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05-05-2003 @ 7:29 PM    Notify Admin about this post
Posts: 43
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Assalamlikum wa rahmatullah wa barakahtuhu

Can anyone enlighten me on this hadith. Is it a hadith? If so then is it  an authentic hadith? If it is, then where can I find it's reference? It is specific to the Rafida.

" A sect is going to emerge who will be  known by a bad connotation. They will be called the Rafida. They will come neither on Friday nor in the congregational prayers. They will vilify the first generation ( of Ummah). You should neither keep their company nor dine with them, nor have matrimonial relationship  with them. If they fall ill do not go to  greet them and if they die do not participate in their funeral prayers."

I hope that someone can clarify this for me.
JazakhAllah Khair
Abu Dawood Humza As Salafee

05-05-2003 @ 11:15 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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wa 'alaykumus-salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

I used my computer to do a database search of Shaikh al-Albaanee's books and found that he graded all the different versions of this hadeeth unauthentic. It has different wordings and it has been attributed to the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam), but not with any authentic Isnaad and Allaah knows best. See the following sources:

كانت ليلتي و كان رسول الله عندي فجاءت إلي فاطمة مسلمة فتبعها علي فرفع رسول الله رأسه فقال: أبشر يا علي أنت و أصحابك في الجنة إلا إن ممن يزعم أنه يحبك قوم يرفضون الإسلام يلفظونه يقال لهم الرافضة فإذا التقيتهم فجاهدهم فإنهم مشركون قلت يا رسول الله ما العلامة فيهم ؟ قال لا يشهدون جمعة و لا جماعة و يطعنون على السلف

كتاب السنة no. 980 إسناده ضعيف جداً

"It was my night and the Messenger of Allaah was with me, so Faatimah came to me greeting me and 'Ali was following her. So the Messenger of Allaah lifted his head and said: 'Glad tidings to you O 'Ali. You and your companions will be in Paradise, except that from those who will claim to love you are a people who will refuse Islaam, though they will profess it. They will be called Ar-Raafidhah. So if you meet them, make Jihaad against them, for verily they are Mushrikoon (polythiests).' I said, 'O Messenger of Allaah, what will be their sign?' He said, 'They will not attend the Jumu'ah (prayer), nor the Jamaa'ah (congregation) and they will revile the Salaf (predecessors)." (Reported in Kitaab us-Sunnah, no. 980, and Al-Albaanee said about it that it's Isnaad is extremely weak.)

This is simply one example.

Also see Kitaab us-Sunnah, no. 981, which is shorter but with similar wording and Al-Albaanee said about it, إسناده ضعيف, it's Isnaad is weak.

also see nos. 974, 978 and 979 from Kitaab us-Sunnah which are similar narrations specifically mentioning the Raafidhah but Al-Albaanee said about each of them إسناده ضعيف, it's Isnaad is weak.

Hopefully this helps you akhee.

Baarkallaahu feek

was-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

قال الشيخ ابن باز الطائفة المنصورة هي الفرقة الناجية هما واحدة هم أهل السنة و الجماعة و هم السلفيون

06-05-2003 @ 3:41 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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Assalamlikum wa rahmatullah wa barakahtuhu

I would like to know how you used your computer as a database to search shaykh albani's (rahum allah) books.? Is there somewhere i can download this information from or program from... This information would be very bbenificial.

                                           جزاك اللة خيرا
                                                       ابو احمد

06-05-2003 @ 1:43 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Was Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

This hadith was actually mentioned by Shaikh Ubayd al-Jabiree (hafidhaullah) in 'the Crime of tamyee on the salafi manhaj' series, found at, it's quite obvious that the hadith is sahih accordong to Shaikh Ubayd. Unfortunately I haven't got the time to find out which part of the series it is (I've got to go to work in 35 minutes!).  I would suggest you go and read that series and you will find it, Insha Allah.

This message was edited by ekbal.hussain on 5-6-03 @ 1:51 PM

06-05-2003 @ 4:21 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Salaamun 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah,

This is not a refutation of what Shaikh Ubayd might have said, and I will go to the link of our noble brothers at SPUBS to see which version of this narration Shaikh Ubayd quoting from, hafidhahullaah.

