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20-01-2004 @ 6:12 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,

I am from a NJ community that has a brother who is called "Sheikh Magdy Warda" lecturing, counselling, etc.  Does anyone know of this individual, as he seems to be well taken by this community.  Magdi Warda has also stated that he held a seat in the Haram some years back, teaching the deen there, and he is a 'supposed' salafi in this deviant community, though I have MUCH doubt.....can anyone confirm this?? Please provide as much information as possible so I can pass it on to the deviants in this community.......BarakAllahu feekum!


20-01-2004 @ 8:49 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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assalamu 'alikum
this man from what i heard from many salafi brothers and details will follow inshaallaah is a fraud. He uses those communities that don't know him to use them and cheat them financially!!!

Be free from him inshaallaah, i was talking to some salafi brothers to write what he has done to them and the da'wah in London when he came over a few years back. This man needs to be exposed for the harms he has caused the salafees and the da'wah. Know that whoever hides in the clothes of salafiyyah trying to destroy it then Allaah will expose him.

Which scholar praised him?? Before you take any knowledge from someone be very very careful. Know where he studied and who praises him from the ulama and those that know him from the students of ilm.

As for his popularity then as is well known خالف تذكر oppose and you will be mentioned. Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih al 'Uthaimeen mentioned this last phrase about those who claim they had studied under him and then they calling to other than what he is calling.

And as for his seat in the Haram there is a story to that one!! inshaallaah let us contact the brothers with the full story inshaallaah.

قال تعالى:{إنا نحن نزلنا الذكر وإنا له لحافظون}
قال الشيخ السعدي - رحمه الله - في تفسيره (3/31): " فلا يحرف محرف معنى من معانيه( القرآن ) إلا وقيض  الله له من يبين الحق المبين وهذا من أعظم آيات الله ونعمه على عباده المؤمنين".

20-01-2004 @ 11:21 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Wa alaikum salaam, akhi

BarakAllahu Feek for this information, and PLEASE get the brothers you know to reply to this post, because as you stated, this brother must be exposed, if he is indeed as fraudulent as you stated.  I don't know of what scholar praised him, but I do know he claims to be a student of Sh. Ibn Uthaimeen and Sh. Al Albaani (rahimahumAllah), so PLEASE let the brothers know that this is a dangerous case, if his claims are false!!

JezakumAllahu khair, and please encourage our brothers to send more information as soon as possible, inshaAllah.


21-01-2004 @ 10:42 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As-Salaamu Alaykum,

Is it known where this person "Sheikh Magdy Warda" is originally from?

أبو خَلِيلاً  إبراهيم  البخاري
Aboo Khaleel Ibraheem al-Bukharee

21-01-2004 @ 11:10 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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He is from the same country as:

1-Hasan al-Bannaa
2-Sayyid Qutb
3-Muhammad Qutb
4-Abdur Rahmaan Abdul Khaaliq
5-Umar Abdur Rahmaan
6-Muhammad al-Ghazzaalee
7-Yoosuf al-Qardaawee

8-Aboo Ishaaq al-Huwaynee
9-Abool Hasan al-Ma'ribee
10-Mustafaa al-Adawee

11-Muhammad Abdul Maqsood
12-Nash'at Ahmad
13-Fawzee Sa'eed
14-Abdul Adheem al-Badawee
15-Abdul Hameed Kishk
16-Muhammad Ismaa'eel al-Muqaddam
17-Jamaal Badawee
18-Muhammad Hassaan
19-Abdul Mutawaalee ash-Sha'raawee

And a host of others...past and present!

Dawud Adib

وقال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية :" الراد على أهل البدع مجاهد"

This message was edited by AbooTasneem on 1-21-04 @ 2:03 PM

21-01-2004 @ 6:01 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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As sallam aualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatohu


Majdi Warda is well known in the UK by many of the brothers. I remember about 6 years ago, he came to the UK and teamed up with Suhaib Hasan in his masjid (Masjid At-Tawheed [?!!!] in Leyton). Together, both of them set about slandering and opposing the salafis and the salafi dawah. Wardah, the khabeeth Kadhaab stated that Sheikh Al-Albaani rahimahuallah had personally told him to convey to the people in the UK that the doors of Jarh wat-Ta'deel were closed!!!!!!!!!
This man speaks perfect English but insisted on having his lectures translated by Suhaib and Usama Hasan (the ikwaani monarch and his crown prince!!). He is someone who seeks to win the people over through feigned displays of piety and knowledge. At one point during Suhaib Hasan's lecture when he mentioned how the Sheeah slander Aisha, Wardah even pretended to cry by making a few choking noises but conveniently put his hands over his eyes so that it couldnt be seen that he wasnt actually crying!!!!! May Allah disgrace him for the games he plays with the people and the haq.
He is well known for his love of money and women and wherever he descends with his filthy presence he ends up appropriating one of the two if not  both.

