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» Is The Gambia Safe for Salafis
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08-08-2003 @ 6:22 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 78
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We should really consult the 'Ulamaa before going anywhere.  

Many have put lots of effort, money, and time into going to countries that where there is no student, where the manhaj is weak, or those once considered trustworthy have been exposed so once again they find themselves making "hijrah" to another location after having spent thousands.

So rather than go through that, why not consult the people of knowledge as commanded by Allaah on which is the best place for the SALAFEE to make hijrah to before undertaking such a task.

After asking Shaykh Fawzee this question he said that the Gulf is the best place and more specifically Saudi.

Granted, some people cannot get into the Kingdom so in light of that we should seek further info on what is the next best alternative.

Aboo Abdillaah Umar

أذا اشتد صيف الحزبيين , وشتاء القطبيين , وخريف السروريين , فاعلم أن الأمة بحاجة إلى ربيع السنة و الدين

10-08-2003 @ 2:55 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 36
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The brother currently based in The Gambia, Abul Laith Yahyaa has responded with the following:

Baarakallahu feekum. Indeed benefits do remind the believers. Allah has commanded us, saying:

"So ask those who know, if you know not" [Soorah an-Nahl:43]

Regarding an issue such as Hijrah, we therefore conform with this principle and seek the advice of our kibaar `ulemaa'. We all agree and acknowledge this position. Illusrtating this, we can quote one of our posts in the Forum - Muhaajir - dated July 24th 2003.

"[2]Disclaimer: We are not calling upon anyone to make Hijrah to the
lands in Africa. Rather, our resolute position is that such matters
of importance should be referred to the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah wal
Jamaa`ah. We are merely providing the information that could then be
relayed to the `ulemaa by the potential Muhaajir, and with which they
might base their words of advice upon."  you can find this under the link:

When we began calling to the Da`watus Salafiyyah here in The Gambia our objective was to:

"Daarul Athaar Gambia has been established for the sole purpose of calling the Muslims dwelling within the West African region to the pure Islaam that the Salaf were upon. We should desire to spread this truth as far and as wide as Allah has ordained for us, for verily Indeed Allah has set a measure for all things . And it is for this premise that we appeal for the support of our brothers in faith and methodology. We need your help. For the sake of Allah, please aid us so that we may become as our Lord has described: You are the best nation who have come out to the people, you enjoin the good and forbid the evil and you believe in Allah . "

find this at the link -

Regarding Hijrah, then I can honestly say that at the initial stage the issue was subsdiary. As such, it was the last point on our list of objectives.

"To cooperate with all those who traverse upon this methodology, whether they are nationals or are from abroad, welcoming and aiding those who intend to make Hijrah to this land."  

view the page at -

As our efforts progressed, it coincided with increasing interest from brothers residing in UK and US in particular regarding the prospect of the Gambia being a potential Hijrah destination. We subsequently found ourselves responding to enquiries sent to our mail box regarding settling, studying and working in The Gambia.

This went alongside our da`wah efforts. As such we held regular classes on `aqeedah and tajweed.

In all honestly, there have been times when we felt that we needed aid and support from our fellow Salafee brothers whom like us were living in The West practicing their deen and were looking to make Hijrah. We therefore conceived that had some du`aat or tullaab migrated with their families here it would have been indeed truly beneficial in propagating what little we had tried to teach the people.

Close evaluation of our communications suggest that it was along these lines that certain misrepresentaton could have arisen regarding our objectives. As such was the article "A Salafee Community" that was put up on our website:

"So far all of what has been mentioned here is a mere vision, an invitation to those who are Salafee and are considering the Gambia as a destination for Hijrah. The vision by the permission of Allah shall be realised when the brothers and sisters take it upon themselves to invest and definitely sacrifice the standards of living that the West offers and bid for a place which will ensure them success in their dunyaa as well as their aakirah."

Find at -

This led to some unavoidably holding the view that we were some type of Hijrah project since we had explicitly mentioned that we were inviting those who were Salafee and considered West Africa as a potential destination. In light of this, we make a clarification that this is indeed questionable for we do not reserve the right to call anyone to come and sit with us and study any Science of the deen with us.