However, below is what Al-Imaam Al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah) said in his checking of Kitaab us-Sunnah of Al-Haafidh Aboo Bakr 'Amr bin Abee 'Aasim, regarding these hadeeths and their problems.

no. 978 (matn)
"There will be people who will be called Ar-Raafidhah, they will refuse Islaam."

Albaanee's notes Regarding hadeeth no. 978
It's isnaad is weak (Dha'eef). Yahyaa bin Al-Mutawakkil and his Shaikh, Katheer, who is Ibn Ismaa'eel Aboo Ismaa'eel An-Nawwaa', both of them are weak. And Adh-Dhahabee brought this hadeeth regarding that which he rejected from An-Nawwaa'.

And the hadeeth was recorded by 'Abdullaah bin Ahmad in "Zawaa'id ul-Musnad" (1/103) from two other routes of transmission both from Yahyaa (this same weak person).

Al-Haythamee said (10/22): "Abdullaah and Al-Bazaar both reported it, and it contains Katheer bin Ismaa'eel An-Nawwaa', and he is weak."

Hadeeth no. 979 (matn)
"There will come after me people who will have a nickname; they will be called Ar-Raafidhah. So if you meet them, then kill them, for verily they are Mushrikoon." I (the narrator 'Alee) said: "O Messenger of Allaah, what will be the sign in them?" He said: "They will attribute to you that which is not in you, and they will revile my companions and curse them."

Albaanee's notes regarding this no. 979
It's Isnaad is weak, and all of it's men (narrators) are reliable except for Muhammad bin As'ad at-Taghlabee. Aboo Zar'ah said (about him), "He is rejected in hadeeth."

Hadeeth no. 980 (matn)
The narrator is the wife of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam), Umm Salamah. and it is the same narration that I mentioned by way of example in my initial reply.

"It was my night and the Messenger of Allaah was with me, so Faatimah came to me greeting me and 'Ali was following her. So the Messenger of Allaah lifted his head and said: 'Glad tidings to you O 'Ali. You and your companions will be in Paradise, except that from those who will claim to love you are a people who will refuse Islaam, though they will profess it. They will be called Ar-Raafidhah. So if you meet them, make Jihaad against them, for verily they are Mushrikoon (polythiests).' I said, 'O Messenger of Allaah, what will be their sign?' He said, 'They will not attend the Jumu'ah (prayer), nor the Jamaa'ah (congregation) and they will revile the Salaf (predecessors)."

Albaanee's notes regarding this no. 980
It's isnaad is extremely weak. The problem in it is Sawwaar bin Mus'ab. Al-Bukhaaree said: "He is rejected in hadeeth" (Munkar). An-Nasaa'ee and others said: "He is abandoned." (Matrook)

And Bakr bin Khunays is weak (Dha'eef). However, indeed he has been followed (in what he narrated) by those similar to him (in weakness), as will be (mentioned) in what is coming.

And the hadeeth was recorded by Al-Khateeb in "At-Taareekh" (12/358) by route of Al-Fadhl bin Ghaanim (and it's isnaad contains): "And Sawwaar bin Mus'ab narrated it to us and his version is more complete."

And this Al-Fadhl is weak (Dha'eef), just as Al-Khateeb said. And At-Tabaraanee reported it by way of him in "Al-Awsat" as is mentioned in "Majma' uz-Zawaa'id" (10/22). The hadeeth was also brought by Ash-Shawkaanee in Al-Ahaadeeth Al-Mawdhoo'ah, pg.381.

Hadeeth no. 981 (matn)
From Ibn 'Abbaas (radhiyallaahu 'anhumaa)
"There will be at the end of time a group of people who have the nickname Ar-Raafidhah. They will refuse Islaam, though they will profess it (with their mouths). So kill them, for verily they are Mushrikoon."

Albaanee's notes regarding no. 981
It's isnaad is weak (Dha'eef). Al-Hajjaaj bin Tameem is weak.