I'm sure much more will follow from others about this khabeeth.

Despite his nice garments and his eloquent tongue, he is clearly from the people of innovation and desire and is immensly corrupt in both his deen and dunya.

How wonderful is the saying of the poet:

"A goat, even if it flew"!!!!!!!

Abu Yusuf

وكل خير في إتباع من سلف
وكل شر في إبتداع من خلف

26-01-2004 @ 3:14 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Asalaamu Ailaykum,

Abu Tasneem; do all these people you listed have warnings out against them?
I recognize some of the names, others i don't.

Barakallaahu Feekum,


26-01-2004 @ 7:39 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Which ones do you not know or recognize?

Dawud Adib

وقال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية :" الراد على أهل البدع مجاهد"

27-01-2004 @ 5:54 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Asalaamu Ailaykum,

I don't know many details about the following:

Umar Abdur Rahmaan, Aboo Ishaaq al-Huwaynee, Mustafaa al-Adawee, Nash'at Ahmad, Fawzee Sa'eed, Abdul Adheem al-Badawee, Abdul Hameed Kishk, Muhammad Ismaa'eel al-Muqaddam, Abdul Mutawaalee ash-Sha'raawee

I recall some of the aboves names mentioned in the series  
"The Historical Development of the Methodologies of al-Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen And Their Effect and Influence Upon Contemporary Salafee Dawah" at

By the way, may Allaah make it easy for the brothers at Spubs to finish the 2 remaining installments...Aameen!!  That series was one of the best things I have read!!!!!!!!!!

Daud Abdullaah

28-01-2004 @ 1:19 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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assalamu alaykum wa rahamtuAllah

Does anyone know anything about a Egyptian speaker named Amr Khalid. When I went to Egypt I realized many people look up to him and speak well of him. He has a show, books, and tapes. I didn't like to hear stuff he said because I had a funny feeling about him and a few people got offended and so asked me to bring them proof if I can. I never heard anything about him or even his name mentioned from the salafees. Does anyone know of him? Jazakum Allahu khayrun. The reason I am asking this is because I don't see his name on Abu Tasneems list!? Barak Allahu feekum.


This message was edited by Umm.Khadeejah on 1-28-04 @ 1:30 AM

29-01-2004 @ 11:44 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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assalamu 'alaikum

he is known to water down islaam and speak without knowledge, There is a tape here in Saudi with Sheikh Saalih Suhaymi and sheikh Faalih al Harbee and others refuting him. Best thing get the tape. Sheikh Saalih Suhaymee calls him Dajjal since he doesn't differentiate between saheeh and da'eef and hence is a story teller bringing from here and there. He is clean shaven and wears and dresses like the non muslims. His da'wah is dangerous since you hear many of his followers say it is not important to grow the beard or follow all the condition for hijaab as long as you have good manners. His followers are not enlightened by knowledge just stories. The sallaf would not listen to story tellers for they add things from themselves.  

Yes your right in Egypt, he is big along with Ali geffry (there is a book by refuting him here either by sheikh Fawzan or just his muqadimmah, can't remember) the Sufi Asharee, and Tariq Swaydan who tries to bring the sunnis and shias together!! Why are these big there because there are no scholars there to refute the likes of these.

Ignorance is widespread in Egypt, i was there recently and it was very sad to see the state of affairs.  

Allaahu musta'aan

قال تعالى:{إنا نحن نزلنا الذكر وإنا له لحافظون}
قال الشيخ السعدي - رحمه الله - في تفسيره (3/31): " فلا يحرف محرف معنى من معانيه( القرآن ) إلا وقيض  الله له من يبين الحق المبين وهذا من أعظم آيات الله ونعمه على عباده المؤمنين".

30-01-2004 @ 3:55 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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wa alaykum salam wa rahmatuAllah wa bariaktu

Jazak Allahu khayr. Yes it is a good idea to get the tape. How and where can I get it from? It is in arabic, right? I doubt they have a translation but I would like to give it to some egyptians in this community so arabic is perfectly fine, inshAllah. The tape would be better for them better than my mentioning something I heard. Barak Allahu feekum salafees!


