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Posted By Topic: Jeddah K.S.A (2 English teachers required)

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17-05-2004 @ 3:44 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Abdillaah Umar Bryant (Dammam, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 78
Joined: Sep 2002
Akhi s.alhashimi the harsh reality, whether morally correct or not, is that many companies here in the Gulf prefer the Caucasian persuasion.  

When it comes to most of these schools and institutes, although Muslim owned, Islaam is not what they are selling.  They are selling a western image and the west as they see it is in shades of white.

At the end of the day business is business.  As a black American myself, I would definitely make the same decision to hire more token white guys, Indians, or Martians if I felt it would benefit my business.  And I am sure you would make similar decisions if that?s what your market called for.  That does not make you racist rather - in that regard - it makes you a smart business man.   At the school I am presently employed I can honestly say we have too many black American teachers and the staff needs to be diversified.

Unfortunately as it relates to education here in the Middle East the Muslims have been duped into thinking that white is better despite ones education and qualifications.  This is the reality of working abroad.  This can only be due to the media they are receiving.  Most of the time blacks are portrayed as uneducated thugs and hoodlums.  Many here in the Middle East and beyond view black Americans as having broken English and therefore lack the ability to adequately teach it.  And in reality akhi, it?s not just black Americans, its BLACK people in general.  So it is definitely an image that must be corrected.  One simple method of curing this ignorant stereotype is for more black Americans to educate themselves.  Sadly, many of us become Muslim and discontinue furthering our education.  One just has to find the correct balance between secular education and seeking knowledge.  

We can thank MTV and satellite TV for this unfortunate typecast.

As a side note to brothers with ESL certs but no degrees:  From what I have heard, witnessed, and experienced personally, is that it is getting increasingly difficult here to land a job with those certs.  Especially the online ones.  
Many of the schools are getting government approved and therefore you will find some private schools  sending their teachers to the Ministry of Education to be tested and I can tell you now, if you do not have a background in Education, the test is going to be hard.  

My background is Computer Science but because I am an English teacher they gave me an English exam and it was a hard test.  

I recommend anyone wanting to come here to at least have a CELTA or a TEFL from a college or university.  The course should be at least 120 hours and offer an opportunity for you to teach a course or two.  CELTA, although expensive is WELL worth it.

And Allaah knows best

أذا اشتد صيف الحزبيين , وشتاء القطبيين , وخريف السروريين , فاعلم أن الأمة بحاجة إلى ربيع السنة و الدين

This message was edited by alatharee on 5-17-04 @ 4:05 PM

14-05-2004 @ 2:28 PM    Notify Admin about this post
abou hassan sulaiman ibn james johnso (KSA)
Posts: 47
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wa alaikumus salaam wa rahmantullah wa barakatu,

Astagfurullah wa Alhamdulilah rabbil alameen. Ahkee if I have insulted you or harmed you with my speech and ignorances then please forgive me. wallahu must'aan. With being a resident in the usa and being of african american (black) origin I have experienced and continue to experience racism and this society is racist wa Allahu alam. And when I became muslim I left off all those wicked racist beliefs and shunning these vices sometimes become difficult and trying not to be affected by them as  well. So I became a bit upset at seeing this requirment of the company. Astagfurrallah. May Allah you bless ahkee. Jazakullahu khair for the reminder.  

Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam), "May Allaah make make pleasant the man who heard a hadeeth from us and then conveyed it (to another)."

This message was edited by s.alhashimi on 5-14-04 @ 2:44 PM

13-05-2004 @ 10:34 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hudhayfah Abdur-Ra'ouf (Safa District Jeddah, KSA)
Posts: 42
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Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah.

As a follow up to my previous post and as an attempt to clear out any confusion that my have arisen in this thread, then I took it upon myself to contact our beloved Shaykh here in Juddah Muhammad al-Banna (may Allaah preserve him) in regards to a statement that was made by our brother AbuYoussef.

Tonight on the 21st of rabi al-awwal Shaykh Muhammad Abdul-Wahhaab al-Banna (hafidhahullaah) was asked;

-A brother working in Juddah has been asked by his company to find some Muslim teachers for them. A condition that was specified by his employer was that the teachers race should be white (Caucasian).
Is there anything blameworthy in his (the brothers) cooperation in this? As he has been told that this is to ?assist someone in sin and transgression? since this is a racist act by his company.

