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» Songs on CD's ???
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26-05-2004 @ 8:01 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Talhah A Ibn A (USA)
Posts: 136
Joined: Nov 2002
Assalaamu alaikum

Could someone give us more insight on "muslim singer groups" that are becoming common and famous among the muslims.
Below are some CDs (of the many available):

(Songs of the CD:)
Bismillah, Senyum, Tak Selamanya, Nabi Anak Yatim (Duet Bersama NowSeeHeart), Cinta Hakiki, Bersatu, Anak Permata, Ya Rasulullah, 10 Malaikat, Cahaya Selawat, Bismillah (Acapella)
Warner Music (Malaysia)

I Look I See
Yusuf Islam Friends & Children
(Songs of the CD:)
I look I see, Al-Khaliq, Allahu Allah, Bismillah (I am a Muslim), Months in Islam, Sing Children of the World, Our guide is the qur'aan, Your mothers, Tala'a al-Badru alayna

The Prophets's Hands
Dawud Wharnsby Ali

Square the Circle
Azhar Usman
American Muslim Comedy of Distortion
(he has got a website too - I refrain to mention it here)

One more name comes to mind... some person named "Zain Bhikha"

Also "muslim rap groups"...

Aslam ibn Aftabuddin as-Saylaanee

This message was edited by abu.talhah.a on 5-26-04 @ 8:23 PM

26-05-2004 @ 8:32 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm aboo yahya Amatullah bint Rupee (b/ham, UK)
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wa alaykumus salaam,

It would be a good idea to get a book about 'singing in Islaam' then you can read all the proofs and different areas concerning singing. mustafah al kanadi has a good one. but basically singing and playing the daff is only on certain occasions and alot of these cd's (I imagine) don't restrict themselves to playing only the daff!!!

Listening to qur'aan and lectures are no doubt the best.

The Prophet also listened to the recitation of the Qur'an by the Companions: 'Allah Apostle said to me (Abdullah bin Mas'ud): "Recite (of the Quran) to me". I said: "Shall I recite it to you although it had been revealed to you?!" He Said: "I like to hear (the Quran) from others". So I recited Sura-an-Nisa' till I reached: "How (will it be) then when We bring from each nation a witness and We bring you (O Muhammad) as a witness against these people?"' (4:41) 'Then he said: "Stop!" Behold, his eyes were shedding tears then'. (bukhaaree 6:106)

umm aboo yahyaa

26-05-2004 @ 11:29 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Yaqoob Muhammad Jahangir ibn Ramadhaan (Birmingham, UK)
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salaam alaykum i recomend the book by siraj yusuf lambert. masha'Allaah he deals with subject brilliantly. cant remember the title fully but its an orange cover.

Abu Yaqoob Muhammad Jahangir Ibn Ramadhaan Ibn Himat Ibn Raheem Khan

27-05-2004 @ 6:39 AM    Notify Admin about this post
ابي سلمة محمود بن عبد بن سعد (America)
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Assalaamu Allaykum
Akhee; please check the book " الأجوبة المفيدة عن أسئلة المناهج الجديدة" by Shayk Saalih Al-Fawzaan (on Page 99 question number 37). Inshallah; I will post it for you in arabic if the book is not available to you as I don't have much time now.

Wa Salaaamu Allaykum

28-05-2004 @ 1:18 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Marwan Suzanah bint Herbert Reed (Kajang,Malaysia)
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Assalaamu alaikum  With reference to Mustafa-Kanadi's Book
"The Islamic Ruling on Music and Singing" the copy that i have was published in 1411/1991 in Jeddah (abul Qasim Bookstore).On page 72
Mustafa writes:-

"Islamic songs (anaasheed Islamiyyah) contain moving lyrics which fire enthusiasm and desire for jihaad and encourage noble Islamic manners, morals and practice in all aspects of the Islamic faith.  There is presently a great surge of these anaasheed flooding the world of the Arab Muslim youth and there is no reason why such inspiring songs could not be composed on various pertinent subjects by the enlightened western, English-speaking youths if today.273

273 I would certainly encourage the likes of Yoosuf Islam (the former Cat Stevens) and others to use this medium for Islamic revival and as a means for da'wah.." (end of quote)
This statement of Mustafa's generates confusion and doubts in relation to the rest of the book.

