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» Salaatul Taubah and Salaatul Tasbeeh
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13-02-2004 @ 6:52 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Abu Jameelah Michael ibn 'Abdullaah (Columbia, SC)
Posts: 88
Joined: Oct 2002
Bismillah wa salaatu wa salaamu ala arasoolillah, wa ala alihe wa ashabihee ajma'een:

Does praying salaat a-taubah and salaatul tasbeeh fall in the same category?  Meaning if one is prayed more frequently than the other has an individual lost or gained anything?  To clarify, say that you have an indivdual who prays salaat a-taubah frequently and salaatul tasbeeh infrequently, is he in better condition then the one who does the opposite of that?  Is the reward mentioned in the hadith regarding praying salaatu tasbeeh as directed by rasoolullah(salallahu alayhe wa salam, wa ala alihe wa ashahbihe ajma'een)conditional?

Jazakumallahu Kulli Khairun, aameen  

min 'abdillah:
Abu Jameelah Michael Latham

This message was edited by abu.jameelah.m on 2-13-04 @ 7:09 AM

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