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» From the Shura Board of Masjid Ahlul Quran wa Hadeeth: Resignation of Abdul Mubdee Shakir
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Posted By Topic: From the Shura Board of Masjid Ahlul Quran wa Hadeeth: Resignation of Abdul Mubdee Shakir

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13-05-2004 @ 2:26 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Layla Khadiyja bint Elworth (Burtonsville, Maryland)
Posts: 61
Joined: Feb 2003
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem, Was salatu Was salaamu 'ala Rasulallah wa bad:

We, the Shura Board of Masjid Ahlul Qur'aan Wa Hadeeth, would like to announce that after 3 days of discussions surrounding our Imam, Abdul Mubdee Shakir, he of his own free will and after making istakhara, resigned from his position as Imam, and we accepted.

These discussions took place on 5-10-04, 5-11-04, and 5-12-04, and after Salatul Maghrib on 5-12-04, he, Abdul Mubdee Shakir announced it publicly to the salafiyoon of our Masjid.  Accordingly, the Shura Board is in the process of selecting another Imam, Inshaa' Allaah, to replace the previous one. This affair was unexpected,  but we are prepared, and willing to deal with it head on.

In Allaah we put our trust, in Him and Him alone is the aid, and success, and to Him and Him alone, do we turn.

For more information, contact:
Abu Abdul Hadi Khalil Ibn Davis (formerly Khalil as-Salafi)
Masjid Ahlul Quran wa Hadeeth
Voice: 202.832.6524

Barakallahu Feekum wasalaamu Alaikum
Abu Abdul Hadi Khalil Ibn Davis


This message was edited by Umm.Layla on 5-13-04 @ 2:51 PM

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