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» Shaykh AbduSalam Burjiss Dies - Innalillahi Wa innaa ilayhi Raaji'oon
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Posted By Topic: Shaykh AbduSalam Burjiss Dies - Innalillahi Wa innaa ilayhi Raaji'oon

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02-04-2004 @ 10:18 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ishaaq Nadeem Ahsan-Sh (Jeddah)
Posts: 45
Joined: Dec 2003

I just came across news of the death of Shaykh Abdus-Salaam Burjiss, Rahimahullah Rahmatan waasi'ah, on
Apparently the shaykh died in a car crash where his vehicle hit a camel on the "Ahsaa" road.
His Janaza is in Riyadh tommorrow inshallah (Saturday) after Asr at Masjid Turki Bin Abdullah, Deera.

There is also a fatwa of Shaykh Saleh Al-Fawzan on the same page stating the permisibility of announcing a death for the purpose of burial preparations and for people to ask Allah's forgivenes for that person etc etc.

May Allah forgive the Shaykh all his shortcomings and cause benefit through the works he left behind, ameen.

Wassalamalykum wa rahmatullah
Abu Ishaaq Nadeem ibn Mohammad Ahsan-shah

((من كظم غيظاً و هو قادر أن ينفذه دعاه الله على رؤوس الخلائق حتى يخيره من الحور العين يزوجه منها ما يشاء))
[صحيح الجامع رقم 6522]

02-04-2004 @ 11:45 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Rabee Wasim ibn Ajoon Khan (Bradford, UK)
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innaa lillaahe wa innaa ilayhe raaji'oon, May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala grant Sheikh Abdus-Salam Burjiss a high station in paradise and reward him abundantly for his services to Islam. Indeed this is sad news. May Allah give his family patience during this difficult time. Ameen.

And maybe this is a reminder for us and myself foremostly to increase in our supplications for the Salafi mashayikh wa du'aat. We also pray that Allah preserves our major and elder scholars who alhamdulillah are still with us, the likes of Sheikh Rabee, Sheikh Mohammad al Banna, Sheikh Saleh al Fawzaan, Sheikh Ubayd, Sheikh Ahmad an-Najmi and other than them. Indeed the passing away of the ulama increases the spread of ignorance. And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.

This message was edited by wasimk on 4-3-04 @ 1:01 AM

03-04-2004 @ 4:10 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Khadijah Abdurrahman ibn Tony (Springfield Gardens, NY USA)
Posts: 153
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As salamu alaikum

Innalillahi Wa innaa ilayhi Raaji'oon

May Allah have mercy on the Shaikh. This is from the good qualities of It provides a place for the english speaking Salafis to spread Salafi news. May Allah (azza wa jall) reward the Admin with good.

أبوعبداللّه عبدالرّحمن بن توني

03-04-2004 @ 6:52 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Ishaaq Nadeem Ahsan-Sh (Jeddah)
Posts: 45
Joined: Dec 2003


It reached me this evening by way of Brother Abdur-Rahman Al-Ghislee, from a brother who was present at the site of the crash and involved in moving the bodies, that Shaykh Abdus-Salam Bin Burgiss rahimahullah, had pronounced the Shahadah, just before passing away.

Allahu Akbar, may Allah Allah grant him expanse in his grave, strengthen him and grant him a life of eternal bliss.

Wassalamalykum wa rahmatullah
Abu Ishaaq Nadeem ibn Mohammad Ahsan-shah

((من كظم غيظاً و هو قادر أن ينفذه دعاه الله على رؤوس الخلائق حتى يخيره من الحور العين يزوجه منها ما يشاء))
[صحيح الجامع رقم 6522]

03-04-2004 @ 7:54 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 95
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"The eyes shed tears and the heart feels sadness, but we only say that which pleases our Lord"

Bukhaaree & Muslim.

"Inna lillaahi maa akhadhaa, wa lillaahi maa a'taa, wa kullu shay'in 'indahu li 'ajalin musammaa"

"To Allaah belongs what He took, and to Him belongs what He gave. And everything He has given an appointed term"

Bukhaaree & Muslim.

Shaykh 'Abdus-Salaam (rahimahullaah) was a Qaadee (judge) in Riyaadh
where he was also Imaam of a masjid where he delivered the Friday sermon
and held circles of knowledge. He was a student of Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn
Baaz (d.1420H).

Indeed we can say that we knew the Shaykh and wish to relate some matters concerning him, rahimahullaah. He visited us in Birmingham on several occasions and I grew to love the Shaykh and we developed a relationship that I will cherish. Though I have not met him for a couple of years now, I can say that I remember his visits and our sittings together very well as if it were yesterday.

