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» How much authority does the wali yield?
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Posted By Topic: How much authority does the wali yield?

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21-05-2003 @ 8:28 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 19
Joined: Dec 2002
As salaamu alaikum wa rahamtulah

If someone can assist with this situation. The sister needs a quick reply insha'allah.

A muslimah has had several inquiries for marriage. However her wali has only only informed her of one prospect, with whom she has had one sit-down. She was told via other sources that several brothers have contacted her wali directly, but he has not shared that information, nor has he returned any of the brothers phone calls.

The questions are as follows:

1. Is it obligatory for the wali to make his charge aware of ALL who are inquiring?

2. Can the sister have a sit-down with more then one person, if she has not yet been proposed too?

The sister wants to do things according the Quran & Sunnah, but is unsure of the islamic ettiquetes when more then one man is seeking to marry her.

jazakallahu khair

'Uthmaan Ibn Haadir said, ?I said to ?Abdullaah Ibn ?Abbaas, ?Advise me.? He said, ?It is upon you to be upright, and follow the first affair (the way of the Prophet and his Companions), and do not innovate.

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