The Shaykh (hafidhahullaah) answered;

-Is there anything muharram in what the company has done, I don?t hold it to be anything forbidden in what the company has done as obviously there has to be some benefit for them in making their requirements.
Is there anything haraam going on within the company, or anything forbidden being taught? (The Shaykh asked)

The Shaykh was told;
-?They are teaching English there?

-The Shaykh proceeded;
Then there is no sin in what the company has done and everything that comes after that is therefore halaal.
The cooperation of the brother is not blameworthy since what the company is doing is halaal and therefore, for him to cooperate in their request is also halaal.


So alhamdulillah the Shaykh has dealt with this issue now and it is my hope that any confusion in regards to what has been written in this thread has now been made clear thus this issue could now be closed inshaAllaah.

As an advice and reminder to myself, AbuYoussef and those reading this, then I emphasize the importance of referring back to proofs and the people of knowledge before speaking about issues in this blessed deen and before accusing others of doing things which are forbidden.
The people of knowledge are those that Allaah have raised in levels when He said (which means);

"Allaah will exalt in degree those of you who believe and those who have been granted knowledge" [Surah Al-Mujadilah 58:11]

?Are those who know equal to those who know not?? ["Surah Az-Zumar 39:9]

"It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allaah."[Surah Fatir 35:28] ?

Going back to the people of knowledge would also be in accordance with what Allaah has ordered us with when He said;

?So ask the people of reminder if you do not know."[Surah Al-Anbiya 21:7] ?

I ask Allaah to make us all truthful in speech and actions and that He makes our faces bright on the day when so many faces will be dark, wa Allaahul-mustaan.

Wassalamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah.

Akhoukum AbuHudhayfah As-Suedi.

13-05-2004 @ 4:28 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hudhayfah Abdur-Ra'ouf (Safa District Jeddah, KSA)
Posts: 42
Joined: Sep 2002
Wa alaika salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh

Yaa [-], I appreciate your concern and your thoughts in advising me as I don?t doubt for a second that you wanted good for me. There is however a few points that to be mentioned concerning what you?ve written.

Firstly, it needs to be understood that the company I?m working for is serving the interests of their customers. And even though you and I may not like it and though it?s not from Islaam, the students (customers) who walk in to this ?western? institute to learn English expect the teachers to look western thus leading to the company?s current standards while looking for new instructors. Another reason for their standards is due to the fact that none of the current teachers including me have a ?western? look.

Secondly, there is no doubt akhee-fillaah that the actual performance of the teacher is far more important than the outside look of the individual teaching.
I wish and pray to Allaah that he changes the ignorant mentality many of the people in this country are carrying around with them, so that Islaam can flourish in this aspect of the society just as it?s already doing in so many other aspects of society in this blessed country, wa billaahi taufeeq.

Lastly, I don?t think I can agree with your point of me cooperating in sin and transgression as my aim of posting this job opening was to help the salafees in the west to come to darul-tauheed.
I also do believe that in order for you to pass the ruling that you?ve just passed i.e. ?that I?m making ta?awun in something my Rabb has made haram?.
Then you would basically need to have someone from the people of knowledge preceding you in your conclusions and understanding, and we seek help from Allaah to correct our affairs and with Him is all good.

Allaah says (what means);

?And follow not (O man, i.e., say not or do not or witness not) that of which you have no knowledge. Verily, the hearing, and the sight, and the heart of each of those ones will be questioned (by Allaah)?. [Al-Isra 17:36]

13-05-2004 @ 12:11 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hudhayfah Abdur-Ra'ouf (Safa District Jeddah, KSA)
Posts: 42
Joined: Sep 2002
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah.

For anyone intending to forward their resume to me, then kindly don?t UNLESS you meet the given requirements!

The reason I?m writing this is because I have received about 15replies NONE of them fulfilling what has been asked for!

For anyone who does live up to the requirements, then the vacancies are still open although time is running out.



"Whoever sees sincerity in his sincerity, then indeed his sincerity is itself in need of sincerity"

11-05-2004 @ 6:31 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hudhayfah Abdur-Ra'ouf (Safa District Jeddah, KSA)
Posts: 42
Joined: Sep 2002
Wa alaika salaam wa rahmatullaah.

In brief the answer to your questions is that the center needs some white faces, and they?ve had some bad experiences with white non-Muslims in the past so they have now requested that the teachers should be Muslims walhamdulillaah.