Furthermore, we benefitted from the following example. This is an extract from a post in the Muhaajir Forum:

"In any and every situation concerning hijrah and studying in the lands of the Muslims, it is incumbent upon you, Yaa Salafy, to contact the ?Ulama as we turn to them for naseehah in matters in which we have no knowledge. It has become known to the people that the Salafiyyoon already in Egypt have been coming together for the purpose of seeking the Face of Allah. My family and myself are making it clear that no one (including my family and myself) is calling anyone to come to Egypt to study or to make hijrah. And we are not saying that anyone should even come to Egypt at all. All questions of this matter should be turned towards the ?Ulama as they are the most knowledgeable amongst us. We rely upon them and their statements and naseehah are what should be followed. We are calling the people to the Kibaar al- ?Ulama not to places or individuals."

Link -

And then:

"The staff of Mersa Matruh Development Company contacted Shaykh Ubayd Al-Jaabiree with questions regarding the development of a community in Mersa Matruh, Egypt.  

Here are the Shaykh's responses:

1. Concerning the hijrah to Egypt:

"First of all, the Shaykh said the hijrah is waajib.  He stated that Egypt is better than America, but he advised the people to go to Yemen or the Emirates; these places are better.  As for the people who have already committed themselves to the land and building, then the Shaykh said it is ok for them to continue in their affairs."

Read at -

With these "wake-up" posts, I personally realised the need to make our objectives clear so that the intent of our call is made manifest. Therefore, i made sure that future correspondence involving Daarul Athaar clearly featured this. And thus, we adviced the people to refer to ahlul `ilm and seek their advice regarding where the most suitable places are for Hijrah.

And we continue to do so. For this is deen. Allah said: "And do not follow your desire for it will mislead you from the path of Allah".

We apologise to our brothers and sisters for any confusion caused.

Abul Laith Yahyaa ibn Muhammad

(Narrated From Awn Ibn Abdullah who said: "I said to Umar ibn Abdul Azeez it is stated:

"If you are able, be a scholar and if you cannot be a scholar then be a student of knowledge and if you cannot be a student then love the students, and if you cannot love them then do not hate them.?

So he said: ?Subhanallah Allah has made a way out for him (ie the one who said it)

(Kitaabul Ilm Al Hafidh abu Khathaima Zuhair ibn Harb an nasaaee) 1st Narration

This message was edited by Yusef.Magribi on 8-12-03 @ 12:41 PM

12-08-2003 @ 2:29 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 36
Joined: Apr 2003
Regarding the Question: "Is The Gambia safe for Salafis", here is the response from Abil Laith Yahyaa, who is actually a Gambian by origin.

As salaamu alaikum warahmatullah:

If what is intended by ?safe? is that ? one can implement his deen without restriction and that he can cultivate his children in a safe environment  and that he can seek the halaal thereby bringing provision home ? then biithnillah, the Gambia is safe.

The Gambia has lived through lengthy spells of political stability since independence in 1965 from Britain, despite a military coup in 1994. Gambia?s elected head of state, Daawood Jawara who had led the country since independence was overthrown by the coup spearheaded by Yahyaa Jammeh ? the current ruler.

Constitutional rule was restored 2 years after the coup that saw the military leader Jammeh stand as a candidate running for presidency under the general elections. At the age of 36, Jammeh won a second term in office after the country undertook another round of presidential and legislative elections in October 2001. The elections earned the approval of foreign observers.

The Gambia has neither been involved in any International disputes nor has it gone through any Civil War since Independence. Reflecting its repute for peace and stability is the fact that The Gambia serves as a haven for countless of refuges who have fled the war-torn countries of Sierra Leone and Liberia.

However, if we mean by the word ?safe? ? that a brother [Salafee] will never stand the chance of being verbally threatened for little more than refuting the falsehood and raising thereby the haqq and for debasing the people of innovation with hujjah leaving them flabbergasted in their shackles of hawaa. Or that when we say ?safe? ? that it bears the connotation that the Sunni can tread the earth in humility and sedateness, without the Ignorant staring at him, or pointing at him as if he were a stranger. If this is what we mean, then No. The Gambia is not a safe place for the Salafee.

And inshaallah we shall try and contact the `ulemaa regarding our condition here in The Gambia.

(Narrated From Awn Ibn Abdullah who said: "I said to Umar ibn Abdul Azeez it is stated:

"If you are able, be a scholar and if you cannot be a scholar then be a student of knowledge and if you cannot be a student then love the students, and if you cannot love them then do not hate them.?

