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Posted By Topic: The Salafees' Response to the Advice of the 'Ulamaa'

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07-05-2004 @ 8:23 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Posts: 1280
Joined: Sep 2002
In the Name of Allaah, the All-Merciful...

The Salafees, if they are mistaken in a position and the 'ulamaa' clarify it, they correct the affair with humbleness, as they love correctness and clarity.  When we hear the 'ulamaa' giving advice, like changing the name of a center, or like what they have said about not using pen names to write anonymously on the internet*, or like their advice to be more patient and lenient in the da'wah, or like their advice to not quote statements of our brothers and post them on the internet, rather take them directly to the 'ulamaa', and so forth, you find the Salafees implementing the advice, or trying their best to.  However, there are some who claim Salafiyyah and it seems that their only purpose in existence is to attack the Salafees, openly and in secret.  And they are known quite clearly by their reaction to the recent advises of the 'ulamaa':

1)  When the 'ulamaa' are advising us to be more patient and lenient, they increase themselves in harshness, evil speech, lies, and backbiting.

2)  When the 'ulamaa' are advising us to abandon pen names and to allow the scholars and their students to spread knowledge, they sign up with one or two more pen names and build forums where the majority if not all of the participants are anonymous.  And this point specifically, has been stressed over and over again, and shown to be perhaps the biggest source of fitnah on the internet, yet with their claim to want to rectify affairs, they only continue on in their murky waters of anonyminity, thinking to be protected from being exposed.

3)  When the 'ulamaa' are advising us to not quote our brothers' statements and mistakes and spread them on the internet, but rather to refer them to the scholars, they begin mass cooperation upon finding mistakes and posting them on message boards and forums, and distance themselves even further from the people of knowledge.

4)  When the 'ulamaa' are advising us to stop using abusive alqaab (nicknames), and to focus on scholastic criticism, in cooperation with the scholars, they increase themselves in namecalling and mockery.

So let the people of the Truth be known by the way they receive the advice of the 'ulamaa'.  And let the people of falsehood and desires be known by how they shun and contradict the advice of the 'ulamaa', time after time, despite their verbal claims.

May Allaah increase us in patience, firmness, knowledge, and everything that helps us get close to Him.

And Allaah knows best.

* May Allaah reward the admin of SNK for implementing this advice, and may He increase them in goodness.

Moosaa ibn John Richardson

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