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» The words of the carrier of the banner of Jarh wa ta'deel of our time, Sheikh Rabee on those who post on the internet in unknown screen names
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Posted By Topic: The words of the carrier of the banner of Jarh wa ta'deel of our time, Sheikh Rabee on those who post on the internet in unknown screen names

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15-11-2008 @ 2:37 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Muhammad Sa'id bin Gunnar (Odense, Denmark)
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As-sal‎mu 'alaikum,

I haven't been able to find the Arabic original sources of the above quotes from the scholars. Would anyone here be able to provide them?

Wa jaz‎kum All‎hu khairan.

Said bin Gunnar

11-11-2007 @ 8:23 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Yoosuf Tariq Ibn Warshamin Khan (Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia)
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ابو يوسف طارق ابن ورشمين خان الختقى

03-07-2004 @ 7:57 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan bin William Beecher (Kuwait)
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Raised for benefit and reminder for those who love that they act upon the sincere advice of the People of Knowledge.

Al-'Allaamah, Shaykh Rabee' حفظه الله تعالى said:


"...many of the people hide behind these screen names and spread whatever they please, and say whatever they desire. And by Allah this has harmed the da?watus-Salafiyyah tremendously... Allah no one hides his [real] name except a person of evil. Astaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah! Why are you hiding your [real] name?! If you have the truth with you then announce your name, if you have falsehood with you then fear Allah! Don?t speak! There is no reason to hide your [real] name, no reason whatsoever, this is something unknown with the Salaf..."

Aboo Sufyaan 'Uthmaan Beecher
أبو سفيان عثمان بيشر الأمريكي

This message was edited by aboo.sufyaan on 7-3-04 @ 8:41 AM

11-05-2004 @ 4:27 AM    Notify Admin about this post
‎‎‎ ‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎ Zaahir bin Hernandez (Newark,N.J.(Amreekaa))
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barakAllahu feekum.......

This message was edited by zaahir.abd on 5-11-04 @ 5:30 PM

09-05-2004 @ 9:37 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
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post full of benefits, maa shaa' Allaah!

20-02-2004 @ 4:51 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Junayd Isaa bin Antonius (Makkah, Saudi Arabia)
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Jazaak Allaahu Khairan


Abu Hurairah - radiallaahu anhu - said, the Messenger of Allaah said, "A person is upon the deen of his friend, so let each one of you look at whom he befriends." Saheeh. Refer to Silsilah as-Saheehah of al-Albaani (no.927

18-02-2004 @ 3:39 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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There can also be seen in much of this the additional act of Tadlees on the part of many of those who post/narrate. The meaning of tadlees in the language is deception, and in the science of Hadeeth there are different types of tadlees the one closely connected to our discussion is that of tadleesus-Shuyukh.

Ibn Salaah stated (Al-Muqaddimah pg. 59-60): ?The twelth type of the science of Hadeeth: knowledge of Tadlees and the ruling upon the mudallis (one who makes tadlees)?the second category is tadleesush-shayukh. That is that he narrates a hadeeth from a sheikh of his but gives him a name, kunyah, lineage, or description that he is not known by so he cannot be recognized.?

As-Suyutee states (Tadreeb 1/264): ?And the condition of its dislike varies with the intent. So if the one whose name was changed is weak, and he conceals him so it will not be apparent that he has related from the weak narrators, then this is the most evil category.?

There are other kinds of Tadlees that have been used in the past, one of them is called Tadleesul-Bilaad. An example of this is if a person from Egypt says: ?So and so from Andalus reported to me.? On the surface the person hearing this will assume that he means Andalus which was the previous name of Spain, but actually here the narrator from Egypt means Andalus, the name of a graveyard in Egypt! But he wants those who hear the narration to believe that he heard it from a narrator in Spain.

Shu?bah ibnul-Hajjaaj stated: ?Tadlees is the brother of the lie.?

It was also reported that a man asked Shu?bah about a hadeeth and he said: ?To fall from the sky is more beloved to me than to make tadlees.?  [Siyar Alaam An-Nubalaa 7/210]

Ibn Salaah said about these statements of Ash-Shu?abh: ?This is exageration from Shu?bah, it is to be taken as a strong censure and a deterrance [from making tadlees].?

أهل الحديث هم أهل النبي وإن
لم يصحبوا نفسه أنفاسه صحبوا

Abul-Hasan Malik Adam Al-Akhdar

18-02-2004 @ 3:31 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajr says in An-Nukhbah (pg 135): ?The narration of the anonymous (mubham) is not accepted if he is not named; because the condition of the acceptance of a report is the trustworthiness of the narrator, and whoevers? name is left anonymous his identity is not known, so how could this be trustworthiness?!