So he said: ?Subhanallah Allah has made a way out for him (ie the one who said it)

(Kitaabul Ilm Al Hafidh abu Khathaima Zuhair ibn Harb an nasaaee) 1st Narration

This message was edited by Yusef.Magribi on 8-12-03 @ 12:34 PM

12-08-2003 @ 12:47 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 18
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as salamu alaykum wa rahmut allhi wa barakatahu

May I ask who from the ulema is advice been sought from regarding the situation over there, and who has the link with the ulema.

ma salama

13-08-2003 @ 4:10 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 36
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As salaamu alaikum:

Inshaallah one of the brothers amongst us shall be starting his course with the Islamic University of Madiinah in a few weeks time. His name is Yahyaa Barry - may Allah preserve him. He will serve as our link to the scholars over there in Saudi. The likes of Shaykh Saalih al Fawzaan, Shaykh Ahmad ibn Yahyaa an-Najmee, Shaykh Muhammad al Banna, Shaykh `Abdul Muhsin al `Abbaad and Shaykh Rabee` ibn Haadee al Madkhalee.

Whilst there, he will also do his best to raise funds for our efforts in The Gambia by way of appeals for donations since we are in dire need of financial support.

Baarakallahu feekum

(Narrated From Awn Ibn Abdullah who said: "I said to Umar ibn Abdul Azeez it is stated:

"If you are able, be a scholar and if you cannot be a scholar then be a student of knowledge and if you cannot be a student then love the students, and if you cann

13-08-2003 @ 6:55 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 18
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as salamu alaykum wa rahmutallahi wa barakatahu

ok jazak allahu khiar

Good to know you are making a link to the ulema just a few points to make :
1.  Who HAS been your link to ulema over there.

2.  Al hamdulillah we know of the brothers in the university such as abu hakeem bilal davis who are well known for salafiyah with the ulema and the ikwaa in the UK and who already have a link with the ulema. These brothers would be the best choice to approach with this project considering also the fact that if the brother yahya is going to start the madinah course how is his arabic going to be sufficient to ask questions to the ulema especially concerning the greatest of affairs that being dawah in a country.

3.  Who is yahya barry? is he known for salafiyyah? Do you have any references for the brother?

4.  Is this project the one that was being done by some brothers in brixton masjid, kamal ud deen, isma'eel hamza etc.

may allah aid the dawah in the gambia
wa salamu alaykum warhmutallahi wa barakatahu  


13-08-2003 @ 10:45 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Alhamdulillah. We know of some of the students with the Jaami`ah, among them, the brother Aboo Hakeem Bilaal Davies. In fact we have contacted him on 3 seperate occasions requesting from him that he take some of the questions relating to our condition in The Gambia to the `ulemaa. We d specifically highlighted that he ask Shaykh Rabee and Shaykh `Ubayd. Likewise we d contacted the brother Abul `Abbaas Moosa based at Ummul Qura asking him to arrange for us a short advice session with one of the `Ulemaa through Paltalk - although this initiative unfortunately could not be fulfillled.

Daarul Athaar has liaized with the SPUBs brothers on more than a few occassions now wal hamdulillah. The brother Aboo Khadeejah has delivered a mini-series of talks for us on tawheed and Sunnah for the benefit of our Gambian brothers via Paltalk. Besides him, we can also mention the brothers Hasan as-Somaalee, Abul Hasan Maalik and Aboo `Iyaad who had been invited by us to stage an online seminar. Due to time limitation however, the brother Aboo `Iyaad was not able to deliver his lecture.

As for the mention of our brother Yahyaa, the intention was to remove any ambiguity therewith. We neither claim him to be our Shaykh nor do we raise him inorder that the people refer back to him and listen to his judgement in the affairs of deen. What we can surely state about him is that he is Salafee, bithnillah and that he adheres to the madhab of the Salaf.

And regarding the Brixton brothers whom you have mentioned, then their Initiative is the Aslim Project. They are working towards establishing a community in the rural parts of the country with the intention of inviting one of the senior tullaab or someone close to this over to be their Imaam. So this inshaallah should make it clear that our Initiative is distict from theirs. May Allah establish them firmly upon the way of the Salaf.

Indeed may Allah establish us all upon this way.

(Narrated From Awn Ibn Abdullah who said: "I said to Umar ibn Abdul Azeez it is stated:

"If you are able, be a scholar and if you cannot be a scholar then be a student of knowledge and if you cannot be a student then love the students, and if you cann

This message was edited by Yusef.Magribi on 8-13-03 @ 11:11 PM

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