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19-05-2003 @ 3:29 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 259
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As-Salaamu' Alaikum wa'Rahman tu'Llahi wa berta khatu jami'aan as-salafiyoon,

What is found in the Qu'ran and Sunnah concerning them and their lifetime? You find the palientologists saying that they've been dead for millions and billions and trillions of years and we know this not to be true. What dhaleel do we have to refute their false claims concerning these creations of The Creator?

Baarak-Allaahu Feekum - wa sal-Allaahu wa-sallam 'alaa Nabiyyinaa Muhammad,
was-Salaam 'alaykum wa-Rahmatullaahe wa-Barakaatuh.

Abu' Salafia'tayn Faruq Al-Fauzani Rabee'us-Sunnah As-Salafi 'ibn Saja Huie As-Salafiyyah
-From As-Salafiyoon in Columbus-

20-05-2003 @ 8:02 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Wa-alaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,
"You find the palientologists saying that they've been dead for millions and billions and trillions of years and we know this not to be true". Something must have escaped me, but what exactly do `we' know not to be true and more importantly based upon what evidence do `we' know it not to be true. Jazak Allahu Khairan.
Abu Hamza Ya'qub Gungadoo
20-05-2003 @ 6:48 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 259
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As-Salaamu' Alaikum wa' Rahman tu'Llahi wa'berta khatu,

Based on the lives of our prophets and messengers, for example Moosa alayhis-salaam, of 950 years, the prophets prior, Ibrahim alayhis-salaam, how could they have been alive millions and billions and trillions of years ago, unless they were alive before Adam alayhe'salaatu'wa salaam, and Allah knows best. This is the claim of the palientologists and those who believe in the theory of evolution. This is the root of my question. Is there anything in the legislation concerning their life span, ayats were Allah spoke of their exhistence? I've heard that Allah created communities before mankind, and that they wreaked havoc in the earth so Allah replaced them. I was wondering maybe if on of these communities may have been the dinosaurs? I have no dhaleel for the communities before mankind, though so I am searching for it.

I hope that my question is clear be'ithni'Llah.

Baarak-Allaahu Feekum - wa sal-Allaahu wa-sallam 'alaa Nabiyyinaa Muhammad,
was-Salaam 'alaykum wa-Rahmatullaahe wa-Barakaatuh.

Abu' Salafia'tayn Faruq Al-Fauzani Rabee'us-Sunnah As-Salafi 'ibn Saja Huie As-Salafiyyah
-From As-Salafiyoon in Columbus-

20-05-2003 @ 8:40 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 204
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This thread is being closed, since matters in which the Qur'aan and the Sunnah have not spoken about should not be open to discussion in this manner - and because it does not affect any of us whether these creatures lived 1 million years ago, or 100 million years ago, or 100,000 years ago. It will not affect whether you go to Paradise or Hellfire. Hence, a person should concern himself with what will benefit him.

As for their existence, then the physical evidence of their bones and remains is to be found. So we can say that creatures of that nature existed. As for debating as to when they lived and for how long and whether the Kuffar are correct in what they assert and so on, this should not concern us, and it is not beneficial knowledge.

Allaah knows best.

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