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09-08-2003 @ 6:35 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 140
Joined: Sep 2002
Sign-Up Your Monthly Contribution, New Centre Soon (insha'Allaah)    Date Published: 05.08.03
We are pleased to announce that the Da'wah Centre in Toronto is ready to move to a much larger facility, through Allaah's aid alone. A few years ago, an initiative was taken to began a 'direct-withdrawal' donation list. A subscription-based monthly donation, subtracting directly from the holder's bank account. This programme enabled the da'wah centre to receive donations without exhausting human and financial resources to collect money monthly and it made easy, the process for the donor, who would be able to give sadaaqah regularly without so much as writing a cheque. Through much effort, slowly but surely, by the grace of Allaah, the programme has expanded throughout the local community in Toronto, however, there is much more work to be done.

International Support For The Da'wah Centre

Last year, a second initiative was implement by way of 'PayPal Payment Subscriptions'. A method whereby the subscriber enters his/her credit card/debit card information and selects a desired amount (see This plan adds the support of the international salafee community. It is this plan that we would like to introduce to the noble brothers and sisters who subscribe to the e-group. We Kindly remind our brothers and sisters that it is your support (by the help of Allaah) that funds all the local and international da'wah projects. The Da'wah Centre is a 100% non-profit organisation with no paid employees. Every cent of your support aids projects such as (+ another new Islaamic site in the works)

The da'wah centre

TROID Publications (The various books published by the centre and internationally distributed)

Books, tapes and CDs (The storage, sale, cataloguing, printing, packaging and maintenance)

The Classes (see

The Islaamic Library

Islaamic Seminars (such as the recent seminar, 'There is nothing stranger than the Sunnah'

Free da'wah material

Periodical Knowledge days (such as the recent weekend of Ilm with Abul-Hasan Maalik)

Computer and Audio Equipment

Most Importantly, the goal of establishing, 'Masjid as-Salafiyyah' in Toronto, Canada

A Larger Location on the Horizon, insha'Allaah

The Da'wah Centre is currently looking for a larger location, approximately four or five times the size of the current location to facilitate the needs of a growing community and growing da'wah projects. We hope to move within the next few months.

Support the aforementioned projects and be one, who even from a distance, has aided in the spread of Islaam to the non-Muslims and aided the spread of the salafiyyah, the da'wah of ahlus-sunnah to the Muslims. We kindly ask our noble brothers and sisters to review the methods of support below and to pledge that which is easy for us, and insha'Allaah, a great deed in this life and in the hereafter. Be one who has lent his/her support to the articles and audio cassettes which appear online, which brings the speech of ahlul-ilm to the masses, be from those who aid the publishing of books, CDs and tapes which reach one land to another, be from those who aid in the establishment of the house of Allaah, calling to none other than the da'wah of the anbiyyah, the da'wah of Allaah, the da'watul-haqq. For if we look at the amount of noble brothers and sisters, from the local and international community, we would find that it isn't huge sums of money that our needed but rather $5 or $10 from each on a monthly commitment (ex. $5 * 1000 of the 1726 subscribers to the e-group = $5000 a month, enough to run a masjid, all of the aforementioned projects and perhaps a small school). For less than the cost of fast-food meal (which most of us enjoy more than once in a month), we can aid a multitude of projects all linked to one goal; pleasing Allaah, the All-Mighty, hoping from the rahmah of Allaah, the jannah in the hereafter.

Allaah, the Masjestic has stated,

?And whatsoever you spend of anything (in the cause of Allaah), He will replace it. He is the Best of those who grants sustenance.? [Soorah Saba? 34:39]

?And those who give that (their charity) which they give (and also do other good deeds) with their hearts full of fear (whether their alms and charities, etc., have been accepted or not), because they are sure to return to their Lord (for reckoning).? [Sooratul-Mu?minoon 23:60]

We ask our noble brothers and sisters to review the information below, the various methods of support and to offer your support and most importantly, your du'aa, which is the most valuable of all.

Jazaakum Allaahu Khair...

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