As-Suyutee mentioned in Tadreeb Ar-Raawee (1/365): ?If he says a trustworthy person narrated to me, or like this, it is not sufficient for Ta?deel (attestation of trustworthiness) until he identifies him, because even if he is trustworthy with him perhaps if he named him he would be from those that others had mentioned with dispraise, rather his avoiding identifying him is something that places suspicion in the heart.?

As-Sakhaawee said in Fathul-Mugheeth (2/34-35): ??because it doesn?t necessitate from his Ta?deel that he is like this with others and perhaps if he identified him he would be known for other than it, and perhaps he is alone in his Tawtheeq (attestation of trustworthiness) as happened with Ash-Shaaf?ee with Ibraaheem ibn Abee Yahya, An-Nawawee said: ?No one besides him attested to his trustworthiness and he is considered weak by the consensus of the scholars, rather  his avoiding identifying him is something that places suspicion in the heart.? Ibn Abid-Dam said: ?And this is taken from the eye witness if he testifies to a second party, then he (the second party) must name him (the eye witness) to the judge by the agreement of Ash-Shaafi?ee and his companions, so if the second party says: ?The eye witness related it to me, and I testify to his truthfulness that he witnessed such and such,? it is not to be listened to on the strength of that until he identifies him to the judge, then if the judge knows of the trustworthiness of the eye witness then he can rule according to his testimony and if he doesn?t know of it he looks into it.?

Al-Alaammah Haafidh Al-Hakamee states in as-Su?aal wal-Jawaab fee Mustalahil-Hadeeth (pg. 136-137): ?Third: To epitomize the name of the one he is reporting on, like his statement: ?So and so related to me, or a person, or someone, or the son of so and so?the report of the anonymous is not accepted if he is not named, because the condition of the acceptance of the report is the trustworthiness of the narrator, and whoever?s name is left anoymous his identity is not known so how could his trustworthiness be?! And like this his reports are not accepted even if he is called with a word of praise, in what is correct, like his saying about the one who narrated to him: ?A trustworthy person reported to me, because he may be trustworthy with him, untrustworthy with others.?

Al-Alaamah Sheikh Rabee was asked: ?We understand that accepting the report of a thiqah (trustworthy person) is from the Deen, however how do we know who is thiqah and who is not? Many people are spreading reports on the authority of someone who is thiqah, but they do not reveal who he is, possibly because they really doubt his reliability.

And some people are passing on reports on the internet saying, "Someone who is thiqah told me," but after further investigation, they confess that they really do not know anything about that person except his name or his nickname from the internet. Since they really do not know them, then it appears that they have only narrated on the authority of a majhool (an unknown person).

So please, dear shaykh, advise the youth about this issue, about passing on reports from unknown people, and about being too easy in declaring someone to be thiqah, may Allaah reward you with every good.?

He answered: ?A thiqah is a sane, adult Muslim, someone who has upright character and is known for precision in what he narrates. One is known as thiqah either: (1) by way of the positive statements of the trustworthy and reliable Muslims who are well known for their fairness, precision, and trustworthiness in the Religion, or (2) by his position being well-known to all the people, that he is a scholar, he is thiqah, etc., just as the positions of the well-known scholars have become known to everyone.
As for other than this, the person who does not fulfill these conditions, he is not a sane, adult Muslim with upright character, or no one has testified to his trustworthiness, or his position is not well known amongst the people, then he is not a thiqah, may Allaah bless you, even if someone says, "A thiqah told me..."

Even if Ash-Shaafi'ee said, "A thiqah told me..." (without naming him) it would not be accepted from him. For example, Ash-Shaafi'ee says, "A thiqah told me..." then, afterwards, may Allaah bless you, it is found that he was narrating from Ibraaheem ibn Yahyaa Al-Aslamee, one of the least deserving of the people to be called a thiqah, since he was criticized about his Deen, his ability to narrate, everything!
We still have a good opinion of Ash-Shaafi'ee, may Allaah have Mercy on him, and the other imaams who said that they were narrating on the authority of a thiqah and it turns out that others knew he was not thiqah.
So it is binding that the people know who the thiqah is when someone says, "A thiqah told me..." even if he said, "An imaam told me..." it will never be accepted from him until he conveys the name of the person, and that the identity of this thiqah becomes known. Then, if he is well known for his fairness and precision, then his report is accepted. And if he is not known for his fairness and precision, then his narration is not to be accepted.

