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» Whoever Speaks Arabic is an Arab?
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28-05-2004 @ 5:18 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Haneefah Ismael El-Tay bin Habeeb (Cairo, Egypt)
Posts: 13
Joined: Apr 2003
AS-Salaamu alaykoom:

I've heard this statement several times.  I've been trying to find if it can be correctly attributed to the Messenger of Allah.(Sallahu alayhe wa Salaam) After running a search in yahoo, I found the hadith several times without a source.  If anyone knows what hadeeth collection this is in and if it is authentic, please inform me.  Thank you in advance for your help.  

:The Prophet(Sallahu alayhe wa Salaam) called people to the mosque and said: "O people; the Rabb is one, and the father and the mother, the religion is one and the Arab is not by a mother or a father, but by the tongue, so whoever speaks Arabic is an Arab."

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