I remember on an occasion, Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee (hafidhahullaah) and Shaykh Abdus-Salaam Burjiss Aal Abdil-Kareem (rahmatullaah 'alayhi) visited my home and honored me with their attendance. After the sitting, Shaykh Abdus-Salaam passed me two small envelopes and said (in meaning), "I feel shy that I visited Birmingham and visited Abu Talhah Daawood and you on a few occasions, yet I haven't brought for you any gifts, please accept this as a small gift on my behalf, one for you and one for Daawood". Thereafter the Shaykh would not accept no for an answer and insisted on us accepting the gift. On another occasion, when the Shaykh came in mid-summer along with Shaykh Muhammad Bin Haadee and Abu Naif, we decided to get some food late at night and go somewhere quiet in an open grass area and sit, eat and talk ? it was a beautiful evening with the two Shaykhs that I hope never to forget - May Allaah shower Shaykh Abdus-Salaam with His Mercy.

We spent hours with the Shaykh on his visits to the United Kingdom. His advices were excellent and precise. There was neither haughtiness nor pride in his character. He used sit with us and impart beneficial knowledge to us. Likewise in his moments of relaxation, he would make us laugh with his anecdotes and experiences. I found him always humble, generous and accommodating.

I could continue, but that will suffice as a small insight into the noble character of the Shaykh, rahimahullaahu ta'aala.

Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Waahid As-Salafee.
Salafi Publications. Birmingham.

04-04-2004 @ 3:50 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sakeenah Ahmad Ibn Zayd (Toronto, Canada)
Posts: 31
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As salaamu ?alaykum wa rahmatullaah
I am sure there are many brothers who met the shaykh personally and have their own experiences but i wanted to share what i recalled of the shaykh as i was very saddened by the news of his death

Upon hearing the news of the death of Shyakh Abdus-Salaam Ibn Burgiss (rahimahullaah) many of us were saddened. I can imagine that those who were close to the shaykh were more affected than others. Inshaa? Allaah I just wanted to relay a few things I observed from the shaykh while I was in Riyadh.

The shaykh, at the time of salaatul-jumu?ah, he would ascend the mimbaar and give the salaams. After the adhaan he would begin with an opening khutbah and proceed to speak. While speaking the shaykh would hold on to one of the post on the mimbaar with one hand and hold his shimaagh (ghutrah) with the other hand. He would look at the audience straight in their faces and speak in a loud voice. I recall taking my roommate to his masjid for one of his khutbahs and my roommate commented on his style of khutbah as though he was giving you a final naseehah- -  his face was serious and his voice was loud while still holding on to that post on the mimbaar. Imagine this while he was quoting the qur?aan and sunnah. His khutbah were very moving and amazingly it did not exceed ten (10) minutes in length. It was like he was all charged up and ready to remind the believers of Islaam and its many branches.

On one occasion we had a jalsa at his home with some other brothers from the West. Al-Hamdulillaah the Shaykh was very hospitable and generous to us. What was very noticeable was that the shaykh didn?t have a minute to waste. His phone was constantly ringing. He had with him some of his local friends who were also very welcoming. One of them even requested from us that we speak with him about any problems we may have, should we need assistance. I guess this was due to the shaykh?s friend seeing the shaykh himself inviting some brothers to his private home. Later on we were invited for Iftaar at the friend of the shaykh?s.

The shaykh was a man of excellent manners and courtesy.

May Allaah give him him a spacious grave and high place in Jannah.

04-04-2004 @ 4:50 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Umm AbdurRahmaan S.bint Ahmed ibn Suleimaan (U.K)
Posts: 116
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" When Allah takes away from His believing servant his beloved one of the people of the earth, if he displays patience and ihtisab, Allah will not then accept any reward for him less then Jannah."

Recorded by an-Nasai. Verified to be hasan by al-Albani (Ahkam ul-Janaiz)
from the book Funerals Regulations and Exhortations (which can be purchased from

May Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'aala) grant our beloved shaikh who is gone now Jannatul Firdous for his beneficial works in calling to Tawheed. May He above the Heavens grant his family patience and Protect his wife (wives) and children for the remainder of their lives,make all their affairs easy and join them together in Paradise. Ameen.

I received this news in an email.Please everyone remember to make dua. Oh Allah,give Brother Abu Naif a complete recovery and grant him a long life and death upon tawheed,and give his family patience.Ameen.

" Abu naif was with the Shaikh in the same car and he is in a critical situation,Abu Naif used to travel with Shaikh Abdur Salaam almost with every trip nationally and internationaly, many scholars attended the janaza including Shaikh Abdus Salam's best friend Shaikh Mohamed Ibn Hadi Al Madkhali,"

Umm Abdur Rahmaan Saleha bint Ahmed ibn Sulaimaan as Salafi.

12-11-2004 @ 6:39 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu 'Abdil 'Azeez Waseem ibn Abdirraheem Al Peshimaam (Bangalore,India / Al Qaseem , K.S.A)
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Abu 'Abdullaah   Waseem Ahmad ibn
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