The students of knowledge must know these kinds of affairs, so they can spread knowledge, knowing how to interact with the reports of the people, the reports that come from thiqah narrators, as well as those that come from other than thiqah narrators.?

[This was translated exclusively for from a cassette recording with the knowledge and permission of the shaykh, file no. AARM008, dated 1423/9/3.]

The reason for the consensus of the scholars upon this issue can be easily seen, and that is if one doesn?t know the identity of the narrator of a report there is the possibility that he is trustworthy but at the same time there is the possibility that he is a liar, fabricator, zindeeq, a christian or a Jew, so to ward of this potential evil Islaam has legislated that the identity and condition of the witness and the narrator be known.

Allah states: ?O you who believe! If a faasiq comes to you with news verify it, lest you should harm people in ignorance, and afterwards you become regretful for what you have done.?

Al-Imaam Al-Qurtubee mentions in his commentary of this verse (16/265): ?Sixth: In this verse is a proof of the futility of the statement of those who say that all of the Muslims are trustworthy until their untrustworthiness is established, because Allah commands with verification [of reports] before their acceptance, and verification is meaningless after giving a ruling, so if a judge rules upon the accused before verification [of a report] than he has harmed him in ignorance.?

One of the reasons that the scholars of hadeeth used to criticize a person was for relating from unknown narrators. An examples of this is what Abu Zur?ah Ar-Raazee said about Ahmad ibn Saalih Al-Makkee: ?Truthful but he narrates from the weak and the unknown.?

Al-Hakam ibn Esa ibn Musa said: ?He was the Imaam of his period, truthful within himself, a hujjah (proof) in Al-Jaami? As-Saheeh except that when he related on unknown narrators the errors in his hadeeths were abundant??

أهل الحديث هم أهل النبي وإن
لم يصحبوا نفسه أنفاسه صحبوا

Abul-Hasan Malik Adam Al-Akhdar

17-02-2004 @ 3:38 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Oummou Assia Amina bint Marie-annick (Al Qaahirah (Al Khaamis), Mysr.)
Posts: 93
Joined: Sep 2002
assalam alaykoum

just a reminder about my question: may i have permission by brother al akhdar to translate his post into french so that i can post it and forward this nasseeha on two french salafi forums, which i can give the web adress inshaAllah?

(الحق من ربك" (آل عمران"
Oummou Assia Amina Le Joncour al-firanssiyyah as-salafiyyah.

This message was edited by oummou.assia on 2-17-04 @ 9:02 PM

17-02-2004 @ 3:26 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa ibn John Richardson (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
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May Allaah reward you generously Abal-Hasan, those are indeed much needed quotes from Shaykh al-Albaanee, may Allaah have mercy on him and his student (Shaykh Rabee')!

And may Allaah reward the administration of salafitalk for their efforts in applying the advice of our kibaar.  May Allaah help all of our brothers to understand the need to comply 100%.

Since the latter part of this Ummah will not be corrected except with that which corrected its earlier part!  So what did the Salaf do in times of fitnah?  They said, "NAME US YOUR MEN!"  They knew the sanad (chain of narration) is from the Deen, and that it is the weapon of the believer, and if it was not for the sanad, as they have stated, then anyone could have said whatever he wanted."

And today, since the Muslims have laid down their mighty weapon, the sanad, it is no surprise that they are being ambushed by doubts, confusion, slander, and lies from every angle, and they are being led astray by all kinds of anonymous shayaateen.  The answer to their problems, by Allaah's Permission, is simple, yet many of them refuse the clarity and safety that their 'ulamaa' are guiding them to.  They refuse to recognize that the chain is from the Deen, so they take reports from any screen name on any message board, affirm them as if they are undeniable truths and act upon them and pass them on!  I would say "as if they were children", but many young children know to verify reports before acting on them!

So may Allaah bless this atmosphere here at ST, an atmosphere of clarity and safety, an atmosphere of adherence to the words of the kibaar.  May Allaah bless its administrators, moderators, and members and protect them from every jealous shaytaan and increase them in every good thing.

"By Allah, no one hides his [real] name except a person of evil.  Astaghfirullah!  Astaghfirullah!  Why are you hiding your [real] name?!  If you have the truth with you announce your name, if you have falsehood with you fear Allah!  Don?t speak!  There is no reason to hide your [real] name, no reason whatsoever, this is something unknown to the Salaf..."

Moosaa ibn John ibn ? Richardson (will search for my grandfather's name in shaa' Allaah)

سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

15-02-2004 @ 12:09 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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This is the advice of Sheikh Ubayd, hafidhahullah, it was translated by our brother Abul-Abbaas Moosa Richardson, may Allah preserve him.