Was Salaam
Umm Marwan


28-05-2004 @ 2:21 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Daud ibn Tunnell (West Chester, PA)
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Salaamu Ailaykum,

Hasan Somali gave a dars in Masjid Sunnah An-Nabbawiyyah on imitating the celebrations of the kuffar, last Dec.  He stated that one of the scholars (It may of have been Shaykh Saalih Fawzan, Hafidhullaah) said the christians abandoned their religion and concentrated on music and fancy pictures.  He also said that anyone who listens to these nasheeds is imitating the kuffar.  Many of them are by soofee deviates, and at the very least hizbees.  

I've never heard of Mustafa Kanadi, is he one of students of knowledge among the Salafiyyoon?  The portion of Kanadi's book that the sister posted is enough for me to stay away from him, until someone can clarify his status with me.  We refer our affairs to the Ulema don't we?  

I looked up Dawud Wharnsby on the web.  He's on his website playing the guitar!!!!!!!  I used to play the guitar; if I can give music up(in all it's forms) EVERYONE can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


..."Know that the Religion is what came from Allaah, the Blessed and Most High.  It is not something left to the intellects and opinions of men.  Knowledge of it is what comes from Allaah and His Messenger (Salallaahu Alayhi wa Salam)"...Imam Barbahaaree

This message was edited by Daud.Chest on 5-28-04 @ 2:37 AM

28-05-2004 @ 3:23 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Hasan ibn Shaukat ibn Muhammed (London, UK)
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Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

The ruling regarding Islaamic inshaad (singing/chanting)

Question: Noble Shaykh, Muhammad Saalih al-'Uthaymeen, as-Salaam 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahe wa-barakaatuhu. Is Islaamic inshaad (singing/chanting) permissible for men? And is it permissible to accompany inshaad with the playing of the duff? Is inshaad permissible for other than `Eeds and parties?

Response: In the Name of Allaah, All Gracious, All Merciful, as-Salaam 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahe wa-barakaatuhu. Islaamic inshaad is an innovation, resembling that which the Soofiyyah (Soofees) have invented. Because of this, it is befitting to abandon this for the message of the Qur.aan and Sunnah. O Allaah, were it that this had occurred on the battlefield then it would motivate courage and Jihaad in the Path of Allaah, the Almighty. Then this is good. And if the duff is used along with this, then this is (venturing) further from that which is correct.

Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen
al-Bid'u wal-Muhdathaat wa maa laa Asla lahu - Page 229;
Fataawa fadheelatush-Shaykh Muhammad as-Saalih al-'Uthaymeen - Volume 1, Page 134

The Ruling Concerning Music According To The Four Imaams
By Shaykh Aboo 'Abdur-Rahmaan Fawzee al-Atharee

Overview: A Collection of statements from the Imaams of the Four Madhaahib confirming the Ijmaa' (consensus) of Ahlus-Sunnah concerning the prohibition of Music. Said ash-Shaafi?ee (d.241H) ? rahimahullaah ? in al-Umm (6/209), ?Indeed, music is makrooh (His statement ?makrooh? means that it is unlawful, since this is what it meant amongst the early people) amusement resembling falsehood.  And whosoever listens to it much, then he is an idiot (safeeh) whose testimony is to be rejected.?


This is what i could find online after a quick serach of the Salafi websites. Just to bring to the attention of this discussion, although further explanation and clarification with regard this is needed.

But like Brother Daud has stated, the individulas in question are Soofees and Hizbees in the very least, this is obvious through a quick search of their companionship!

Also in the following article ( ) which is written by our Brother Dawood Adeeb Hafithahullah where it mentions rap songs and music being used as a form of Da'wah. Perhaps he could add some important points to this discussion , Insha'Allaah.


Posted by Hasan as-Salafee
London, UK

Imaam al-Awzaa'ee said, "Patiently restrict yourselves to the sunnah, stop where the people stopped, say what they said, avoid what they avoided. Take to the path of the salaf, for indeed what was sufficient for them was sufficient for you."

