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» UPDATE: Washington, DC Conference (5/28-5/29)
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Posted By Topic: UPDATE: Washington, DC Conference (5/28-5/29)

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09-05-2004 @ 4:00 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm Layla Khadiyja bint Elworth (Burtonsville, Maryland)
Posts: 61
Joined: Feb 2003
In the Name of Allaah, the All-Merciful, may His complete Salaah and Salaam be upon His final Messenger, and upon all his family, Companions, and followers up to the Day of Judgement

To proceed...

Ya Ikhwaan Ya Akhwaat,

As-salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmantullahi wa Barakatuhu!

First and foremost, Masjid Ahlul Quran wa Hadeeth would like to express its gratitude to Allah and then to the people for having patience with us while our Masjid worked to make sure all speakers and attendees would be accomodated, walhamdulillah.  

Alhamdulillah, our upcoming conference will indeed be held the last weekend in May, with a change in dates to Friday the 28th and Saturday the 29th (originally scheduled for Sat/Sun).  

Additionally, we have relocated the conference to a much larger, spacious facility that insha'allah t'ala will more than accomodate everyone.  The new location, the DC Tunnel Events Center, 2135 Queens Chapel Rd., NE, Washington, DC 20018, is 5 minutes from the old location. (PLEASE NOTE: Registration starts @ 11 am on Friday, 10 am on Saturday).

Suggested hotels are all located on Route 1 (Baltimore Avenue) in College Park, Maryland, approximately 20 minutes from the event, as well as conveniently being located right off Exit 25 from I-95/495 (go to for details on traveling from your area).  They include:

Hampton Inn      301.345.2200
Super 8          301.474.0894
Howard Johnson   301.513.0002
Ramada Inn       301.345.4900
Quality Inn      301.864.5820 (Univ. of Maryland area)

There are hotels on New York Avenue (5 minutes from the conference), but since the believer wants for another believer what they want for theirself, we do not recommend this area, as there is a known drug and/or prostitution element.  The Quality Inn is closer than the other hotels, to the conference by approximately 7-10 minutes.

We pray that we have not inconvenienced the people too much with our late update, however we definitely wanted to make sure we provided a suitable location for the speakers as well as the attendees.  And Indeed the tawfiq is from Allah.
Barakallahu Feekum wasalaamu Alaikum
Umm Layla Khadiyja
Masjid Ahlul Quran wa Hadeeth
Washington, DC  20018

This message was edited by Umm.Layla on 5-11-04 @ 4:58 PM

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