?To proceed: Verily I have reflected over what has taken place in the latest fitnah and the results and outcomes that have appeared amongst our youth and amongst our brothers who are holding to the manhaj of As-Salaf As-Saalih.  I believe that the great amount of al-qeel wal-qaal (gossip) coming from those who do not have much knowledge or awareness of Allaah?s Deen, His Legislation, or what the Salaf were upon is a reason for the kindling of this fitnah and for the spreading of its flames, especially since the majority of these problems can be traced back to the Internet and what is said and written on it, from those whose description I have referred to.

And from the most important causes (of fitnah) is the act of hiding behind (false) names, titles, or kunyahs that hide the identity of a person.

So in an effort to resolve this problem that grows, gains momentum, and spreads day by day, verily I call on my truthful brothers to apply the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ?alayhe wa sallam): ?Whoever believes in Allaah and the Last Day, then let him speak good or keep silent.?  And as Ibn Seereen (may Allaah have Mercy on him) said, ?Verily knowledge is Deen, so look to whom you take your Deen from.?  And this is done by making known one?s real name, for whoever wants to take part in and write in these forums, especially the Sahab Salafee forum, let him take part with us in cutting short the growth of these problems and this gossip.

After looking into the benefits of posting with one?s real name, the following things come to mind at first glance:

1. One will take his time, contemplate, and think deeply before posting.

2. We will know the level of the writer?s knowledge and manhaj.

3. There will be no hastiness or unnecessary rush in spreading things before confirming them and referring them to the people of knowledge.

4. Writing under one?s real name will bring about a sense of responsibility and accountability for what is being written.

5. It will reduce excessive writing and spreading (of things devoid of benefit)

6. It will restrict the writing and the offering of advice to the people of knowledge and their students, and not just every Tom, Dick, and Harry will post.

7. It will put forth the people of knowledge and make clear their true position and their true right and authority with regards to guidance, education, and criticism.

8. It will allow the Salafee manhaj to be seen in its beautiful form and complete shape, by way of knowing the narrators and their situations and personalities.

9. We will be able to apply the Sharee?ah ruling on the opposing ones, those who stubbornly resist (the correct path), and the liars.  We will be able to confirm and verify reports if we know the individuals, but this ability will vanish or dwindle so long as we do not know them, or they are anonymous.

10. There will be an increase in beneficial posts with knowledge, clarifying the manhaj, and weak posts or those devoid of benefit will decrease.

11. We will nobly remove ourselves from the ways of the biased partisans and people of secret movements and organizations, and we will oppose their stealth and hiding behind nicknames or kunyahs when their attributes and poisons become known.

12. We will spread clarity and mutual truthfulness, two attributes that are from the foremost attributes of the Salafee manhaj.

There are other benefits and good results and outcomes that we hope to gain by the open display of people?s real names.  So I hope that we will be the first ones to implement this good way on the Internet, so that we will gain reward for it, and for all those who follow us it.

So I repeat once more, I call upon our concerned Salafee youth, those dedicated to spreading good and repelling evil and reducing it and shutting its doors and avenues, I call on them to respond positively to this request and this suggestion.  And I call on them to look into this suggestion with their intellects based upon the pure legislation that seeks to benefit from all forms of goodness and seeks to repel all evil.  They will find that it will make them and their da?wah distinct, expose its truthfulness and inner purity, and the security of the manhaj of their da?wah and its good intention as well.

And I hope that the brothers responsible for will join with us in conveying this invitation and this suggestion, keeping this post at the top of the page long enough for all or most of the youth to read it.  And I hope that they will open the way for people to register with their real names and to change their kunyahs and nicknames.

And may Allaah?s Salaah and a great amount of Salaam be upon our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family and companions until the Day of Judgement, and all praise is due to Allaah, Lord of all that exists.?

Written by: ?Ubayd ibn ?Abdillaah ibn Sulaymaan Al-Jaabiree
Former professor at the Islaamic University of Al-Madeenah

Translation by Moosaa Richardson

أهل الحديث هم أهل النبي وإن
لم يصحبوا نفسه أنفاسه صحبوا

Abul-Hasan Malik Adam Al-Akhdar

15-02-2004 @ 12:01 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Khadijah Abdurrahman ibn Tony (Springfield Gardens, NY USA)
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As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

May Allah (Azza wa jall) bless the Admin of


Abdur Rahmaan Al-Atharee

إذا التبستِ الأمورُ فعليكُمْ بالأمرِ العتيقِ

15-02-2004 @ 10:59 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Oummou Assia Amina bint Marie-annick (Al Qaahirah (Al Khaamis), Mysr.)
Posts: 93
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assalam alaykoum

i think i read an advice quite similar to this one by shaykh 'Obaid al Jaabiri hafidhahou llah  on this forum, laakin i cannot remember where. Does the one who posted it remembers where it was? and does he gives me the authorisation to translate it into french and post it on 2 french salafi forums, because they are in great need of this nasseeha, as well as brother "al akhdar" and his posts ?
barakallahou fikoum.

