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» Daarul-hadeeth-philly changes names
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06-05-2004 @ 12:50 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Hasan Muhammed bin Maahir An-Noobi (Philadelphia,PA)
Posts: 39
Joined: Oct 2002
Bismillah wa salaatu wa salamu 'alaa rasoolillahi, wa 'alaa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallama tasleeman mazeeda
wa b'ad

basically in accordance with the advise of our noble shaykh Rabee bin Haadee al-Madkhalee, the brothers here at the markaz which was known as Daarul-Hadeeth-Philly has decided to change the name of the Da'wah Center, the naming process is still coming along and Inshallah the new name will be announced and posted soon.

jazakumullahu khayr

Muhammad An-Noobi
محمد النوبي          

06-05-2004 @ 2:22 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Abdullah Ekbal Hussain bin Siraj (London, UK)
Posts: 347
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Jazzak Umullahu Khairan!

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