This message was edited by Hasan.Salafee on 5-28-04 @ 3:57 AM

29-05-2004 @ 7:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abdullah Hanif ibn Calvin Toyer (Sana'a Yemen)
Posts: 32
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As salaamu alaykum,

Abu Bilal Mustafa Al-Kanadi died in 1989 (rahimahu llah) a few weeks after obtaining his master?s degree from Umm AL-Qura. His bio is a must read for those of us aspiring to leave the west and study until the time when our souls are taken!

Excerpt from the Acknowledgement of  ?The Islamic ruling on Music and Singing?

Finally, heartfelt gratefulness goes out to all my teachers and other Islamic scholars who have expressed their appreciation of the research on this vital issue, contributed their respected views on various aspects of the subject and offered useful suggestions and constructive criticism; especiaaly the esteemed scholar of hadeeth, Shaykh Muhammad Naasiruddeen Al Albaani and the Grand Mufti,Shaykh Abdul Azeez bin Baaz. May Allah, the Exalted, grant them the best of rewards in this world and the Hereafter.

The majority of the book establishes the proof on the impermissibility of music and singing from the nusoos and the views of our salaf, including Ibnul Qayyim?s rudd on Tasawwuf.  In the book there is also one other reference to Yoosuf Islam and his leaving the ?Vile and ignoble profession? of a musician. There was nothing in the text calling to his baatil, which and Allah knows best was not as apparent then as it is now.

Wa Allahu alum

حدثنا المكي بن إبراهيم قال أخبرنا حنظلة بن أبي سفيان عن سالم قال سمعت أبا هريرة عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال يقبض العلم ويظهر الجهل والفتن ويكثر الهرج قيل يا رسول الله وما الهرج فقال هكذا بيده فحرفها كأنه يريد القتل


This message was edited by Hanif.Irfan on 5-29-04 @ 12:36 PM

29-05-2004 @ 9:26 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Daud ibn Tunnell (West Chester, PA)
Posts: 126
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Salaamu Ailaykum,

Jazakallahu Khair Akh Hanif, for the bayaan on Mustafa Kanadi (Rahimahullaah).  I never knew anything by him.  Insha'allaah I'll see you at the lecture in N.J.?

Barakallaahu Feekum,


..."Know that the Religion is what came from Allaah, the Blessed and Most High.  It is not something left to the intellects and opinions of men.  Knowledge of it is what comes from Allaah and His Messenger (Salallaahu Alayhi wa Salam)"...Imam Barbahaaree

29-05-2004 @ 9:16 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Rashideen Zamuri bin Muhammad Zain (Singapore GMT + 8 hrs)
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We have all read and i hope understood the hukum on Music and Nashid. There is obviously no such thing as da'wah thru music.

FYI the Nashid Group Raihan is from Malaysia. All the members of this group were formerly Soofees following that of the Al-Arqam cult that was once big fitnah in Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and within this region. Al-Arqam now has changed their name. And they (Al-Arqam) purposely broke themselves into two groups, just to fool the unsuspecting ignorant people here. They now called themselves Rufaqa and Qatrun Nada -  yet they are still promoting their deviation sutlely amongst the ignorants.

Other than being Soofees, the Aqidah of the Members of Raihan, all of them are Ash'ariyah. Their songs still smell of Soofiyyah and deviation. They praise the lady soofee Rabia'tul Adawiyah, they praise the Soofees and sings about Sifaat 20, etc.

My advice throw them away. For they will poison young children's head and hearts and yourselves.

About Yusuf Islam. He has made songs together with Raihan. And sits and works with the Soofees and the Ikhwanees. Allaahul Mustaa'an. In this region, especially Singapore, the ignorant thinks he is some big 'Alim, organising lectures and talks by him and promoting his albums and buying his songs and singing them.

As for the rest of those names, i don't know them bec i am not into Music.
My advice to you is throw them away.

May Allaah guide us all. Ameen

Wabillaahi Tawfeeq.....Wassalamua'laikum

Abu Rashideen Zamuri bin Muhammad Zain as-Sinkafuree

Whosoever contends with the Messenger, even after guidance has been clearly conveyed, & follows a path other than the Believers', We shall leave him in the path he has chosen & land him in Hell, what an evil destination.[An-Nissa:115]

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