The reason for the request of British teachers is because it?s easier for them to process and get a hold of British visas these days compared to American visas.

In regards to what someone like you should do regarding jobs in the Mamlaka, then just keep browsing the net on vacancies in the Gulf or Kingdom and don?t be shy to pick up the phone and call the companies directly. Also ask any American bros you know who might be working in the Arab countries, wa Allaah ju?eenak akhee.

11-05-2004 @ 1:57 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Azeezah Sudani bint Ishaaq (york, PA,USA)
Posts: 43
Joined: Sep 2002

as salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah

may I ask why is it that they are asking for white teachers from the UK?

seeing as though i am niether of those, yet have an ardent desire to be in the land of tawheed. is there anything out there for a brother like me(i.e. an american non white who has no experince teaching, but has certification, but no college degree?)
barakallahu feek

كن عالما او متعلما او محبا لاهله

ابو عزيزة عبد المجيد خزيمة بن رتشارد البليزي

10-05-2004 @ 8:46 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hudhayfah Abdur-Ra'ouf (Safa District Jeddah, KSA)
Posts: 42
Joined: Sep 2002
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullaah.

My Company, EF-English First ( in Jeddah K.S.A is currently looking for two ?caucasian male Muslim? English instructors, Wa Allaahul-mustaan.

A degree is NOT a condition although it is preferable and will be of advantage when it comes to salary negotiations.
A holder of a DELTA, CELTA or TEFL certificate stands a great chance of getting the job as these are the qualifications the current teachers have.
A teacher with a native speaking wife is more appealing in the eyes of the employer as the institute has female branches as well, and sometimes hires the wife of the teacher for part-time job if the couple is willing.
The person applying MUST BE A NATIVE SPEAKER FROM THE UK WITH A BRITISH NATIONALITY as the working visas are British.

The package offered is as follows; (open for negotiation):

-Salary: 7000SAR/month (can vary a bit depending on ones qualifications and experience)
-Rent: 2months full salary
-1month paid vacation (plus 10days in Ramadan and 5days during hajj, all paid)
-A return Flight ticket to ones home country (only for the worker)
-Annual increase of salary at the end of ones contract if one receives a renewal of the contract.
-Medical benefits (only for the worker)
-Traveling allowance: 400SAR/month. (If one doesn?t have a car, the company driver assists the teacher)

-The working hours are usually ?straight-shifts? of 8hours although you only teach for a maximum of 5 hours per day. The shift is either in the morning or in the afternoon.
As I have worked for this institute for more than 2years now, I want anyone considering applying for this job to know that this is not the best place to work at within the Kingdom, but alhamdulillaah it?s a way to get in to the land of Tauheed and Sunnah.
The package drawn out above is not a very good one compared to what other institutes are offering within the kingdom, however the requirements that this company have are not as high as the others wallaahu alim.

The institute has other branches within the kingdom in Riyadh, Taif, Khobar, Yanbu and Grayyaat and even though they are looking for teachers to work at the Jeddah branch, one can be asked to work at any of the other branches if there is a need. (Only for a temporarily time though)
Alhamdulillaah the teaching is very easy and since the institute is world wide and has been in the business for a long time, their curriculum is very much in order and very teacher friendly.

For anyone who fits the above mentioned requirements, then please forward your resume to my email: , or PM me.  
I will personally take the application to the manager and to the recruitment manager of the center and put in a good word for you.
The teachers are needed for the start of next semester in September following this summer vacation coming.
The company is currently finalizing the working visas.
Please send me your resume ASAP as other teachers and staffs (non salafees) within the institute are helping the management to find teachers. I will do my best to aid the salafees in getting these vacancies, and I would be more than happy to have some salafees within the company.
Please make sure that you state the proper references within your resume as qualifications and working experiences can be checked by the employer.
If you need any further information regarding the vacancies then feel free to contact me through email or PM.

NOTE! I will not assist anyone who cannot provide a reference to one of the known salafee brothers within the UK, preferably to one of the brothers within maktaba-Salafiyya, wa billaahi taufeeq.

Wassalamu alaikum

Akhoukum AbuHudhayfah Abdur-Raouf as-Suedi

Jeddah K.S.A, 21st Rabi al-Awwal (10th of May)

This message was edited by AbuFatimahSuedi on 5-12-04 @ 5:09 AM

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