"الحق من ربك" (آل عمران)
Oummou Assia Amina Le Joncour al-firanssiyyah as-salafiyyah.

15-02-2004 @ 9:14 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Al-Muhaddith Muhammad Naasirud-Deen Al-Albaanee dicussed this issue of the of those who hide behind pseudonyms, and unknown kunyahs in at least two of his writings.

In the introduction to his book An-Naseehah (pg. 5) he refutes one called Hassaan Abdul-Mannaan, he states: ?And it has become certain to me that he began to circulate his books, in the end, after his reality was uncovered, and his affair exposed, under the pen name Abu Suhaib Al-Karamee!! Going to extremes in trickery, and Talbees (deceit)! and drowning in misguidance and Tadlees (deception)!! Rather after that he circulated books with his introductions and checkings without any name or Kunyah!!?

So in this quote of Al-Muhaddith Al-Albaanee he describes this act as trickery, deceit, misguidance, and deception. May Allah grant us safety from such attributes.

He also states in the introduction to Adaabuz-Zafaaf (pg. 8): ?And in this introduction I do not want to turn once again to the refutation of his treatise, and the clarification of all that is in it from his errors, mistakes, and false allegations, and in the end his his seeking assistance from one of the enemies of the people of the sunnah and hadeeth, and the callers to Tawheed who are well known by this, he is none other than Habeebur-Rahman Al-Athamee, the one who hid behind the pseudonym (Arshad As-Salafee) because of his cowardice, and his lack of scholarly and literary courage, he hid behind it in his book: Al-Albaanee, his anamolies, and errors.?

So the Muhaddith of this era described it as an act of cowardice, and if the people of cyber tadlees truly believed that that which they were upon was the truth,then they would never hide behind these screen names and as the scholars of hadeeth mentioned about this: ?Rather  his avoiding identifying him is something that places suspicion in the heart.?

أهل الحديث هم أهل النبي وإن
لم يصحبوا نفسه أنفاسه صحبوا

Abul-Hasan Malik Adam Al-Akhdar

15-02-2004 @ 8:47 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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In a recent sitting on the 6th of the month of Dul-Hijjah, Al-Muhaddith, the carrier of the banner of Jarh wa Ta'deel in our time, Ash-Sheikh Rabee, advised the Salafis in everyplace about a number of affairs that are extremely important to the Da'wah Salafiyyah, and those who ascribe to this most blessed manhaj. From the affairs that the Sheikh spoke about is the affair of evil of people posting on the internet, hiding under unknown screen names. He stated:

?I direct this advice to our Salafi brothers everywhere, and I hope that all our brothers will aid it from Ahlul-Madinah and other than them, that no one writes (posts) on these web sites except an alim, and write that which will benefit the people, clarifying for them their creed, and [the affairs of] their worship, that which cautions them from mukhaalafaat (contradictions) in creed, and manhaj, and not to speak or write (post) except one who has knowledge of what he is writing (posting). May Allah bless you. And with true names, many of the people hide behind these screen names and spread whatever they please, and say whatever they desire. And by Allah this has harmed the da?watus-Salafiyyah tremendously?and no one should speak in these affairs except the scholars, and not everyone who comes and goes, [posting] under unknown names of which in most cases the Allah no one hides his [real] name except a person of evil. Astaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah! Why are you hiding your [real] name?! If you have the truth with you then announce your name, if you have falsehood with you then fear Allah! Don?t speak! There is no reason to hide your [real] name, no reason whatsoever, this is something unknown with the Salaf..."

This is a further encouragement for us to implement the new policy of this forum in placing ones full name and location on their posts, and to abandon the ways of the people of evil, as mentioned by our Sheikh. May Allah bless our Sheikh, and bless all who love the da'wah salafiyyah to implement this most tremendous advice.

أهل الحديث هم أهل النبي وإن
لم يصحبوا نفسه أنفاسه صحبوا

Abul-Hasan Malik Adam Al-Akhdar

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