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» Issues on Hijrah and working on a contractual basis
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Posted By Topic: Issues on Hijrah and working on a contractual basis

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04-07-2003 @ 2:32 AM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 27
Joined: Sep 2002
Assalaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullaah,

In some countries like KSA, no matter how many contract extensions one may get from one?s employer, the age limit (60) will definitely put an end to any professional activity undertaken therein.

So, our questions are :

1) Is it considered Hijrah if one moves to a Muslim country and work there on a contractual basis (say on a 2-year contract), knowing that the contract may or may not be extended ?

2) What should be the correct Niyyat of the one moving to Dar-ul-Islaam, under such conditions (2-year contract) ?

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