And 'Imraan bin Zayd, he is At-Taghlabee, just as is mentioned in "At-Taqreeb". (Muhammad bin As'ad mentioned above.)

The rest of it's men (i.e. narrators) are reliable, and the narrators of Muslim (i.e. the famous muhaddith, al-Imaam Muslim). And Ismaa'eel bin Saalim he is As-Saa'igh Al-Baghdaadee.

And the hadeeth was recorded by Aboo Ya'laa (2/673) by another route of transmission from 'Imraan bin Zayd with it (the same narration). Al-Haythamee said (10/22):
"It was reported by Aboo Ya'laa, Al-Bazzaar, At-Tabaraanee, and its men have been declared reliable, even though there is some difference about some of them (i.e. regarding their reliablity).

Then he brought it with another wording from him (i.e. the matn): "O 'Alee! There will be in my Ummah some people who will claim love of Ahlul-Bayt (the Prophet's family). They will have a nickname. They will be called Ar-Raafidhah. Kill them, for verily they are Mushrikoon."
And he (Al-Haythamee) said: "At-Tabaraanee reported it, and it's isnaad is Hasan."

So this is what Al-Albaanee said in discussing this narration. It seems that he graded all of them weak and one, 981 that seems to be the one our brother referred to initially in his post, as extremely weak (Dha'eef Jiddan). Albaanee mentions that Al-Haythamee said that one of the narrations is Hasan (good), but Al-Albaanee disagreed because he graded it weak in the outset of his discussion.

Allaah knows best. If Shaikh Ubayd (hafidhahullaah) considers it authentic, that's good to know. Especially if he brings some other version of it that Al-Albaanee did not mention or some Ziyaadatul-'Ilm regarding its isnaad.

Jazaakumullaahu khayran brothers

was-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

قال الشيخ ابن باز الطائفة المنصورة هي الفرقة الناجية هما واحدة هم أهل السنة و الجماعة و هم السلفيون

06-05-2003 @ 4:29 PM    Notify Admin about this post
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Salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullaah

I looked in Al-Fawaa'id ul-Majmoo'ah fil-Ahaadeeth il-Mawdhoo'ah of Al-Imaam Ash-Shawkaanee which is basically his collection of hadeeths that he considered fabrications (mawdhoo'aat). I looked at the page that Al-Albaanee referenced in his notes to hadeeth no. 980 (pg. 381) and I found the following:

Hadeeth no. 88
That he sallallaahu 'alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam said to 'Alee: "You and your companions will be in Al-Jannah (paradise). You and your Shee'ah (party) will be in Al-Jannah. Verily, from those who love you will be people who describe Islaam with their tongues, and they will recite the Qur'aan and it will not go past their throats. They will have a nickname. They will be called Ar-Raafidhah. So if you meet them, then make Jihaad against them, for verily they are Mushrikoon." They said: "O Messenger of Allaah, what will be the sign of that?" He said: "They will leave of the Jumu'ah (Friday prayer), and the Jamaa'ah (congregation), and they will revile the first Salaf (predecessors)."

Ash-Shawkaanee said: "Al-Khateeb reported it from Umm Salamah marfoo' (i.e. she attributed it to the Prophet - sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam). And in its Isnaad is Sawwaar bin Mus'ab, and he is Matrook (abandoned)."

قال الشيخ ابن باز الطائفة المنصورة هي الفرقة الناجية هما واحدة هم أهل السنة و الجماعة و هم السلفيون

09-05-2003 @ 3:19 AM    Notify Admin about this post
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As sallam ualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatahu

Jazakallakhair ya akhu kareem Aqeel

This also confirms what our beloved sheikh, Sheikh Rabee said in one of his lessons on Kitab-Shareeah of Al-Aaajuree about a month or so ago. I wrote a question to him at the end of the lesson asking whether the Rawaafid were mentioned in the ahaadeeth as the Qadariyya and Murjia were. The sheikh replied that all the narrations about the rawaafid were not authentic.

Abu Yusuf

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