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» Monthly Lectures in SLOUGH by Abu Hakeem & Hasasn as-Somali - Coming Soon...
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01-04-2004 @ 2:18 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Markaz Mu'adh Ibn Jabal & SalafiBooksto (Slough, UK)
Posts: 160
Joined: Apr 2003
Bismillaahi was salaatu was salaamu 'alaa rasoolillaahi wa ba'ad

assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu

There will be monthly lectures in Slough (1st Saturday of each month insha' Allaah) in turns by Abu Hakeem Bilaal Davis and Abu Abdullaah Hasan as-Somaali insha' Allaah.

Dates, venue and titles will be announced in the near future insha' Allaah.

Also, please be aware that the are 2 circles every Sunday in Slough.
1) Madinah Book 1 by Abu Harun Imran
2) Usool ath-thalaatha by Abu Junaid Yusuf

Start time for these circles is 10am.

For further information please contact SalafiBookstore, Slough, on 01753 822 822


wassalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu

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