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» Abu Khadeejah, Creed Part 4, Bradford, this Wednesday!
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08-05-2004 @ 6:16 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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By Abu Khadeejah

Date: Wednesday 12th May 2004

Time: 7:30pm (Maghrib will be prayed at the location Insha'Allah)

Location: Iqra Primary School, Drummond Road, BRADFORD 8 (Near Manningham Sports Centre)

All welcome!!!

For further information please email:

Please spread the word!!!

Notice: In the last few weeks we have received several emails with regards to the talks in Bradford not beginning at the stated time. We acknowledge that this is very inconvenient for those who arrive on time so please accept our deepest apologies. We will do everything we are able to rectify this problem Insha'Allah. But we must also iterate that sometimes the affair is simply beyond everyones control and we must understand and appreciate the great distances that our brothers have to travel in order to benefit us here in yorkshire.

May Allah grant us all patience for indeed seeking knowledge requires one to make the sacrifices.

This message was edited by on 5-8-04 @ 6:38 PM

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