jazzakumu llaahu Khairan SP, for the  clear explanation of this matter from our shaykh.

This message was edited by AbuBokorAs-Somali on 6-8-04 @ 5:24 PM

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