30-01-2004 @ 5:47 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As-Salaamu alaykoom:

Just to add on, as I am in Egypt.  This man is widely loved among Arabs and his popularity is growing rapidly.  He is considered a Shaykh in Egypt though he has no real qualification. Have U ever seen the Baptist preacher when he starts singing and talking slick to the audience? Well I hate to say it but this guy reminds me of this type of caring on.  He makes these long long extremely long duas that rhyme and so forth with the intention of getting the emotions of the people.  So people start to yell out during his pray ?N3am?, ?Listen to our pray?, ?Allah is great?, ?Help Us?, etc.  Many people in the audience start crying etc.  Then someone comes up and tells his story about how Amr Khalid?s show, books, tapes ? turned his life around from drugs and women etc.  Of course making dua is a desired thing but this yelling and falling out can?t be from the Sunnah. As a result of these displays, he became credited with causing a new generation of 15 and 16 year old girls to wear hijab.  He is very popular with the youth of Egypt.  His talks are pretty much motivational in nature.   If U mention the man in a negative light to any Egyptian (non-Salafy) they are likely to attack you.  

31-01-2004 @ 5:07 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Here is some speech of Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree on 'Amr Khaalid.

Abu 'Abdil-'Azeez al-Misree
أبو عبد العزيز المصري

Attached File' (601 Kbytes)

03-02-2004 @ 3:36 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Could someone post some Aathaar regarding not taking from the storytellers for me? Baarakallaahufeek ya Abdul Ilah, that was an excellent point.

03-02-2004 @ 5:49 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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As Salaam Alaykum,  If one wants to know about Amr Khalid, read to the words translated by Maaz Qureshi (TROID) in a PDF article entitled: Refutations and Issues of Jarh wat Ta'deel.  It is a Q&A with Sheikh Faalih Al-Harbi:

Q: Amr Khalid?

A: This Amr Khalid, this one is confused. He is neither here nor there.  This person has lessons and he has lectures for women and so forth.  He speaks about the seerah (Biography of the Prophet), he speaks like that criminal Taariq As Suwaydaan.  Both of them are from amongst the westerners.  They studied in the west and they came without any knowledge amongst them, nor any intellects, nor any foundations.  So this one is an Ikhwaanee by trade.  And this one-Allaah knows best- what is his origin? He is one who shaves, he is a person dazed and confused.  This is Amr Khalid.

?O you who believe!  If a faasiq (disobedient sinner) comes to you with some news, then verify it.? [Sooratul-Hujuraat 49:6] Wa Alaykum As Salaam Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakatu, Dawud N. Rafeeq

01-11-2008 @ 1:23 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Salam alaikum wa rahmatullaah

I knew Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) for a long time.  I used to attend his lectures for a while in the past.  I had really trusted him, and he cheated me out of thousands of dollars.  Even though I am here in Philly and he is nearby I would never go see him. he just can't be trusted by anyone.

The thing about Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) is that he uses the deen to control people by making them think that if they disagree with his actions or question him, they are sinful and bad Muslims.  I even saw him with my own eyes try to do this using a weak hadeeth (that when he was asked about later admitted it was weak).  He is highly manipulative so be cautious.  He will try to consume your life if you let him.  

He claims he studied under many big alims like ibn Baaz and al-Albaanee.  He says he has ijaaza from these alims but I know someone who Majdy Wardah said was like his son but he never was showed them.  

I sincerely advise those that think very good of him to be careful. If you try to befriend him he will draw you in close and use you.  He wants servants more than students.  

If you are thinking about becoming close to him and are having second thoughts, you should reconsider.  You can even pm about it if you want or think it will help.

02-11-2008 @ 1:13 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Salam alaikum wa rahmatullaah

I wanted to add something else here.  I know many people may come across this site who know Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) already.  i found these posts too while I was still one of his students.  Majdy Wardah will try to discredit people on this forum as extreme salafis or ignorant and not know what the real salafiyyah is.  he did this trick with me   and i fell for it.  His trickery made me ignore these posts and trust him and because of that he was able to cheat me out of thousands of dollars.  Just beware and don‎t ignore these posts just because Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) says people here are ignorant or extreme; some here may be overly critical but this information about Majdy Wardah is true wallahi.  I used to trust Wardah completely and he used me to enrich himself.

I know a brother who left Philly a few years back who got cheated financially by Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة).  The story is really bad from what he told me (i will reconfirm with him then post details inshallah soon).

23-11-2008 @ 1:44 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Salam alaikum wa rahmatullaah

I was able to speak to the brother I mentioned in my previous post and got the details.  This brother used to be very close to Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) and would attend his lectures.  This is how the brother explained the way Majdy Wardah cheated him out of thousands of dollars.  The brother is trustworthy and I saw some of the emails Wardah sent him confirming the debt.

The brother said that once during a lecture, Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) had asked the community for a loan to repair some things in the masjid.  He said that giving him money would be as trustworthy as putting the money in the hands of Allaah (remember this as you read the rest of the story).  So the brother trusted Wardah and called him saying he could lend the masjid $5000.  Wardah said he would call the brother back in a few days about it.  A few days go by and Wardah calls the brother back and says he is getting a good deal on a car and he needed the money that would have gone to the masjid for his car.  He asked the brother to loan him as much money as he could which at the time was most of his savings.  He said he needed the money that day or he would lose the car to someone else.

The same day, the brother meets up with Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) to give him the money ($6000), and he has the car.  When the brother gave him the money, Majdy Wardah made him swear to Allaah not to tell anyone about the loan (very suspicious).  So when the brother sees the car, it has some weird shaking problem.  A few days later, the brother was told that Wardah had to return the car because it was salvage title (which he never mentioned when the brother gave him the loan) and had a bent frame.  So now that the car was returned and the money refunded to Wardah, you would think it would be normal for him to return the money to the brother or use it for the masjid.  Instead what Wardah did was keep it all for himself.  

The brother never brought it up for about a year to Wardah.  In that time, Wardah told him he borrowed money from someone else to buy another new car (when the brother heard this, it was clear to him Wardah was up to no good).  Wardah never would mention the loan or repayment.  Eventually the brother cut off ties with Wardah as he knew Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) could not be trusted and would not repay the money.  The brother contacted Majdy Wardah many times about repayment with little results.  The brother got about $1000 from Wardah, which he admitted borrowing from someone else.  The brother got so sick of him that he even took Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) to court.  The judge ruled in the brother‎s favor and ordered Wardah to repay the money.  Wardah is so shameless that he just ignored the court order and has still refused to pay it back.  It is almost four years now and Majdy Wardah still has not repaid five thousand dollars of the six thousand borrowed.  The only money he repaid he borrowed from someone else so nothing really came out of his pocket.

The brother said to me something that made a lot of sense.  He said that if you can not trust someone regarding matters of this dunyah which are so insignificant and not worth lying over, then how can you trust him concerning things that really matter like Islamic knowledge and deen?.

Brothers and sisters, beware concerning Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة).  He is a swindler and should not be trusted by anyone.  I will warn you with what this brother warned me.  Do not give Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) your money if you ever want to see it again.  He also said not to trust what he says and confirm with the major scholars what you hear from him as he uses weak hadith to manipulate people.

17-02-2009 @ 10:47 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Salam alaikum wa rahmatullaah

I found out some more information about Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) that I thought may benefit the brothers and sisters inshallah.  Majdy Wardah came to the US for extended stays starting in the 1990‎s.  Since arriving the US, Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) has been borrowing large amounts of money from people and never paying it back; the total he has taken is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Recently, I personally spoke to one brother Majdy Wardah got more than $150,000 from.  

In the 1990‎s, he borrowed $24,000 from two brothers in New York.  Until now, he has not repaid it.  One of the brothers is now in the hospital paralyzed due to a stroke, but Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) is still refusing to repay the loan more than a decade later.  The brothers wanted the money back they lent Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) because in case the brother in the hospital dies, his family (including young children) would have something to temporarily fall back on.  Majdy Wardah‎s response to their request to be repaid was to call the police on the brothers (even though one of them was paralyzed).  

Also, Majdy Wardah asked the wife of a brother I know for the brother‎s American Express card so Majdy Wardah could buy ‎groceries‎.  In less than a month, Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) ran up a bill on the card for more than $5000.  He used the brother‎s card to pay for gas for his car, paid his cell phone bills, bought a cell phone, bought a stroller for his daughter, and bought his children shoes among many other things.  However, he told the brother‎s wife it would only be for groceries; however, he primarily used it on himself and on gifts for his family.  In total of the $5000 in charges Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) ran up, less than $500 (and that number is generous) was on groceries.  Before Majdy Wardah went to Egypt in 2008, he promised the brother he would pay all the money back.  However, he only repaid part of it leaving the brother holding the balance.  By the time the brother had paid back the American Express bill, he had less than $100 in his bank account.  

Recently Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) asked a young brother in college for $3600 to pay his rent and car payments.  He claimed he was so poor and needed money.  However, the watch Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) wears costs thousands of dollars.  A brother had given him a $1000 watch as a gift.  Majdy Wardah then turned around and traded that watch in for one that cost more than $4000.  Majdy Wardah also bought himself a rug for his apartment that cost more than $1000.  He buys expensive features including back up sensors for his car among other things.  He does not spend like a man highly in debt.

Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) asks others for money claiming he is so poor. However, he just wants money to spend on himself and to support his extravagant lifestyle.  

Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) also insults the people of knowledge and has in the past insulted the people of knowledge including a major Salafi Shaykh that passed away in early 2008.  If anyone criticizes the sins Majdy Wardah does, Majdy Wardah calls that person a faasiq.  Brothers and sisters, have no doubt Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) is the faasiq.

I even have the police report Majdy Wardah (مجدي  وردة) filed against the brothers. I will send a copy of it if you want to see the truth inshallah.  You would need to just pm me your email address.

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